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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 18
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Broderick was busy in his study room when he heard a knock on the door. His study room was also in th

e mansion, who dared to knock on the door of his study room? He though to himself. Could it be that wo

man? He stood angrily and walked over to the door. Everyone in the mansion, even his mother‘s, know b

etter not to disturb him whenever he‘s at his study room no matter how

urgent it was. He opened the door and saw a young and handsome

boy who surprisingly looked like him. The boy shouted,” I found him.” Broderick was surprised at what th

e boy said but

before he knew what was happening, another boy appeared , then another young boy, then three girls at

the same time making them six in total. These little ones are for Nell, what are they doing around

his study room? How did they even get here? He frowned and wanted to chase them away but he sudde

nly remembered the very day that one of the boys called Nell aunt and asked for their mother. Was this n

ot the perfect time to ask these little ones question. Amy had gone to Nell‘s room but Nell was sleeping a

t the time yet the kids were not in the room, whereas, Elizabeth told her that Nell came with the kids few

minutes ago and she had excitedly went to check the children there only to be dissapointed. Amy began t

o search for them around the big mansion thinking that they may have taken advantage of the fact that N

ell slept and were playing around the mansion.

She surprisingly saw them after four minutes of searching gathered before a room, while

walking quickly and happily towards them, she sighted a tall figure before them. Seeing that it was Brode

rick, she hide quickly behind a door and guard her heart that almost fall off her chest. ‘That was close,‘ s

he mumbled. But why did

the children went to Broderick‘s place? Was that even his room? “Come in,” Broderick decided to

welcome the six kids and they walked in

carelessly. Despite the fact that Broderick‘s face was scary, the kids were not scared at all. Infact, once t

hey entered, they all find a perfect position to sit for themselves. They were all seated majestically. Did th

is little ones know they are in the study room of the most

powerful man in NorthHill? Broderick thought to himself. He had never seen any one who dared have

to the gut to enter his office not to talk of sitting majestically without him

telling them to sit. Amy was shocked that Broderick let the kids entered the room, she tiptoed towards his

study room and saw that the door wasn‘t fully locked, she peeped and saw the six kids scattered across

the office, infact, some were already playing with some files, pens, flowers and just whatever they find th

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eir eyes


Would he be cruel to his own children too?

Amy wondered and decided to watch. Afterall, there was nothing she could do.

Broderick sat and the entire study room now looked as if a family meeting was about to be done, “so... ca

n I know your names?”

“Can you tell us your name first, big uncle?” Moses asked quickly, taking Broderick aback. Are these

Promise –

kids not scared of their own life anymore? How can they speak to him in such manner. “Big uncle does n

ot smile,” Queen whispered to Angel but it was audible enough for everyone in the room to laugh. “Mayb

e someone hurts him,” Angel whispered back to Queen. These little ones even have the gut to gossip ab

out him. Where is their fear? He looked around the six kids with an even stronger look and expect them t

o be scared but what Elijah said next left him stupefied,” big uncle doesn‘t like to talk

too much, otherwise, he would have answer us.”

“Big uncle has forgotten his name, let him think about it,” Elisha said and Broderick almost stood and thro

w this children out. Nell really did a poor job in raising this fearless kids. How can they have the gut to sp

eak to him in such manner? His eyes suddenly fell on the silent one, that was Debbie. She was not sayin

g a word and was sitting in a different seat from the rest. Her look was lean and one could tell that she w

as an introvert and clearly not as outspoken as the rest but she kind of look sad or did he misjudge her a

ppearance? Broderick wondered.



“My name is Broderick,” Broderick

knew he had no choice but to answer these little ones if he must know their names.

1. es.

Amy who was watching the kids and their father from the little space of the door was shocked to the gut t

hat Broderick mentioned his name to the kids. Really? She had thought he would throw them out roughly

? Turns out he may not be as wicked and heartless as he protrays

himself to be. “I love big uncle‘s name,” Elijah said to Moses. “My name is Elijah,” Elijah shouted happily

and threw his two hands up in the air. “And I, Moses,”

Moses jumped up from the chair and screamed. “My name is Elisha,” Elisha also stood from the seat and

screamed. The boys looked at eachother and laughed, to them, they were just having fun. No one has e

ver dared to scream beside or around Broderick before not to talk of screaming in his study room yet this

children did like it was nothing. “My name is Queen,” Queen said with her tiny and

angelic voice. “And mine is Angel,” Angel answered but Debbie did

not say a word, she was just watching. Broderick‘s eye set on Debbie who didn‘t say any word and aske

d,” hello, can you tell me your name?” However, Debbie didn‘t say

any word but just kept watching. “Hello,” he waved his hand to be sure the little

girl was not carried away but Debbie didn‘t respond. “Her name is...“ Moses, the most playful one

amidst the boys wanted to say but Broderick stopped him.

“Don‘t say it,” Broderick stood and walked away from his seat. When he got before Debbie, he squatted

before her, he adored her cute little face and wondered if this little girl was treated with less love by Nell o

therwise , why would she look sad. “Can you tell me your name, please?” He

asked in a very gentle tone. Debbie nodded but didn‘t say a word. “Don‘t be scared, okay? I‘m not

scary, you can tell me your name,” he even managed to smile. “Are

you our daddy?” Debbie asked. Amy who was at the door lost balance and fell on the

door, she almost exposed herself but quickly ran



away. ‘What!’ she screamed so loud in her heart. Why would Debbie ever say that? Everything was goin

g well until now. Debbie, why? Why are you trying to spoil things? Amy almost cried. Immediately after D

ebbie spoke, the room fell into a pin drop silence as though all the kids were willing to hear his sincere re

sponse. Indeed, they all set their attention

on him keenly. Broderick stood from Debbie‘s sight when he heard a sound from the door, it was as thou

gh someone or something collided with the door, he walked towards the

door and stepped out, he looked to the

left and right but didn‘t sight anyone.

He walked back inside but this time, he shut the door closed and then gestured his hand towards Debbie

,” come with me.”

Debbie shook her head in response,” I won‘t hurt you.”

“Will you answer my question?” Debbie asked. “Sure,” Broderick answered and Debbie received his hand

The father and daughter just looked into one another‘s eyes without saying a word, the other five children

became very sad and dissapointed. From the first day that they had seen Broderick, they had been discus

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he was definitely their daddy. They

boys even told their friends at school how tall and muscular their daddy is, the girls boasted of how hands

daddy and when they found

him, they were so happy. But Broderick‘s response now runied their mood entirely and left them grossly d

in the atmosphere, the children who looked happy few seconds ago had now become gloomy and sad. He

how?” Moses asked. “If you are not our dad, why do we look alike?” Elisha asked.

The other two girls were too sad and dissapointed to even say a word. “Who is your mother?” Instead of

answering their questions, Broderick decided to ask about the main reason why he had entertained them

spoke, “Nell.”

The others exchanged glances and wondered if what Debbie said is okay or should they rather tell Broder

aunt and asked of your mother?” Broderick asked Elijah. The boys looked at themselves, confused on wh


—— Chapter 181 Promise Although the door was locked, Amy could still hear their conversations

faintly only that she couldn‘t see anything this time. “Who is that?”

Broderick asked, wondering who was at the door. He pressed the remote on his desk and told

Elijah,“just the twist the knob.” Elijah nodded

and walked to the door, he leaned up until his small hand was able to grab the knob of the door, he pulled

way revealing Amy. Broderick frowned, how dare this woman step inside here? Before any of the children

could speak, Amy spoke,” your mum have been searching for you since, how can you be here without lett

other, they remembered that Amy

had already warned them not to call her ‘mummy‘ so when she was acting as though she wasn‘t their mot

she was the quiet one and why

she is sad.

“My name is Debbie,” Debbie finally told him her

name. “Debbie, join your friends outside,” Amy said. “Get out

of my study room,” Broderick commanded Amy and she walked out quickly. Once she got outside, the chi

the kids but her mind was with Debbie. Why didn‘t he let Debbie go? Did he like her or what? “I want to le

can buy you whatever you want, you name it, ice cream, chocolate,

just anything,” Broderick said. His dead wife never conceived for him anyways and he beleived he was inf

and lowered her head,” I have a secrete to tell you, but if I do, you must promise me that you won‘t get an