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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 8
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8 “I Hope That’s Not A Threat.”

As Sophia stepped out of the sleek chrome elevators the following day, she found the usual hum of

office gossip conspicuously absent. Instead, the atmosphere was charged with focused productivity.

The air reverberated with the clicking of keyboards, the persistent ringing of phones, and the steady

whir of the copy machines.

Before Sophia could even shut the door to her office, Trevor burst in, loaded with stacks of case files.

“Good morning, Trevor,” Sophia greeted him with a yawn, the lingering effects of last night’s whiskey

leaving her slightly foggy.

“Good morning, Ms. Johnson,” Trevor responded, his voice brimming with eagerness.

“All right, I can see you have some important matters. Let’s dive right in,” Sophia said, sitting at her

desk while Trevor settled into a plush wingback chair opposite her. He flashed a reassuring smile and

placed the first case file before her.

“We have two major cases on our plate. The first is an antitrust investigation involving the Dillon

Corporation,” Trevor began. “They’re under scrutiny by regulatory authorities, accused of unfair

business practices, price fixing, and monopolistic behavior.”

Sophia took the brief and perused it carefully, jotting down some notes. She looked up at Trevor and

instructed, “Start by assembling a team to conduct an extensive documentation analysis. Have Jake

and Katie interview key personnel. Once we have all the information, we’ll convene a meeting to devise

a comprehensive defense strategy.”

Trevor nodded attentively, his pen flying across the notepad as he scribbled down her instructions.

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“Next,” Sophia chimed in, her enthusiasm bubbling to the surface. This was where she thrived, in the

midst of challenging legal battles.

Trevor handed her the second case file, and Sophia delved into it without hesitation.

“This one’s a little tricky. It’s an intellectual property infringement lawsuit. Stevens and Sons, a

multinational corporation, has been hit with a lawsuit alleging infringement of patents and copyrights.

The plaintiff seeks substantial damages and an injunction to halt the company’s operations.”

Sophia looked up, her gaze sharpened by the urgency of the matter.

“We need to move swiftly on this one. Put together a team to gather evidence and promptly assess the

validity of the claims. Our priority is to develop a vigorous defense to safeguard the company’s


“What about the Stone case?” Trevor inquired, his curiosity obvious.

Sophia returned the briefs to Trevor and offered him a confident smile. “These two cases take

precedence. Once we have a firm handle on them, I’ll personally address Mr. Stone’s concerns.”

Trevor nodded in understanding. Sophia rose from her chair, walking him toward the door. “Rally the

troops, Trevor. We’re going to be working day and night for the next few days. It’s game on! Let’s go!”

Sophia sits at her desk after two days and nights of working nearly nonstop. With the two cases

nearing completion, she decides that she needs to call Alexander.

He does not answer when she calls, so Sophia leaves a voicemail, asking him to stop by the office at

his earliest convenience. Less than twenty minutes later, Alexander Stone steps off the elevator into

the Johnson & Associates office.

Alexander approaches the reception desk and politely informs the woman that he is here to see Ms.

Johnson, assuring her that he knows the way to her office.

As he navigates through the bustling office, Alexander can’t help but notice the weariness etched on

everyone’s faces. Fatigue hangs in the air, mingling with the scent of determination and the aroma of

freshly brewed coffee.

Knocking on Sophia’s office door, he’s surprised when it swings open in response.

“Ms. Johnson,” he questions as he enters her office.

In the midst of savoring her third cup of coffee for the morning, Sophia looks up and replies, “Mr. Stone,

please come in. I left you a voicemail a little while ago.”

“I know, which is precisely why I’m here. It’s easier to discuss business face-to-face than over the

phone, wouldn’t you agree?” Alexander says, taking a seat on the elegant heirloom couch.

By all means, have a seat anywhere, Sophia thinks as she settles into a chair opposite him.

“Don’t take this the wrong way,” Alexander begins, “but you look exhausted. Actually, everyone here

looks sapped.”

“Well,” Sophia sighs, “in addition to your case, we’ve been hit with two major cases just a few days ago.

I’m fortunate to have a team that’s as dedicated to our clients’ success as I am.”

“So you’ve been working nonstop?” Alexander inquires.

“Pretty much, but we’ve made significant progress, and we’re well-prepared for the initial round of

depositions,” she replies.

Torn between gratitude and concern for Sophia, Alexander weighs the idea of reaching out to touch her

hand but hesitates, recalling her chilly demeanor when she left his twentieth-anniversary party a few

nights ago.

“Well, Mr. Stone,” Sophia resumes, “I don’t have much to report regarding your case yet. All the

contracts are signed and filed, and the investigations are just getting underway.” Sophia notices

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Alexander’s magnetic aqua-green eyes again, momentarily mesmerized by their allure.

Sensing a fleeting vulnerability in Sophia, Alexander leans closer. “I’m serious, you look like you

haven’t seen daylight in days, and I suspect that’s true. Let me take you to dinner tonight. There’s a

wonderful Italian restaurant just down the street.”

Sophia considers his offer momentarily, then responds, “I have far too much work to do. I need to stay

here. Thank you, though.”

Employing his most charming demeanor, Alexander tries again. “I promise it’ll only be for an hour—two

tops—and then you can come right back here.” His hand gently rests on hers, his eyes locked with


Brushing his hand away, Sophia retorts, “I truly have too much on my plate, Mr. Stone. Not to mention,

I’m determined to get everything in order so I can devote all my time to your case.” In her mind, she

adds, But honestly, I have no intention of spending any more time with you than absolutely necessary.

Alexander is irritated by her demeanor. What makes this woman so defensive?

“I must say, Ms. Johnson, your dedication is touching, but I believe it would be in your best interest to

accept my dinner invitation,” anger creeping into his deepened voice.

“I hope that’s not a threat, Mr. Stone,” Sophia says, standing and gesturing toward the door.

“Take it as you wish,” Alexander retorts as he starts to walk out of the office.

“Mr. Stone,” Sophia interjects, “I genuinely hope this will be the last time we have to meet face-to-face.”

And with that, she shuts the door.

As Alexander turns to leave, he realizes that Sophia won’t be easily swayed like other women. Once he

reaches the elevator, he dials Laura’s number.

After two rings, she answers, and Alexander hurriedly asks, “What exactly have I done to Ms. Sophia

Johnson to earn such strong dislike from her?”