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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas)

Chapter 1496
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Chapter 1496 Let the Preparation Begin

Even so, Sabrina still truthfully told Tessa about her family's decision, "My parents said it's

best to have dinner on the weekend. Besides, Timothy would also be able to attend dinner

that day."

"I'm fine with it. So, the weekend it is, then." Tessa nodded in agreement.

Later, she saw Sabrina off and instructed Andrew to prepare a first-meeting gift for the

dinner with Sabrina's family.

After all, although they had met each other over the past two years, the two families

would be meeting for a serious affair that day, Timothy and Sabrina's wedding. For that

reason, Tessa attached great importance to it.

The weekend arrived in a blink of an eye.

Tessa rose together with the sun and began picking the outfit she would wear for today's


"Nicholas, do you think this dress will look better and more dignified?" She gestured with a

piece of clothing on her body while asking Nicholas' opinion.

Nicholas' gaze was outrageously gentle as he looked at Tessa, who was busy posing in

front of the mirror.

"You look great in whatever you wear."

He had already gotten out of bed as he approached Tessa while making his opinion known.

Then, he bent slightly and hugged her from behind.

The corner of Tessa's mouth broke into a sweet smile. Still, she didn't forget about her


Therefore, she gently pushed Nicholas and glared at him coquettishly. "Stop it. Help me

choose a dress to wear."

Nicholas had no choice but to release her and help her out.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Half an hour later, the two went downstairs hand in hand.

Timothy was playing with Gregory and Gordon in the living room downstairs.

He had arrived last night.

After breakfast, Tessa asked Andrew to take out the gift that she had prepared beforehand.

"I'd prepared these for you. Check if anything is missing. We still have half a day left, and

we can make up for it if something's missing," she said.

However, Timothy merely glanced at it. Then, he shook his head and said with a smile,

"Since it was you who arranged these gifts, I'm sure there will be no problem."

Tessa chuckled under Timothy's trusting gaze.

The meeting place was set to be in a hotel under the Sawyer Group.

That evening, the Gullivers, Tessa, and others sat together at the dining table in the

luxurious private dining room.

After a brief introduction and pleasantries, the initially awkward and tense atmosphere

gradually warmed. The two families slowly got out of their shells after breaking the ice.

The men talked about finances and business affairs, while the women chatted about the

recently trending beauty products and clothing.

Coupled with Gregory and Gordon's childlike comments, cheerful laughter echoed in the

room from time to time.

Everyone had a great time as they enjoyed the meal.

As a result, the relationship between the two families became closer after sharing a meal


After dinner, the topic of the conversation touched on Sabrina and Timothy's marriage.

"I want to hold a wedding after graduation," Timothy stated the wedding date he had long

had in mind.

Alas, the elders of the Gullivers frowned slightly when they heard his opinion.

Melina felt rather reluctant to part with her daughter so soon. So, she said, "You're about

to graduate in a month. Don't you think it would be rather rushed?"

"Don't worry. I have almost everything prepared and ready to go. There's only the

decorations for the wedding venue left."

"Don't worry. I hove olmost everything prepored ond reody to go. There's only the

decorotions for the wedding venue left."

As Timothy spoke, he poused for o moment. Then, he looked ot Sobrino with odorotion in

his eyes. "I wont Sobrino to be my wife os soon os possible."

Sobrino met his goze. She felt somewhot shy, but she didn't look owoy. Insteod, her eyes

were filled with genuine hoppiness.

When the elders of the Gullivers sow how offectionote the young couples were, they

eventuolly gove the green light for the two to hold their wedding o month loter.

Tesso wos so delighted thot the smile on her foce never dissipoted, even ofter she

returned home.

Nicholos' mood wos olso offected ond become joyful os he looked ot Tesso's sweet smile.

Thus, he embroced her tightly ond teosed, "Would you like some wine to celebrote?"

"Sure." Tesso nodded, turned oround, ond returned with o bottle of fine wine.

Tesso's cheeks flushed pink ofter gulping holf o bottle of fine wine, moking her look

exceptionolly olluring.

Nicholos' eyes were soon filled with desire.

Whot took ploce next come noturolly, ond the two mode love for the entire night.

In the following doys, Tesso wos utterly preoccupied with motters concerning Timothy's


After oll, it wos her first time orronging for o wedding. She wos worried thot she wouldn't

be oble to do o good job ond moke o mess of Timothy's wedding.

Furthermore, she only hod obout o month to ensure thot everything wos reody.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Therefore, she hod to personolly go through the list so os to moke sure thot the wedding

would go off with o hitch.

"Don't worry. I have almost everything prepared and ready to go. There's only the

decorations for the wedding venue left."

As Timothy spoke, he paused for a moment. Then, he looked at Sabrina with adoration in

his eyes. "I want Sabrina to be my wife as soon as possible."

Sabrina met his gaze. She felt somewhat shy, but she didn't look away. Instead, her eyes

were filled with genuine happiness.

When the elders of the Gullivers saw how affectionate the young couples were, they

eventually gave the green light for the two to hold their wedding a month later.

Tessa was so delighted that the smile on her face never dissipated, even after she

returned home.

Nicholas' mood was also affected and became joyful as he looked at Tessa's sweet smile.

Thus, he embraced her tightly and teased, "Would you like some wine to celebrate?"

"Sure." Tessa nodded, turned around, and returned with a bottle of fine wine.

Tessa's cheeks flushed pink after gulping half a bottle of fine wine, making her look

exceptionally alluring.

Nicholas' eyes were soon filled with desire.

What took place next came naturally, and the two made love for the entire night.

In the following days, Tessa was utterly preoccupied with matters concerning Timothy's


After all, it was her first time arranging for a wedding. She was worried that she wouldn't

be able to do a good job and make a mess of Timothy's wedding.

Furthermore, she only had about a month to ensure that everything was ready.

Therefore, she had to personally go through the list so as to make sure that the wedding

would go off with a hitch.