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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 16
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A few hours after Amy had arrived back to the apartment she rented when she came back from SouthHill

, she took a cab to her children‘s school. The school was a very prestigious and expensive school. Every

students attending the school were from the richest family in town. When Amy arrived at the school in an

attempt to pick up the kids, the teacher who was in charge of the kids told her that the children had been

taken away by a man. A man? Her heart almost jump off her chest. Did Elizabeth betrayed her by telling

her son about her willingness to leave? Was it Broderick who came to pick up the children? If he was and

has found out the children are his, then she‘s doomed. Everything about her became totally disorganize

d, she ran out of the school and was almost taking a cab back to the mansion when she thought

on the opposite side, what if it‘s not Broderick who came to pick up the children? Although there was nine

ty percent chance that he was the one. She ran back inside the school and saw the teacher already walki

ng out of the classroom, “who

was the man who came to pick my children?” “Mr. Callan,” the teacher answered, “he claimed to

be the father of the children.” An aggresive rage almost tore Amy apart. Was Callan out of his mind? Wha

t relationship subsists between them that makes him have the gut to come and pick the six children? “Did

he tell you where he‘s taking them to?” Amy asked and the teacher

handed her over a letter he dropped behind for her. “Why didn‘t you give me this before?” She asked. “Yo

u looked like you already knew who came to pick up your children so I felt

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like it was not necessary to give you plus you seem to be in

a hurry,” the teacher said. “I took the children to B hospital to perform a DNA test on them,” the content of

the letter reads. Amy sped out of the school, took a cab quickly and even persuaded the cab driver to sp

eed up even more. When she got to the hospital, she ran immediately to the DNA section and then saw

Callan standing tall before

a woman who was obviously a doctor, they were both having a conversation. Amy appeared

and asked angrily,” where are my children? What gave

you the right to come and pick them?” When the doctor standing with Callan heard this, she walked away

leaving Callan and Amy together, “How surprising that you have six children. Really! Who would have

known that you would give birth to six children? God has indeed

favoured you,” he said. “Is that the answer to my question?” She asked angrily. “How long can you hide

my children from me? I knew that you can‘t let any man have sex with you after you left me... so? The chi

ldren are obviously mine. Don‘t be

flattered, I don‘t need you, I‘m more interested in my children.” Callan said. “Your children?” Amy smirked

, she has never seen a man as foolish as Callan. “You are mistaken, you are not their father and their

father is not someone you want to joke with,” Amy said and Callan scoffed. “Really?” He scoffed again, “T

ell me another lie, please? You seem not to know how powerful my

“How did you find out about my kids?” Amy asked. She was curious about many things but she can only

ask a few. “A source told me,” Callan smirked and then said,” my children are currently in the laboratory

and a DNA test

will soon be performed on them all, it‘s not because I didn‘t believe they are my children, it‘s so that I can

have enough evidence to tender at court when claiming the six children back. I assure you that you will

never get to see my children again,” he said. Amy was not disturbed with his threat as she even smirked i

n an unbothered manner,

it‘s amazing how Callan grew from a loving and caring husband that he was many years back into a hear

tless somebody. Amy wondered if he should let the doctors

perform a DNA test just so Callan can be sure that the children

were not his, otherwise, he would keep bragging that the children were his. Amy stood a few distance aw

ay from him, waiting for the result, about thirty seconds later, someone began to approach her and the pe

rson looked familiar, when he got before her, Amy‘s mouth parted. “You need to answer this call,” Brett h

anded over the phone to Amy and she received it, she already saw the name ‘Mr. Broderick‘ as the caller


“What are you doing at the DNA department with your ex husband? Is there a secrete I should know?” Br

oderick asked. Amy‘s heart became disorganized and fear held onto her soul, Callan can know she has c

hildren for all she cares but Broderick, no! That will be worst. “No….no…

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there is no secrete,” she answered. “Is it because I have not satisfied your lustful desires, that‘s why you

met with your ex husband maybe he can gratify your lust, how

promiscuous are you, woman?” Broderick asked. This period, Callan set his gaze on Amy and Brett, Bret

t was popular and known by many to

be Broderick‘s personal assistant. Callan was wondering what relationship subsists between Broderick a

nd Amy. Although Broderick was not standing here with them, he knew Broderick was behind this. Brett w

as always carrying on the command of Broderick and Callan knew

that this was not an excemption. “I‘m not…” Amy suddenly swallowed the word ‘promiscous.‘ Defending

herself bluntly will only land her into more trouble. Why was Brodrick stalking her? “You have once been

married before, right? How come you don‘t

know how to honour a marriage? Is this how you will honour a marriage? By meeting up with your ex hus

band?” Broderick‘s voice came through again “It‘s not what you think, I say

sincerely,” she said. *Then tell me what you are meeting him for, woman?” Broderick demanded in a firm

tone. Amy dared not to tell him that it was because of her children, she had to come up

with something, ‘he said he wanted to tell me something.” It didn‘t take Broderick any effort to know that s

he was lying, “Callan used to be my childhood friend and now one of the investors to one of my small co

mpanies, it would not take me time to ask him about your purpose here with him. Will you still dare to lie

before me?”