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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas)

Chapter 1462
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Chapter 1462 Unrepentant

Rorion's expression was dark and grim. "I know. I will try my best to get you out."

At the same time, Edward hurriedly knocked on the door and rushed into the hospital

ward. Then, he respectfully walked to the middle of the hospital ward and reported,

"President Sawyer, we received news from the police station."

"What news?" Nicholas questioned.

Tessa glanced over curiously.

Edward answered honestly, "Hathaway and Rorion are at the police station, trying to

release Kathleen on bail."

Tessa's expression darkened slightly upon hearing those words. She did not want Kathleen

to be released. After all, she was not a saint. That person, who not only repeatedly

targeted her but even tried to take her life, deserved to be punished instead of escaping

legal sanctions.

Nicholas noticed the change in her mood. So, he took her hand gently and made a

promise to her. "Don't worry. I will never forgive the people who harmed you!"

After he said that, he turned to look at Edward and coldly instructed, "Inform the police

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that I pursue this matter to the end! You should also interrogate the Vienna authorities

thoroughly. Ask them why somebody who should have been in jail was murdered and

escaped responsibility!"

Rorion did not know that Nicholas was determined to hold Kathleen accountable for her

crimes. At this moment, he was trying to utilize his connections to release Kathleen on

bail. It was just that the results were not ideal. After all, this place was not Vienna. He

simply did not have many connections at his disposal.

Furthermore, the police had been informed about the Sawyer Family's stance in this

matter. Therefore, they were naturally reluctant to upset or offend Nicholas.

"I'm very sorry. You are not allowed to release Kathleen on bail. There is concrete evidence

proving that she hired mercenaries to commit murder. The victim has requested a strict

investigation into the incident. Not to mention, she is suspected of entering the country

under a false identity." The police officer handling the case sternly rejected Rorion's

request once more.

Rorion was very disappointed by their refusal. Likewise, Hathaway was extremely anxious.

She stared at the police officer pleadingly and asked, "Is there no other method to settle

this matter? My daughter merely succumbed to her whims for a moment. I promise to

keep a close eye on her if she is released."

"It's useless to beg me. Nothing will change unless the victim is willing to drop the

charges." After the officer said that, he swiftly turned around to leave. He was afraid of

being pestered by this family.

Unbeknownst to the policeman, Hathaway had already thought of a method to save her

daughter after listening to his words.

That's right. If the victim is willing to drop the charges, then my daughter will not be

forced to bear the criminal responsibility. As long as Kathleen apologizes to Tessa, then

Tessa will be forced to stop pursuing the matter out of respect for me.

It could be said to be a fantastic idea. Unfortunately, the idea was vehemently opposed by


"What!? You want me to apologize to Tessa!?" Kathleen stared at Hathaway in

astonishment for a moment. Then, she yelled furiously, "Impossible! I will never apologize

to that b*tch even if I'm imprisoned for life!"

Hathaway earnestly persuaded Kathleen, "Kathleen, please calm down. After all, there is

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no denying that you are also at fault in this matter."

"Don't tell me to calm down! Even if I die, I will never apologize to that b*tch!" Kathleen

yelled hysterically.

Hathaway looked like she was going to speak once more, but she was interrupted by


Rorion glared at Hathaway in displeasure. "I honestly wonder whether you are truly

Kathleen's mother. It's no wonder Kathleen refuses to recognize you as her mother. Ever

since the accident, have you done anything other than repeatedly ask her to apologize to

Tessa? Don't forget. It's all because of Tessa that Kathleen is in this situation!"

Hathaway opened her mouth as if to speak. Still, when she looked at the unrepentant

expressions on the faces of Rorion and Kathleen, she knew that whatever she said would

be in vain.

Therefore, she said nothing in the end.

On the contrary, Kathleen seemed to realize that she had some support when she heard

her father's words. She yelled, "Daddy, get her out of here! I don't want to see her!"

Rorion naturally listened to his daughter. "As you can see, Kathleen doesn't want to see

you right now. Please leave."

With no other choice, Hathaway could only exit the interrogation room.