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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 96
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#96 “Well, Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures.”
At noon, after all the challenges that the day had provided, Sophia finally, accompanied by Alexander, arrived at Benjamin’s
place. The upscale neighborhood exuded an air of sophistication, a stark contrast to the tumultuous events Sophia had faced
earlier in the day.
Sophia rang the doorbell, and the door swung open, revealing Benjamin. His demeanor was composed, though concern flickered
in his eyes as he took in Sophia’s presence with Alexander at her side.
“Sophia, Alexander, come in,” Benjamin greeted, ushering them into the elegant foyer of his London home.
The spacious living room, adorned with tasteful decor, offered a respite from the chaos outside. Benjamin gestured toward plush
seating arrangements, inviting his guests to make themselves comfortable.
“I heard about what happened. Are you okay?” Benjamin inquired, his voice filled with genuine concern.
Sophia nodded, her expression composed. “I’m fine. Alexander here,” she motioned toward him, “stepped in and defused the
Benjamin turned his attention to Alexander, gratitude evident in his gaze. “Thank you for looking out for her. I see you take some
damage doing so.”
Alexander nodded, downplaying his role. “It’s nothing. Just making sure she’s safe.”
As they settled into the luxurious surroundings, the conversation transitioned into more serious topics.
“So, how have you been, Sophia? I can only imagine your stay in the police station was horrible.” Benjamin asked, sipping on his
“Let’s just say I wasn’t bored. But thanks to you two we’re making progress in the case.”
Sophia couldn’t help but express her surprise at the newfound cooperation between Alexander and Benjamin. “I never thought
I’d see the day when you two would be on the same side,” she remarked, a playful glint in her eyes.
Alexander shot a teasing glance at Benjamin. “Well, desperate times call for desperate measures. We’re putting our differences
aside for a common cause.”

Benjamin chuckled, acknowledging the truth in Alexander’s words. “It’s true, Sophia. We may not always see eye to eye, but we
both want what’s best for you.”
Sophia raised an eyebrow, amused by the banter. “Well, that’s great. I hope we can keep the same team spirit. I suspect that the
media is not on my side.”
“For sure. It’s terrible outside your hotel. Crowded with people who think you’re guilty. I can only imagine how you feel,” Benjamin
expressed sympathetically, his concern evident in the furrow of his brow.
Sophia offered a reassuring smile, attempting to alleviate her friend’s worry. “I’m fine. I think people’s reaction is normal. The
media portrayed me as a killer, so no wonder they are angry at me. But I trust the police will find the necessary evidence, and
soon the truth will come to light,” she assured him, her voice carrying a steadfast conviction.
However, Benjamin appeared unconvinced, a shadow of doubt lingering in his eyes. Sensing his skepticism, Sophia decided to
lighten the mood with a playful remark.
“Oh, and Alexander brings me breakfast, so I’m in good hands.”
“And coffee,” Alexander chimed in, a playful glint in his eyes, and they shared a moment of laughter.
“All I’m missing is the candy from the carnival, and everything will fall into place.”
“They were disgusting,” Alexander commented with a playful frown. “But as soon as you want to eat them, I’ll bring them to you
tomorrow,” he added, a warm smile accompanying his offer.
Sophia laughed, shaking her head in mock disbelief. “I honestly can’t believe you don’t like sweets. Every normal person loves
As the banter flowed between Alexander and Sophia, Benjamin couldn’t help but observe the natural camaraderie between
them. Their easy exchange of jokes and shared laughter painted a picture of a connection that seemed to have weathered past
Beneath his calm exterior, Benjamin has feelings for Sophia. His eyes, at times, betrayed the unspoken reservations he
harbored. He liked Sophia, perhaps more than he was willing to admit even to himself, and the presence of Alexander, a figure
from her past, stirred an undercurrent of unease.

Despite the unspoken complexities, the trio engaged in casual conversation, treading carefully around the looming specter of

Sophia’s predicament. The elegant atmosphere of Benjamin’s home served as a temporary sanctuary from the harsh realities
awaiting outside.
Sophia, sensing the undercurrents, steered the conversation toward more neutral ground. “Benjamin, your house is lovely. I’ve
never seen this side of London.”
Benjamin’s eyes softened as he appreciated the diversion. “It’s a quieter part of the city, away from the chaos. I thought you
could use a break from the public scrutiny.”
Alexander, despite his often gruff exterior, found himself nodding in agreement. “It’s a good call. Sophia needs a break from all
the madness.”
As the conversation ebbed and flowed, Sophia couldn’t help but reflect on the twists her life had taken. Here she was, in the
midst of a tumultuous investigation, flanked by two men who, despite their differences, seemed united in their concern for her
well- being.
The topic eventually veered toward the progress in the case. Benjamin, though concerned for Sophia, couldn’t help but be
curious about the details.
“So, do you find more breakthroughs in the investigation? Anything that could clear Sophia’s name?” he inquired, his gaze
shifting from Sophia to Alexander.
Alexander, taking a sip of his coffee, assumed a contemplative expression. ” No, we still have to find the mysterious man, but if
Cassie admits the truth then that won’t be necessary for clearing her name. That will be enough to take Sophia out as a suspect.

Sophia interjected, her eyes locking onto Alexander’s. “We need to find him. He’s the key to unraveling this mess. Not only to
clear my name but to admit who is behind it. I want to know who framed me.”
Benjamin nodded in understanding. “I hope you get the answers you’re looking for. Sophia deserves to be exonerated.”
There was a brief silence in the room, and Sophia couldn’t help but notice that Alexander and Benjamin were slightly tense. She
knew they’d had arguments in the past when they were bidding on stocks, but she didn’t know exactly why the two men still
didn’t trust each other.

Deciding that there was no point in bothering with it now and that they were big enough to take care of themselves, she shifted
the conversation.
“I want to check if there’s any progress with the plan we made,” Sophia changed the subject.
“What plan?” asked Benjamin, looking confused.
“The one where Megan gets what she deserves. I think she has a hand in what’s going on right now, and I have no intention of
letting her go unpunished.”