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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas)

Chapter 1466
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Chapter 1466 Timothy Leaves Tonight

At the moment, Tessa lay limply in his embrace with an alluring look in her eyes. After a

few minutes, their breathing gradually slowed as they enjoyed the silence together. Then,

Nicholas picked her up and headed into the bathroom for a shower.

For the next few days, Tessa obediently recuperated in the ward. However, when she saw

that the injuries on her forehead had turned into scabs, she could no longer hide the

impatience in her heart. Nonetheless, Nicholas was still concerned, so he requested a

complete body checkup from the doctor.

After a series of checks, the doctor concluded, "Mrs. Sawyer has recovered very well. All

will be well as long as she continues to take care of herself."

Nicholas listened carefully to all the advice given by the doctor and asked Edward to take

care of the discharge paperwork that same afternoon. Just when they were ready to leave,

Timothy came with Sabrina for a visit.

When they entered the ward, and Timothy saw the packed bags, he asked in surprise, "Are

you ready to leave the hospital, Tess? Why didn't you give me a call so I could help you

out? It's a good thing I came over, or I would have missed this." He even shot a

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reproachful look at Tessa.

A sheepish smile appeared on her face. "I have Nicholas around, so there's nothing for you

to help out with, anyway."

"That may be true, but I'm still your brother and should be here when you're getting

discharged, which is a big thing," Timothy grumbled and started to help her pack while

Sabrina started chatting with her.

An hour later, they all left the hospital and returned to Tessa and Nicholas' place. As Tessa

was still far from tired, she decided to have a little talk with her brother in the living room.

"Why did you guys come over today?" she asked, looking at Timothy curiously.

It wasn't a big deal, so he answered honestly, "Previously, when you were kidnapped, I

asked for two weeks' leave from my university lecturer and delayed my boarding program

abroad. Now that you're better and my leave is coming to an end, I've already bought a

plane ticket abroad tonight and will attend classes starting tomorrow."

"You're leaving tonight? Why are you in such a rush?" Tessa was utterly taken aback. She

actually wanted to have a proper farewell party for her brother.

Timothy read her mind and gave her a lopsided grin. "I can return home earlier if I start

my classes early. Then, you can throw me a party once I return with flying colors. It

doesn't make a difference when the party is."

She reluctantly agreed with his idea and nodded. Suddenly, Nicholas reminded Timothy,

"Take good care of yourself when you're abroad and let me know if anyone tries to take

advantage of you."

"Then, I'll be in your care if that happens, Nicholas." It didn't seem like Timothy had any

plans to turn down his offer, and Tessa added in concern, "Please do take good care of

yourself when you're abroad. Remember to take your meals on time, and don't you dare

skip your meals just because you're busy."

Timothy nodded obediently. "I know, and I will."

Then, she stole a look at Sabrina next to him and teased, "Also, now that you're dating

Sabrina, you'd better watch your actions even though the girls abroad are bold and open-

minded. If you dare do anything to betray your lovely girlfriend, I'll disown you as my


Although Sabrina blushed with embarrassment at her words, she felt a warmth in her

chest. Timothy, who understood what his sister meant, turned to his pretty girlfriend next

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to him and held her hand affectionately. "Don't worry, Tess. I won't betray her," he


Tessa nodded in satisfaction. "Alright, since you're leaving tonight and there's still a few

hours left, I won't be bothering you, lovebirds, and your alone time together. Now go on. I

don't need you to stay here and accompany me," she urged, shooing them off.

Timothy didn't bother rejecting Tessa's suggestion because he did want to spend his last

hours before the flight with Sabrina alone. So, after they left, he brought Sabrina to a high-

end restaurant where there was no one else except them.

Sabrina had a guess in mind as she smiled sweetly at him. "Did you book the entire


"Yes, I don't want anyone else to interrupt us during our last hours together," he admitted,

and the waiter arrived with their main course.

After that, a violinist showed up and started playing the violin while they enjoyed their

meal. The lights in the room gradually dimmed, and they had a wonderful time together.

Although the place looked empty, the atmosphere was harmonious and pleasant, which

painted a beautiful scene.

Later, when they were about done with their meal, Timothy suddenly rose to his feet and

approached Sabrina in a gentlemanly manner. Then, he bowed slightly and asked with

mirthful eyes, "My beautiful lady, may I have the honor of having a dance with you?"