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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 77
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#77 “I’m on Your Side.”
Sophia stepped into the sterile hospital room. The faint scent of antiseptic filled the air, a stark contrast to the rich tapestry of her
thoughts. She looked at the frail figure in the hospital bed, Maestro Paus, her mentor and friend, still unconscious. The machines
around him beeped rhythmically.
She couldn’t help but wonder what Maestro Paus had intended to tell her before he had collapsed. Her mind raced with
unanswered questions, a jigsaw puzzle of family secrets and mysteries waiting to be solved.
In her memories, her grandfather had always been a humble farmer, living a life far removed from the opulence of the Stone
family. Yet, somehow, he had shared a deep connection with the Stones, a connection that extended beyond the ordinary.
As she stood by Maestro Paus’s bedside, Sophia contemplated the enigma of her grandfather’s relationship with the Stones. Her
grandfather had played a pivotal role in shaping her father’s destiny, guiding him towards a career as a judge, and had nurtured
her own legal aspirations.
But how had her grandfather, a man of modest means, found himself intertwined with the Stone family? What was the nature of
the bond that connected him to Maestro Paus, a connection that held secrets veiled in the mists of time?
The unanswered questions weighed heavily on Sophia’s mind. It was as if she stood at the threshold of a labyrinth of hidden
truths, each twist and turn offering glimpses into a past shrouded in mystery.
The soft beeping of the machines continued to punctuate the room, a constant reminder of the fragile present. As the minutes
ticked away, Sophia’s concern for Maestro Paus and her determination to unravel the mysteries intertwined. She was anxious for
him to recover and was worried that the reason he lost consciousness was something serious.
Oliver entered the hospital room, his gentle smile offering a glimmer of relief amid the weight of uncertainty. He extended his
hand towards Sophia, a silent invitation to step away from the sterile confines of the medical ward and into the realm of everyday
“Sophia, I think we could both use a break,” Oliver suggested, his voice filled with understanding.
Sophia, still grappling with her concerns, nodded in agreement. ” You’re right, Oliver. A moment away from all this would be

Together, they walked out of the hospital room. As they strolled down the hospital corridor, the stark, fluorescent lights gave way
to the soft glow of the waiting area, where a small cafeteria offered a brief respite from the worries that had enveloped them.
They settled into a quiet corner of the cafeteria, their trays bearing simple meals that seemed out of place amidst the

complexities of life’s challenges. Sophia’s gaze remained distant, her thoughts never straying too far from Maestro Paus’s
“I just can’t believe this happened,” Sophia murmured, her voice tinged with sorrow. “One moment we were with Maestro, and
the next...”
Oliver understood the turmoil that Sophia was experiencing. “Life has a way of being unpredictable, doesn’t it? But it’s in these
moments that we come to realize how important the people we care about truly are.”
Sophia nodded. “I know. Maestro Paus has been a constant presence in my life. He’s more than a mentor; he’s family.”
Oliver’s comforting hand reached out to touch hers. “He’s a strong man, Sophia. And if anyone can overcome this, it’s him. We
must hold onto hope.”
As they continued their meal, the conversation gradually shifted towards the topic of Maestro’s future.
“We have to think about what happens after he recovers,” Oliver remarked. ” Maestro is unmarried, and he doesn’t have any
close family in the country. He’ll need someone to look after him, to assist in his rehabilitation.”
Sophia’s thoughts swirled as she considered the implications. “You’re right, Oliver. I hadn’t even considered that. It’s a
responsibility that I’m more than willing to take on, but there’s so much to plan. And it’s not just about physical care; it’s about
making sure he’s comfortable and cared for in every way.”
Oliver offered a reassuring smile. “We don’t have to figure it all out at once, Sophia. The first step is for him to wake up, and
we’re optimistic about that. Then we can work together to ensure he has the best care and support he needs.”
A spark of determination gleamed in Sophia’s eyes. “You’re right, Oliver. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, we
have to focus on his recovery.”
They finished their meal in thoughtful silence, the weight of their worries shared and lightened by the simple act of being there for
each other.

Oliver suggested Sophia go get some sleep and promised to keep her updated. As much as she didn’t want to go, Sophia
realized that she would be more useful if she rested.
She hailed a cab and went back to her apartment. She quickly washed off her make-up, threw off the red dress, and crawled
under the covers. She was so tired that she didn’t realize when she had fallen asleep.
The night had taken its toll on Sophia, and sleep had been a welcome respite. She awoke to the soft golden rays of the sun
casting a warm glow on her room. As she stretched and yawned, a knock on her door roused her from her groggy state.
She quickly threw on a robe and stumbled to the door, surprised by the presence of a delivery person holding a tray of brunch. A
small note attached read, “A little something to brighten your day- Alexander.”

Sophia’s eyes widened in astonishment, and she couldn’t help. but smile. Alexander’s unexpected gesture had caught her off
guard, and she found it both thoughtful and generous. She accepted the delivery with gratitude, and the aroma of freshly
prepared food filled the room.
After indulging in the brunch that Alexander had sent, Sophia felt revitalized and decided to call and thank him for his kindness.
With her phone in hand, she dialed his number, and the line rang until he finally picked up.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Stone,” Sophia greeted, a smile evident in her voice. “I wanted to thank you for the lovely brunch.”
Alexander’s deep, resonant voice flowed through the phone. “You’re very welcome, Sophia. I thought a hearty meal would be a
great way to start the day.”
As they exchanged pleasantries, a comfortable silence settled between them. However, something weighed on Alexander’s
mind, and after a pause, he decided to address it.
“Sophia, there’s something I’d like to discuss with you,” he began, his tone a touch more serious. Sophia was attentive, her
curiosity piqued. “Of course. What’s on your mind?”
Alexander hesitated for a moment, his thoughts collected. “I’ve been thinking about the situation with Megan and your conflict
with her. While I don’t want to meddle in your personal matters, I thought you should be aware of something.”
Sophia was intrigued by his change in tone. “Go on, Alex.”

Alexander took a deep breath before. revealing the information he had withheld. “Megan’s company, although it has a seemingly
spotless reputation, has been involved in questionable practices, particularly in manipulating news to suit their agenda. I’ve done
some discreet digging, but it’s almost impossible to find concrete evidence due to their skill in covering their tracks.”
Sophia’s brows furrowed as she heard something she already knew.
Alexander continued, his words laced with sincerity. “I know this might be unexpected, but if you and Megan’s conflict can’t be
resolved, I want you to know that I’m on your side. I can’t abide by such practices, and I’m willing to support you if you decide to
take action. So you have to know if you want to take Megan down you have to start researching her finances.”
Sophia found herself both surprised and conflicted by Alexander’s offer. She had never expected him to take such a stance.
“Well...Thank you. I appreciate the information and the support.”
“I thought you should have the facts, and the next steps are entirely up to you.”
As their conversation concluded, Sophia couldn’t help but mull over the unexpected turn of events. While she had always been
determined to stand her ground, she now had a powerful ally in Alexander, one she hadn’t anticipated. The allure of taking down
Megan’s company, once a distant possibility, now seemed within reach.
Sophia considered her options carefully. She couldn’t ignore the manipulative practices of Megan’s company, and with the
knowledge that she had a supportive ally in Alexander, she began planning her next move.
Sophia had a particular candidate in mind, someone who was skilled in digging up financial discrepancies and exposing
corruption. She knew that confronting Megan wouldn’t be easy, but she was determined to bring her to justice and protect her
own integrity.