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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 7
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“Please! I wasn‘t appearing before you on purpose and I apologize sincerely for that night, please forgive

me,” she pleaded. There was a long moment of silence, anyone close to Amy at this time would literally

hear her heartbeat. It was thumping so heavily that it felt like her heart was ripping apart. She didn‘t want

this fierce looking man to pounce on her. If he pounced in her, what could she do? She started it six year

s ago by pouncing on him, she hoped earnestly that he would change his mind. She just wanted to leave

this office and run as fast as her

leg could take her from this company.

He walked towards her then suddenly turned to his seat and sat, “leave.”

Leave? Amy thought that she probably didn‘t hear the right word. Did he say ‘leave?‘ He was telling her t

o leave?

She began to walk out slowly hoping that she was acting out on the right word, she twisted the knob

and the door gave way.

Oh her gosh! Once she appeared outside of the office, she heaved a heavy sigh of relief. That was a narr

ow escape. What made him change his mind? She needs to leave this

company as soon as she could. He already recognize her and he‘s sure nuturing grudges against her, if

she can avoid this company and where crowds gather, , then she can avoid him, right? She walked over

to her desk and began to arrange her stuff inside her small handbag, she sat and quickly wrote a resigna

tion letter and went immediately to Abe‘s office to submit it. “I won‘t be able to work here anymore, sorry,”

she said after Abe had received the resignation letter from her. Abe read the letter and saw that it was in

deed a resignation letter, he smirked and said,” did I not tell you that if you don‘t give in to me, I will frustr

ate you?” Who said she was resigning because of Abe? Such an idiot. “Just yeild to me and your future i

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s secure here. If

you leave, you won‘t find an high paying job as this anymore,” Abe said. Of course, which company will p

ay as high as Alessandro‘s corporation? “Excuse me!” Amy beleived that he was just being

stupid and then walked out, but as soon as she walked out, she saw a familiar face, he had seen him wit

h Broderick yesterday...oh! his PA. He was the one Broderick collected the hundred dollar he wanted to g

ive her from. “Hi,” she greeted and wanted

to leave but Brett, Broderick‘s personal assistant spoke up. “If you leave and tried applying for a job, ther

e is no company in the entire North Hill that will employ you, none! Not even one,” Brett said, his words gi

ving her goosebumps all over.

Amy looked at him in fear and asked,” why? What have I done?”


“Mr. Broderick!” Brett only mentioned his CEO‘s name. “I apologized to him before

leaving his office, is he the reason why I would not be getting a job anywhere here?” He asked.

Whapte: A Strange knock On My Door “Yes, he would fire you at the right time but until then, you have to

keep working here. But then, you can choose to disobey his order and leave,” Brett said and walked awa

y. Amy became confused. Thought he didn‘t want to see her again? Why did he want her here then? Per

harps to be able to watch her and punish her. Who was she to refute the most powerful man in NorthHill,

she returned back to

Abe‘s office and said, “I changed my mind, I‘m not resigning again. Please ignore the letter.” Abe smirked

,” I know you will come back, don‘t think I will even ignore the letter.” “Your choice,” Amy said and

walked out

of his office. Abe was angry, how could she talk to him that way? Whom did she think she was? She bett

er walk out of this building cause she must be joking if she thinks he will let her keep working here. Abe

walked out of his office and and went to Amy‘s desk, “you dared to sit here after tendering your resignatio

n letter.” His voice was loud and it called the attention of Amy‘s colleagues.

In less than a second, all eyes were on Abe and Amy.

“I told you to ignore the resignation letter, it‘s not valid anymore, why are you

making it a big deal?” Amy asked, she disliked Abe so much.

“Oh! I don‘t know what‘s giving you the gut to speak

back to me but you seem not to know what I can do. Now get out of here, your resignation is valid and yo

u are fired.” Abe declared. Amy didn‘t know if he has so much power to but then

again, the CEO told her to keep working here so who was Abe to fire

her? If she tells Abe that the CEO told her to keep working here, the gossipers would start

forming all sort of false

news, she had so much trouble on her neck already and didn‘t want more. While she was thinking of wha

t to do, Amy noticed that everyone immediately concentrated on what they

were doing as though they were not the one watching Abe and her seconds ago. Amy randomly looked a

round and saw Brett standing behind Abe. Abe had no idea that someone was standing behind him but h

e noticed a change in the atmosphere.

“Are you deaf, get out,” Abe screamed at the top of his voice on Amy. “Since when did you have the pow

er to fire a worker here?” Brett asked and Abe turned

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back in shock. Seeing Brett, he almost ripped himself apart. Since when has Brett being behind him?

He coughed and said, “I‘m sorry… but she tendered her resignation

letter just now and then said she changed her mind. Who was she to think that she could tender a resigna

from the head of this department into an ordinary worker like others. Your seat will now be Amy‘s seat. As

Amy, she has been promoted to the head of this department,” Brett said and handed over a letter to Abe t

“What!” Abe couldn‘t beleive his ears,

Amy wasn‘t expecting either but she loved the twist, she smiled and said, “Abe, I have an ongoing task, m

and carried her stuff. She walked elegantly to the office of the head of department.

Chapter i A Strange knock On My Door Amy suddenly

became a subject of gossip by everyone, everyone were rumouring and assuming different things. “Abe h

rumours that they were so close, why would the CEO suddenly demote him?” “Abe was indeed causing a

is beautiful, maybe she has

seduced the CEC, but the CEO isn‘t that cheap, none of us can even look at his face not to talk of seduce

The gossips amidst workers of Alessandro‘s corporation went

on and on. When Amy was done at work, she took a cab home but while in the cab, the thought of what h

he won’t let us play,” Moses said. “Oh! That..I‘ll get you a ball tomorrow, now cheer up, mum is back,” Amy

swarmed around their mum. Queen and Angel

began to gist their mum about so many things that happened when their

mum was not around, Amy listened, laughed until she got tired. The

girls loves to talk and gist a lot except Debby but as for the boys, they love to ask all sort of

questions, childish questions, yeah and Amy does her best to answer all their questions no matter how du

always curious about everything they see and ask questions about it

and she does well to answer it. She loved her children so much and being with them makes her happy alw

be heard on the door.