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Billionaire’s Missing Darling by Theresa Wilde

Chapter 26
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Chapter 26

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Olivia thought, “See, How easy it is to receive people’s attention,”

Olivia always thought sincere concern and true love were unconditional, People should love her for her,

not the things she had,

Olivia thought, “It is not sincere love if I need to beg or apply tricks to obtain it.

“I had expectations for the Taylor family, so I had no plans. I only wanted to receive unconditional love,

“But now…”

Olivia lowered her eyes, her curly and thick eyelashes covering them. A hint of coldness revealed from

the corner of her eyes.

Olivia knew a lot about playing tricks but couldn’t be bothered using them.

She had a thousand ways to receive guilt and pity from the Taylor family. However, she would not use

one of them.

It was because Olivia did not need other people’s pity. She did not bother to ask for it if it was not


The disappointment and sadness were gone in Olivia’s eyes. They

disappeared so fast that it was like Olivia had never had those emotions.

Olivia remained as cold as usual.

Olivia put her backpack on her shoulder and looked at Liam, saying, “Grandpa, something happened in

the laboratory. I have to return early.” Before Liam could speak, Amelia interrupted hastily. “Why are

you in such a hurry?” Looking at Olivia’s bruises worriedly, she continued, “You are injured. You should

go to the hospital and apply some medicine on those bruises first.”

Olivia turned around and nodded politely to Amelia to express her gratitude. Then Olivia refused. “No

need. These are small problems. However, there is a big problem in the laboratory waiting for me.”

“What is that? Can it be more important than your body?” Amelia was so worried that she was about to

cry. She wanted to get close to Olivia but hesitated to do so. She cautiously wandered around Olivia.

Amelia said, “It’s just an experiment. You don’t burn yourself out to finish.



Billionaire’s Missing Darling

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1. it. You used to be alone and needed to work hard. Now you have me and the whole Taylor family.

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You don’t have to work so hard.”

Amelia worried about Olivia from the bottom of her heart. Amelia thought, “I don’t understand why a girl

has to work so hard. The Taylor family is wealthy. Olivia can just wear her beautiful dress, go shopping,

and enjoy her coffee.”

Olivia ignored Amelia and said, “I’m leaving now.” After that, Olivia turned around and left quickly.

Amelia stood at the stairs, watching Olivia leave. After Olivia walked outside the door, Amelia sighed

and complained, “This kid. She is stubborn, isn’t she?”

Emma stepped forward and hugged Amelia’s arm to comfort her quietly.

Amelia thought, “No wonder Emma is my sweetheart.” Amelia turned her head and smiled at Emma.

After the scene ended, Samuel took David to the study for a speech. The others went back to their


Emma was with Amelia. Thinking about how Olivia firmly left, Amelia couldn’t help complaining to

Emma, “What’s wrong with that kid? Why is she so stubborn?”

Emma is sensitive and intelligent. She knew Amelia cared about Olivia, although she complained about


Emma never spoke ill of Olivia before Amelia or any other members of the Taylor family. She did not

indicate others so that others would think nothing of Olivia, either. Emma was always gentle, generous,

and considerate in front of others.

She did not bother to pretend to be pitiful to play dirty on Olivia as those characters did in s or TV


Emma wanted to become somebody in the Taylor family. She wanted David to have confidence in her,

Samuel to trust her, and Amelia to rely on her.

If Emma wanted to be the master of the family, she could not be a little girl hiding behind Samuel and

Amelia’s protection. She could not cry or beg.

“Mom.” Emma patted the back of Amelia’s hand and comforted her, “I understand how much you worry

about Olivia, but you have to give her some time to let her accept everything slowly.”



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Amelia nodded and said, “Right, right. I didn’t ask Olivia to accept me and get close to me quickly. I just

worried about her. Look at the injuries. on her body. The bruises look so serious, but Olivia insists on

going back to school. Why is that experiment more important than her body?”

Emma explained patiently, “Mom, things in school are nothing in your eyes. However, Olivia views

things differently. She has had no family to support in the past ten years. She must be insecure and

worries she will leave a bad impression on her professor. That is why she wants to do her best.”

Amelia listened to Emma’s words and nodded.

Amelia thought, “I was too arbitrary just now. Emma was right. Olivia was helpless in the past. Thus,

Olivia takes her studies as her everything. She can have a bright future only if she does well in her


Amelia understood why studies were important to Olivia. After that, Amelia asked her secretary to find

out the phone number of Olivia’s counselor.

Amelia immediately dialed the number once she got it.

Olivia’s counselor, Kate Leach, was about to rest. Receiving a call from an unknown phone number,

Kate frowned and picked it up, saying, “Hello? Who is it?”

“Hi, Mrs. Leach. I’m Olivia’s mother.”

Kate was shocked. She thought, “Olivia’s mother? I thought Olivia didn’t have a mother. Could it be

Olivia’s godmother? Why is she calling me at this time? Did something happen to Olivia?”

Thinking of this, Kate became nervous. He said anxiously, “Hello. Nice to hear from you, Mrs. Taylor.

What can I do for you? Is anything urgent? Is everything okay with Olivia?”

Amelia shook her head and said, “Olivia is okay, but I need you to do me a favor.”

Hearing Olivia was fine, Kate was relieved. Her tensed–up body also relaxed. She said, “It’s great to

hear everything is okay with Olivia. What can I help you with, Mrs. Taylor?”

Then Amelia asked Kate not to keep Olivia so busy at the laboratory or get Olivia out of the laboratory.

Hearing this, Kate fell into silence for a while. It seemed she was dumbfounded.



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Amelia did not receive Kate’s response after a while. She spoke to the phone, “Hello? Mrs. Leach, are

you still there? Please excuse my abrupt request. However, Olivia is my daughter. I lost her years ago

and found her days ago. I worry about her and love her very much. Therefore, I don’t want her to work

so hard. Her future will be brilliant. We will arrange everything for her. She doesn’t need to fight for a

career. She can enjoy everything we give her.”

“You… Do you know…” Kate was too shocked to speak a word. After a while, she asked, “Do you know

about Olivia’s experiment?”

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Amelia thought, “What do I need to know about an experiment? Do I have to read a paper or

something? Come on. I also went to university. The experiments in the university are always the same.

The professor leads a research team, and the students work for the professor. To put it bluntly, students

are workers responsible for recording data. Having one more or less student doesn’t matter to the


“Even if Olivia’s lab is something, the result will belong to her professor. Olivia has nothing to do with

the credit.”

Thus, Amelia did not want her daughter to suffer so much.

It was late, and Amelia did not want to continue the conversation with Kate. She requested straightly,

“Please, Mrs. Leach. Don’t let Olivia work so hard.”

Kate was speechless.

Kate was still shocked after Amelia hung up the phone for a while.

Kate’s husband, Terrence Leach, came over and waved his hand before Kate. Then Kate came back to


Terrence was confused and asked, “What happened?”

Kate slowly turned her head and looked at Terrence. She said with a shocked tone, “You won’t believe

it. Olivia’s mother just called me and asked me to get Olivia out of the laboratory. Does she know what

kind of experiment that is? Olivia is the team leader, and even her professor has to listen to her.”

Terrence did not follow at first. Thinking of the name, he suddenly understood. He asked, “Are you

saying Olivia Taylor? The girl who was the first in the world to extract a special yeast and received the

National Youth Science Fund?”

Kate nodded.



Billionaire’s Missing Darling

She thought, “Interesting, right?

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“The university thinks highly of Olivia. She is considered a genius who will have a chance to win the

Nobel Prize.

“I can’t believe her mother just called me and told me she has arranged everything for Olivia’s future!

“I don’t know if Olivia’s mother is ignorant or arrogant.”

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