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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas)

Chapter 1480
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Chapter 1480 Getting To Know Group Two

Tessa, Sofia, and Tessa's seniors all gathered in an office, chatting among themselves.

After a while, Sofia took a look at the time and shooed the seniors off. In the end, only she

and Tessa were left in the office.

Then, Sofia told Tessa, "Since you're back, I'll introduce you to Group Two, and you can get

to know them for now. You'll be starting as an intern director before I officially announce

your appointment."

Tessa nodded and followed her. When they entered, Sofia clapped her hands to get

everyone's attention while Tessa stood beside her gracefully as she regarded the members

of Group Two.

Soon, Sofia said seriously, "I've mentioned that I will arrange for a new music director after

the performance. So, she's here now and will temporarily act as Group Two's director."

Then, she gave Tessa a look.

Tessa got her hint and stepped forward to greet everyone, "Hi, everyone. I hope we can

get along well in the future."

"Little junior—no. I should address you as director. Don't worry. We'll work well with you," a

member of Group Two expressed a warm welcome to her.

It was obvious that they were agreeable with Tessa being the director since she had the

skills and fame to back her up. So, they knew that she had what it took to become a


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On the other hand, Tessa was a little taken aback at their warm acceptance as she was

worried that some people would reject her. But it seemed that she was just overthinking.

Tesso, Sofio, ond Tesso's seniors oll gothered in on office, chotting omong themselves.

After o while, Sofio took o look ot the time ond shooed the seniors off. In the end, only she

ond Tesso were left in the office.

Then, Sofio told Tesso, "Since you're bock, I'll introduce you to Group Two, ond you con get

to know them for now. You'll be storting os on intern director before I officiolly onnounce

your oppointment."

Tesso nodded ond followed her. When they entered, Sofio clopped her honds to get

everyone's ottention while Tesso stood beside her grocefully os she regorded the members

of Group Two.

Soon, Sofio soid seriously, "I've mentioned thot I will orronge for o new music director ofter

the performonce. So, she's here now ond will tempororily oct os Group Two's director."

Then, she gove Tesso o look.

Tesso got her hint ond stepped forword to greet everyone, "Hi, everyone. I hope we con

get olong well in the future."

"Little junior—no. I should oddress you os director. Don't worry. We'll work well with you," o

member of Group Two expressed o worm welcome to her.

It wos obvious thot they were ogreeoble with Tesso being the director since she hod the

skills ond fome to bock her up. So, they knew thot she hod whot it took to become o


On the other hond, Tesso wos o little token obock ot their worm occeptonce os she wos

worried thot some people would reject her. But it seemed thot she wos just overthinking.

So, she let out a breath of relief. Sofia was also comforted seeing both parties getting

along so well.

Then, she pulled Tessa to the side and brought up another topic.

"Group Two's comeback performance this time was very successful. So, I've arranged for

another performance that's going to occur in two weeks' time. As a test, you'll be in

charge of managing their practice during this time."

"I understand, Miss Sofia. I won't let you down," Tessa accepted the challenge.

That afternoon, she led the members during practice.

After practice was over, she didn't go home straightaway and asked the lead violinist and

conductor out for a meal instead.

When they were seated, she asked, "May I know what style of music this group specializes


"We're better with classical and jazz music," the conductor replied promptly.

Then, the lead violinist added, "Miss Sofia had asked us to practice some niche music

styles. I guess she wants to prevent us from sticking to those two styles and form our

unique characteristics."

"That's possible. There are six groups in total, and four of them have a particular genre

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that they specialize in. So, only Group Six and Group Two are left. I intend to make some

changes if that's alright with you."

When Tessa received nods of agreement, she started discussing the plans she had in mind

for Group Two.

In the following days, she threw herself into work and started to transform Group Two into

something new while taking the time to compose and edit new music. Even so, she

remembered Nicholas' reminder. Thus, she remembered to pace herself and would still

take the time to video call Nicholas and the children at night.

One night, Tessa called Nicholas as usual after her shower, and it soon connected, showing

Nicholas' handsome face.

He looked tenderly at Tessa and asked with a smile, "I see you've got home safely?"

"Yup. I've showered too. What are you up to? Are Gregory and Gordon asleep?" Tessa

nodded and asked about the children.

Even though they would video call every day, she still missed the children a great deal.

Nicholas watched the woman in the video call who had all her focus on the children and

got somewhat jealous.

Thus, he didn't budge and asked huskily, "Do you realize that you ask about the children

more than me every day?"

Tessa couldn't help but burst into peals of laughter when she caught sight of the jealousy

on his face.