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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 23
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Chapter 23 Special Means

That afternoon, Nora took Maura to the furniture store to see the bed and sofa. Since Jerry and Evelyn

were going through a divorce, she had been seeing a fortune-teller. The fortune-teller said that she

needed to replace the bed and sofa to get the fortune back.

Nora hoped that they wouldn’t get a divorce. After all, it was too troublesome and they might have to

split the family property. Although she didn’t like Evelyn very much, she was a pushover. Evelyn would

never go against her will.

Maura held Nora’s arm intimately. “Auntie, what are we doing here?”

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Nora’s eyes flashed and she panicked. “preparing for you and Jerry of course. It’s time to change the

furniture, especially these furniture we use every day.”

Maura believed her. She smiled so widely that her face was blooming, but she still said modestly, “How

can I let you prepare things for us?”

Nora waved her hand. “That’s what parents do!”

They strolled around for the whole afternoon and finally chose a European-style double bed and a

leather sofa. When they paid the bill and got the goods, they were told by the merchants that there was

no stock until tomorrow, and to make up for it, they could install it for free.

The news soon reached Huston’s cars through Sam. After a brief pondering, the man said, “Find

someone to pack it up and put it in the room.”

As he spoke, he took out the most advanced needle-shaped camera from the drawer. It was very small

and invisible, and could not be detected with a metal detector. It had cost him a lot to develop it.

As the most powerful law firm in the country, it was impossible for it to have no special means. Of

course, these gray areas were not allowed to be disclosed.

Huston had never used any underhanded methods, but now he had made an exception. Sam took it

over and silently marked Miss Shelton in his heart. The next time they met, he absolutely could not

neglect her.

“President Lloyd, the autumn recruit will be held tomorrow morning at ten o’clock, and the regular

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meeting will be

postponed to three o’clock in the afternoon. Is that alright with you?” Sam took out his schedule and

carefully went through the proposals.

Huston agreed. After Sam left, he picked up the phone on the table and put it down as if he had

thought of something. He then walked to the big bookcase in the corner of the office. His tall and

straight figure paused for a moment and he found two books related to human resources, both of which

were not very


Looking at the cover of the book, he saw an abstract woman’s back. She was wearing a white shirt and

black trousers, typical professional attire. He couldn’t help but think about what it

hinking of this, he called the international clothing store that he often ordered. “Send all the latest

women’s clothes of this season to the Royal Villa.”