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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 132
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#132 “Even if it’s the Last Thing I Do in this World.”
Alexander had reached the designated meeting place, the weight of the suitcase containing the ransom money making his palms
sweaty. Gripping it so tightly that his knuckles turned white, determination etched across his face, he was resolved to leave with
Sophia unharmed.
The sight of a dilapidated building in the middle of the desert didn’t surprise him; it fit the cliché of an abandoned warehouse. A
wry smile played on Alexander’s lips as he approached the ominous structure with decisive steps.
Two guards stationed at the entrance greeted him, weapons raised in suspicion. Alexander, fully aware of the tense situation,
raised his hands in surrender, a gesture signaling he posed no threat.
“Who are you?” the first guard barked.
“I’m Sandro’s man. I’ve come to pay what’s necessary to free Sophia,” Alexander declared.
“Stand still,” the guards commanded in unison, their weapons still trained on him. A radio call was made to their boss, informing
him of Sandro’s representative.
“Who is there? Where’s Sandro Vitali?” their boss roared through the radio.
“Sandro sent me. I have what you need, “Alexander responded, shaking the briefcase for emphasis.
An excruciatingly long minute passed before Dante, the ominous figure in charge, emerged from the entrance, his gun ominously
“Why didn’t Vitali come and do his dirty work himself?” Dante shouted. Alexander, maintaining his composure, replied, “What
does it matter? I’m carrying the money, right?”
“Drop the suitcase and take a few steps back,” Dante ordered, his tone leaving no room for negotiation.
Alexander complied, carefully placing the suitcase on the ground and taking measured steps backward. The impact caused the
briefcase to spring open, revealing the stacks of cash inside. Dante’s face lit up with a sinister smile upon seeing the money.

“Count them,” Dante commanded, closing the distance between them with a menacing stride. The tension in the air thickened as
Alexander braced himself for the next critical moments.
The stale air hung heavy in the abandoned warehouse as the gang scrutinized the ransom money. They ushered Alexander in
as they counted the money. There was nothing in the room but a table and a lamp that barely illuminated the room.
While the men were counting Dante kept his gun pointed at Alexander.

“Boss, they’re two million less,” announces one of the gang members. Dante’s expectations weren’t met, and frustration etched
deep lines on his face.
“This ain’t enough! Sandro’s playing games!” Dante snarled, the disappointment palpable in his voice. Alexander, standing at a
distance, held his breath, acutely aware that the situation was teetering on the edge. He took a step forward, his eyes locked on
“Listen, we can sort this out. How about you confirm Sophia’s safety first? I’ll transfer the remaining amount directly to your
account once I know she’s okay,” Alexander proposed, trying to inject reason into the escalating chaos.
The gang members exchanged dubious glances, suspicion festering like a poisonous seed. They huddled in a tense discussion,
their low murmurs echoing in the cavernous room.
“You’re trying to pull a fast one on us, aren’t you?” accused one of the gang members, eyeing Alexander with distrust.
“No, I swear. I just want to ensure Sophia’s safety. I’m not here to mess around,” Alexander pleaded, frustration bubbling beneath
his controlled exterior.

Dante, seemingly unswayed, shot a piercing look at Alexander. “Transfer them to our account? What do you think I am, an idiot?
The money for such transactions is cash only. How do you think such a transaction would look in the eyes of the IRS? You might
be a spy sent by Sandro or the damn police.”
Alexander, now facing an escalating crisis, attempted to defuse the mounting suspicion. “I’m not a spy! I’m just trying to get
Sophia back. We can figure out the money later.”
Despite his earnest explanations, doubt lingered in the gang’s eyes. In a swift and unexpected move, they pounced on
Alexander, overpowering him. Ropes materialized from nowhere, and soon, Alexander found himself bound, his movements
“I don’t like snitches at all. And if you want to see Sophia so much, we will take you to her especially,” Dante declared, a cruel
smirk playing on his lips.
The cold, hard ground met Alexander as he was unceremoniously forced to sit, his predicament echoing the grim reality of the
In the dimly lit room, Sophia strained to hear the commotion outside, her worry escalating with every distant sound. Her attempts
to maintain calmness seemed futile as uncertainty gnawed at her.
Suddenly, the door swung open, and a figure was pushed into the room. Sophia squinted in the dim light, disbelief washing over
her as the familiar face became clear. It was Alexander. A whirlwind of emotions engulfed her – surprise, confusion, and a flood

of questions bubbling within her.
“Alexander?” Sophia exclaimed, her voice a mix of shock and curiosity.”Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

What... How did you... Are you okay?”
Her eyes searched his face for answers, a myriad of thoughts racing through her mind. The unexpected sight of him in this dire
situation left her both bewildered and worried.
As Alexander entered the room, his emotions were a tangled mess. Here was the person who had occupied his thoughts day
and night, now right in front of him. The urge to embrace her, to provide some semblance of comfort, clashed with the reality of
his bound hands. He dreaded the possibility of causing her discomfort, so he kept his distance for now.
Sophia’s eyes flickered with surprise, and Alexander could sense the flood of questions behind those searching eyes.
“I’m fine, how are you? Did they hurt you?” Alexander bombarded her with questions in turn.
“No,” Sophia whispered, still stunned that he was here.
Sophia’s gaze shifted from his eyes to the tightly bound hands behind his back. Concern etched across her face as she took in
his constrained state.
“What happened? How did you end up here?” she inquired.
Alexander sighed, frustration evident in his expression. “It’s a long story. I came to pay the ransom to get you out safely. But they
think I might be a spy or something, so here I am.”
Sophia’s eyes widened. “So, they tied you up? Alexander, you shouldn’t have done this.”
“I couldn’t leave you here alone, Sophia. I had to make sure you’re okay, “he explained, a determined glint in his eyes. “I
promised you that I’d always help you, and I intend to keep that promise.”
“How did you even know what was going on?” Sophia continued her questioning, her eyes searching Alexander’s face for
Alexander, still nervously examining every part of her, was frantically trying to ascertain if she was hurt. To his relief, she
appeared physically unharmed.
“Evelyn called me, explained that you were kidnapped, and I came right away. I spoke with Sandro and found out that they had
run-ins with Dante in the past. I brought some of the money, but I insisted on seeing you before I gave the rest. They were

obviously not thrilled with my offer,” Alexander explained, attempting to inject a touch of humor, though the situation was
undeniably dire.
“I’m so glad you’re okay, Sophia... When I heard you were kidnapped...” His voice trailed off, emotion evident in his eyes.
Sophia looked at him, struggling to absorb all the information. “They didn’t do anything to me, Alexander. I’m fine.”
Alexander sighed with relief, sitting on the floor beside her. They both fell silent, contemplating their next moves. Alexander
nervously tapped his foot, stealing glances at Sophia.
He marveled at her calm expression, realizing that she was always strong even in the most critical situations.
“I’m going to get you out of here, Sophia, even if it’s the last thing I do in this world,” Alexander declared.