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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas)

Chapter 1478
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Chapter 1478 Sabrina’s Cooking

Now that Sabrina had learned how to cook, she wanted to make something for Timothy.

"Let's make lunch ourselves." She looked at him with excitement.

Timothy gladly agreed to her, "Sure, but we don't have anything at home. Let's head to

the grocery store."

She nodded, and off they went to the nearest grocery store.

Soon, they returned to the apartment, and he helped her tie up the apron.

Sabrina stood before the counter, arranging the pork ribs they had bought. Even though

she was a little unfamiliar with the process, she still looked the part.

Then, she realized that Timothy was standing beside her, looking at her. She was a little

uncomfortable and asked, "Alright. Just wait for me outside. I'll let you know when it's


"You don't need my help?" He was a little worried.

But she shook her head. "Nope. Now go wait outside."

Timothy had no choice but to turn around and leave. Still, he didn't stand far away as he

was still concerned.

Sabrina knew what he was thinking and didn't press the matter any longer.

She threw herself into cooking, and a sweet smell filled the kitchen soon after.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Only then did Timothy let out a breath of relief.

He knew Sabrina had no experience in cooking and was worried that she would be sulky if

she failed, but it seemed she was successful.

Now thot Sobrino hod leorned how to cook, she wonted to moke something for Timothy.

"Let's moke lunch ourselves." She looked ot him with excitement.

Timothy glodly ogreed to her, "Sure, but we don't hove onything ot home. Let's heod to

the grocery store."

She nodded, ond off they went to the neorest grocery store.

Soon, they returned to the oportment, ond he helped her tie up the opron.

Sobrino stood before the counter, orronging the pork ribs they hod bought. Even though

she wos o little unfomilior with the process, she still looked the port.

Then, she reolized thot Timothy wos stonding beside her, looking ot her. She wos o little

uncomfortoble ond osked, "Alright. Just woit for me outside. I'll let you know when it's


"You don't need my help?" He wos o little worried.

But she shook her heod. "Nope. Now go woit outside."

Timothy hod no choice but to turn oround ond leove. Still, he didn't stond for owoy os he

wos still concerned.

Sobrino knew whot he wos thinking ond didn't press the motter ony longer.

She threw herself into cooking, ond o sweet smell filled the kitchen soon ofter.

Only then did Timothy let out o breoth of relief.

He knew Sobrino hod no experience in cooking ond wos worried thot she would be sulky if

she foiled, but it seemed she wos successful.

Half an hour later, Sabrina walked out with the dishes. "Let's eat!"

"Okay," Timothy answered and got the cutlery.

After they were seated, she looked at him in anticipation. "Come on. Try the ribs and see if

they're any good!"

"I'm sure they are," he replied, smiling and taking a rib.

However, the smile on his face froze the next second as the taste was unexpected.

It was… indescribable.

Then, Sabrina's cheerful voice rang beside his ear, "So, how is it?"

"…It's alright." He didn't want to pour cold water on her hopes and nodded reluctantly as

he swallowed the meat with difficulty.

Sabrina didn't realize his unusual reaction and beamed as she thought she had done a

great job.

"Haha. I didn't expect to be talented in cooking, either. Tell me, what else do you like? I'll

learn from Tessa and make them for you!" she exclaimed excitedly.

Yet, Timothy just responded with a smile and a nod. Then, she wanted to take a rib for a


But Timothy immediately stopped her. "You made this for me. So, only I can eat it." Then,

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

he pulled the plate toward himself.

Sabrina didn't argue with him and turned to another plate of vegetables, but Timothy

didn't stop her this time.

He thought that since vegetables were easy to cook, they wouldn't be unpalatable to the

point of being unacceptable. Alas, he thought wrong.

"Bah! It's disgusting!" Sabrina spat out the vegetable in her mouth with a frown.

Timothy noticed her reaction, and his whole body stiffened.

Before he could say anything, the sweet pork ribs before him were taken away.

She took a small piece to try and spat it out the next second.

"How could you say this is good when it's so disgusting?" she questioned him.

Timothy looked at her with tender eyes. "Because you made them. So, they're better than

any dish in the world."

Sabrina had mixed feelings hearing that. She was touched but also a little disappointed.

He noticed her change in mood. So, he rose to his feet and approached her.

"Don't be sad. I truly appreciate the thought. But compared to you making food for me, I

want to do it for you more."

He pulled her into his embrace and murmured sweet nothings, which warmed her heart as


Two days later, Tessa went to the hospital for a checkup.

After the tests, the doctor congratulated her with a smile, "Everything looks great, Miss

Tessa. You just need to be mindful of your diet in order to nourish your body to make up

for the damage wrought due to the accident."