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Billionaire’s Missing Darling by Theresa Wilde

Chapter 1
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Chapter 1

Olivia was awakened by a noise downstairs. She had always been a light sleeper and would wake up

at the slightest sound.

Opening her eyes and looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings, she realized that she was not in a

small house she bought in the suburbs. but in the Taylor family.

“The Taylor family?” she wondered.

Thinking of this word, Olivia’s heart beat faster for a moment, and a warm, soft light flashed in her eyes.

“This is my home. I’m no longer an orphan. I’m a person with a father and a mother,” she said inwardly.

Thinking of this, she got dressed, pushed the door open, and went downstairs.

The spiral staircase was covered with a soft carpet. Olivia stepped on it quietly without making a sound.

She made her way down the stairs slowly, getting closer and closer to the floor below, and the sound

downstairs became clearer and clearer.

She saw that a well–maintained, middle–aged man, a beautiful woman, and a tall teenage boy gently

coaxed around the crying girl in the middle. of the large living room.

“Emma, don’t cry. It’s no big deal. Don’t cry, or your eyes are going to get swollen, and it will not look


“It’s not a big deal. We’re a family. She won’t do something to you, and besides, you didn’t mean to do


“That’s it. Emma, don’t cry. Isn’t Olivia okay? She’s not dead!”

Hearing this, Olivia completely understood what was going on.

The soft and delicate anticipation in her eyes gradually dissipated, leaving only a piece of coldness.

Before returning to the Taylor family, she had an accident.

Because of her busy scientific research work, Olivia often stayed up late over time. When she came

home from the laboratory in the middle of the night, she had no time to cook, so she often ordered


She used to eat pasta from a nearby Mom–And–Pop restaurant. Eating a bowl of steaming pasta in the

middle of the lonely night was the warmest thing for her.



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She ordered a bowl of pasta that day and went to open the door as usual. But this time, it was not the

familiar owner couple who came to deliver the pasta, but a strange man.

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Olivia frowned and was about to take the pasta, but the strange man pushed her into the room and

followed in.

The man locked the door, threw the pasta aside, took off his clothes, and threw himself at Olivia.

He actually wanted to rape Olivia!

Fortunately, Olivia was nimble and worked out frequently. She turned around and dodged the man’s

attack, then picked up the baseball bat in the doorway and knocked it on the back of the man’s neck.

She knocked the man unconscious and tied him up, then lit a scented candle to relax his vigilance and

interrogated him.

To her surprise, Emma Taylor, the young lady of the Taylor family, sent the man to not only rape her but

also to take nude photos of her.

At that time, Olivia didn’t know Emma at all, and she didn’t know how she offended the latter, but then

her grandpa, Liam Taylor, found her. It turned out that Olivia was the daughter of the Taylor family, who

had been lost for 18 years. She was the real daughter of the Taylor family, and Emma was just an

adopted daughter.

Back at the Taylor family, Olivia threw the man’s letter of confession at Emma’s face.

At that time, her parents, Samuel and Amelia, were not at home, so Liam said that this issue should be

put aside first and that they should wait for Samuel and Amelia to come back and solve it.

“Now that they are back, the way they are solving the issue turns out to be this,” thought Olivia.

While Olivia was immersed in her thoughts, a glass of cold water was splashed at her directly./

Although she was distracted, Olivia’s instinctive reaction was still swift. She subconsciously dodged

and moved to the side.

The water didn’t splash on her face but just wet her shoulders.

Seeing that he missed the target, David Taylor got angry, raised the glass, and threw it straight at


He didn’t restrain his force at all this time. The glass was thrown straight



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at Olivia’s eyes. He was utterly trying to make her blind. They were at such a close distance, and it was

an attack from an angry adult man. If they were hit, Olivia’s eyes would be totally destroyed.

As she was about to get hit, Olivia hurriedly retreated and narrowly avoided it, but behind her were the

stairs, and the steps hit her ankles, causing her to gasp in pain and subconsciously lean over.

Seeing this, David was finally satisfied. “Although it didn’t hit her, it was not bad to make her fall,” said

he inwardly.

With his arms crossed over his chest, David looked at Olivia condescendingly. The contempt in his

eyes was apparent.

“You are Olivia?” he asked.

Olivia raised her eyes to look at the tall and robust boy in front of her. She knew this person. She had

seen pictures of everyone from the Taylor family. This man was the youngest son of the Taylor family,

David Taylor.

At the same time, he was Olivia’s younger brother.

Olivia’s eyes reddened. She quickly blinked her eyes to suppress the urge to cry and annihilated all her

expectations for her relatives and the Taylor family at the same time.

“Why don’t you talk, dumb!” Being dissatisfied with Olivia’s silence, David stepped forward and raised

his hand to grab Olivia’s hair and force her to look up.

Before his hand could reach Olivia, he was stopped by a stern voice upstairs. “Stop!”

The speaker was Liam.

David panicked, stopped his action immediately, took a few steps back, and hung his hands at his

sides like a good baby.

“How can you hit your sister!” said Liam, angrily stomping his crutches on the ground.

Seeing that the old man was angry, Samuel and Amelia quickly exonerated David.

“Dad, David is still young. He didn’t mean to do it,” Samuel said.

Then, Amelia nervously walked to David and explained, “David just feels sorry for Emma. He has a

short temper, but he has absolutely no bad intentions.”


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When David beat Olivia carlier, Samuel and Amelia just watched silently, acquiescing to his violence.

Liam had just said one sentence about David, and Samuel and Amelia spoke for David nervously.

Sitting on the steps of the stairs, Olivia looked at the harmonious scene in front of her at this moment.

She didn’t know whether her legs or heart hurt more.

Liam took a deep look at Amelia and did not continue to pursue David beating Olivia but changed the

topic to Emma.

“Do you know that Emma had someone to rape Olivia?” asked Liam.

“Dad.” Samuel was afraid that Liam would scare Emma, so he took the lead to speak. “Isn’t Olivia

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okay? Olivia is fine. Since everything is fine and we are a family, let’s forget about it.”

“Yes,” Amelia added. “Emma was scared and crying. She didn’t really want to hurt Olivia. She just had

someone to scare Olivia. It was the evil man who made his own decision to rape Olivia.”

“Scare Olivia?” sneered Liam. His tone was stern, and he didn’t show the slightest mercy. “Even if you

attempt to kill someone, you will be sentenced.”

The meaning of this was that Emma must be punished.

Hearing this, Amelia was so worried about Emma. She did not dare to argue with Liam, so she turned

her eyes to Olivia.

This was the first thing she said to Olivia. “Olivia, you’re okay anyway. Why bother with it? Emma is so


Olivia raised her eyes, gave Amelia a serious look, and then looked down. “It turns out that this is the

feeling of having a mother.

“However, this feeling is not comfortable at all,” she thought.

Samuel also said, “Olivia, you will be a member of the Taylor family in the future. You don’t want to

make everyone unhappy, right? If you are a thoughtful girl, forgive Emma.”

“What does this mean? Is he threatening me?” said Olivia inwardly. “If I don’t forgive Emma, I will be

unreasonable and unthoughtful?”

She looked up, stood up abruptly, and walked to Emma’s side.

“Olivia.” Emma glanced at Olivia and blinked her big, watery eyes, looking pitiful and cute. “I’m sorry.

Can you forgive me?”



Billionaire’s Missing Darling

“Of course, I’ll forgive you!” said Olivia inwardly.

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She twisted the corners of her mouth, revealing a slight smile. She then

raised her hand, concentrated her strength, and slapped Emma fiercely.

“Okay, I’ll forgive you!”

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Billionaire’s Missing Darling