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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 29
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#29 “Tell Me How You Really Feel”

Seeing that Sophia is still looking at him with contempt, Alexander tries reassuring her, “I guarantee

you I was just joking. I will not say a word to anyone.”

Sophia nods her head in acknowledgment, but the apprehension still lingers in her eyes. As she starts

to turn her gaze out the window, Alexander presses on. “Look, I know that you very obvious.”@ don’t

like me. That’s Shifting back to face him, Sophia holds his gaze, her expression guarded. She remains

silent, waiting for him to continue.

“Well, at least you’re not denying it,” Alexander remarks softly. “Can you at least tell me what I did to

deserve such distaste from you?”

Sophia chuckles, a mix of exasperation and amusement in her voice. “Are you serious?” she asks


“Yes,” Alexander replies sincerely. “I feel like I deserve an explanation for all the animosity.”

Sophia takes a moment to collect her thoughts before responding, her tone becoming more assertive.

“You know that Evelyn Crimms is my best friend,” she begins. “And the way you handled the situation

with her father and his bank, it’s not only ridiculous and immature, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it

borders on unethical.”

Taken aback by the sharpness of Sophia’s words, Alexander instinctively leans back slightly in the car.

“Tell me how you really feel,” he comments.

“You asked,” Sophia retorts curtly, not backing down.

“So, is that it?” Alexander inquires, trying to understand her perspective. ” Is that the only reason why

you detest me so much?”

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Sophia rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed. That and other reasons,” she replies.

“Such as?” Alexander prods, wanting to know more. “Well, the business of giving Barbara Williams the

collaboration is also unsettling,” Sophia reveals. Alexander smirks slightly as if he anticipated this

response. “Aha,” he says with a hint of satisfaction.

“What?” Sophia questions, curious about his reaction.

“I figured you had an issue with my relationship with the Williams family,” Alexander replies, the smug

smile on his face growing.

Sophia’s frustration is evident as she clarifies, “I absolutely do not care one bit about your relationship

with the Williams family or any family for that matter. You asked for some of my reasons, and I gave


Their conversation hangs in the air for a moment, tension swirling between them. Breaking the silence,

Alexander addresses the intriguing discovery he made about Sophia. “I was stunned to discover your

dual identity as a musician and lawyer. How long have you played?” he inquires.

Sophia, instead of answering his question, decides to turn the tables on him. “How do you know

Michael?” she asks. “It seems like the two of you have quite the past.”

Alexander maintains his composure, holding Sophia’s gaze firmly. He hesitates momentarily before

responding with surprising candor, Michael is my half-brother. We have different mothers.”

The statement hangs in the air, leaving Sophia momentarily stunned by Alexander’s openness. Despite

her shock, she doesn’t let it break her composed demeanor.

“I see,” she says calmly, absorbing the new information. “It must be quite a complicated relationship.”

Alexander nods in agreement, the weight of the past evident in his eyes.” Complicated would be an

understatement,’ ” he admits. “We’ve had our share of ups and downs over the years.”

As the car moves through the rain, their conversation lingers in the air. As the car approaches Sophia’s

apartment building, they notice the building is completely dark. The driver pulls next to the curb and

offers to check with the doorman about the situation.

Grateful for the respite from the still torrential rain, Sophia accepts the driver’s offer. She and Alexander

watch as the driver briefly converses with the doorman. The driver quickly returns to the car, conveying

the news, “It seems that the storm has knocked out all the electricity and internet in your building. The

doorman doesn’t know when it will be restored.”

Exhaustion and irritation wash over Sophia’s face. After her night, she only wants to crawl into bed and

sleep. She lets out a long sigh and thanks the driver for checking.

Just as Sophia turns to Alexander, ready to express her gratitude for the ride, he speaks up. “Look, my

apartment building has an independent backup generator, so we still have power. If you feel

comfortable, you are more than welcome to come to my place. I have a guest room and hot water.”

Sophia hesitates, torn between not wanting to spend the night at Alexander Stone’s place and not

wanting to endure a night in her apartment without power or hot water.

“I promise to be a complete gentleman, “Alexander reassures her quickly, sensing her uncertainty. “In

fact, I have some work I need to attend to, so I won’t bother you at all. But again, only if you’re

comfortable with the idea.”

“I greatly appreciate it, Alexander. Thank you,” Sophia eventually agrees, appreciating his offer of a

solution. “I think I will take you up on the offer.”

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With a small smile, Alexander instructs the driver to head to his apartment building. As the car moves

through the rain-soaked streets once more, Sophia can’t help but feel a mix of emotions- relief for

having a comfortable place to stay and a flicker of curiosity.

As they arrive at Alexander’s building, Sophia is welcomed by the warm glow of lights, contrasting with

the dark and stormy night outside. She follows him into the building, grateful for the sense of shelter it


He leads Sophia to the guest room in his apartment, ensuring she has everything she needs. The soft

glow of lamps fills the space, offering a warm and inviting ambiance contrasting with the storm still

raging outside. As Sophia steps into the cozy room, she immediately feels a sense of comfort wash

over her. The bed is neatly made, and fresh linens and fluffy pillows beckon her to relax.

“Well, as I said, I have some work to do. Please make yourself comfortable, and do not hesitate to ask

for anything you need,” Alexander says, his voice sincere and warm.

Sophia nods, grateful for his hospitality. “Thank you, Alexander. I appreciate everything,” she replies

with a small smile.

After he closes the door, Sophia takes a moment to collect herself. The events of the evening whirl

through her mind, leaving her feeling both amazed and bewildered. Her emotions are in a whirlwind,

and she knows she needs a moment of solitude to process it all.

Feeling a sense of gratitude towards Alexander, Sophia decides to express her appreciation. She lies

back on the king-size bed, reaching for her phone. Her fingers dance across the screen as she types a

message to him, “Thank you so much for your amazing efforts this evening. It is deeply appreciated.” A

sense of relief washes over her as she hits send.

Exhaustion finally overtakes her, and Sophia falls asleep, her mind filled with thoughts of the

unexpected twists and turns that the night had brought her.