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Billionaire’s Missing Darling by Theresa Wilde

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30

Susan had brought many gifts, intending for Olivia to choose from them. Typically, unless they were

close friends or family, one or two gifts would suffice when visiting someone’s home. There was no

need for a multitude of presents.

Yet, Olivia sat on the floor, sifting through the various gifts, finding each one irresistible. She wanted to

give them all to Andrew..

It was a peculiar feeling. Every time she thought of the young boy, her heart softened. She couldn’t

help but want to treat him well, wanting to give him everything she had.

After much contemplation, she selected a Lego set and a race car.

Her original plan was to surprise Andrew, but upon arriving, she discovered he wasn’t home.

Hadn’t they agreed to have dinner? Why wasn’t he home?

Olivia’s expression visibly dimmed.

The living room was empty, except for the maid, Aunt Zoe, who came forward to greet her. Taking the

gifts from her hands, she said, “Mr. Andrew knew you were coming. He must be very happy. He talked

about it all day yesterday and told me to prepare delicious dishes. I was so nervous that I feared my

cooking wouldn’t be up to par.”

Imagining the little boy mumbling with his cherry–red, plump lips, his face displaying an innocent and

endearing expression, Olivia couldn’t help but gently purse her lips, the corners of her eyes lifting in a

tender smile.

Leading Olivia to sit on the sofa, Zoe said, “Mr. Andrew was waiting for you, but someone suddenly

came from the old mansion yesterday and took him away. Don’t worry. Mr. Andrew will be back by

noon. He also left a letter for you.”

Zoe took out a pink note, on which was the childish and tender handwriting of the little boy.

“Sister Olivia,

“I went to grandma’s today. I’ll be back by noon tomorrow. Wait for me. I’ll be back soon.”

At the end of the letter was a drawing of two little people holding hands.



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As she grew older and wiser, her longing for her parents diminished. Yet, Obric offerersed its

Obvia didn’t intend to read the book here, but with nothing else to do, she casually Sipped through it.

On one page, she found a line of text.

“It’s such a beautiful handwriting she thought. It looks a lot like mine.

“Daniel will love Livy forever?”

Olivia’s hand, holding the page, stiffened. The more she looked at the line, the more familiar it seemed.

“It’s so strange. Why does it look so much like my handwriting?”

She placed the on the coffee table, took out a pen and paper from her bag, and wrote down the

line, ‘Daniel will love Livy forever!”

After writing, she compared the two.

The handwriting was almost identical.

Ever since she was young, Olivia practiced her handwriting, mastering a particularly elegant style. She

never rushed her writing, ensuring each stroke was precise and neat.


Millionaire’s Missing Darling

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The identical handwriting and the familiar name gave Olivia a surreal feeling. She stared at the line for

a long time.

Afterward, Olivia flipped through a few more pages, hoping to find similar handwriting. However, she

found nothing until she reached the very end of the book. In the corner of the last page, she discovered

another character.

This time, the handwriting was different, masculine, and sharp, like iron strokes on a canvas.


It perfectly echoed the previous line.

A sudden tingling sensation prickled at Olivia’s fingertips, an unexpected emotion burrowing its way

into her heart, causing a sour tightness in her chest.

She closed the book with a soft thud, taking a sip of water to steady herself, trying to calm the fluttering

sensation that had taken hold of her heart.

Just as she regained her composure, the door opened to reveal Daniel,

The man was impeccably dressed in a sharp black suit, his sleeves rolled up just a touch, revealing a

hint of his wrists. A file was clutched in his hand, and his hurried steps hinted at some pressing matter.

Upon spotting Olivia, he gave her a brief nod of acknowledgment. Without pausing, he swiftly moved

past her, heading for the stairs that led to the upper floor.

Having walked past her and stepped onto the stairs, he suddenly turned back, finally stopping beside

her. His gaze fell on the book on the coffee table.

Following his gaze, Olivia softly explained, “Zoe brought it over, thinking I might be bored.”

Daniel didn’t respond. Instead, he bent down, picked up the book, carefully dusted it off, and held it

close to his chest as if it were precious. “Ask Zoc to get you another book,” he said.

After saying that, he headed towards the stairs.

Hearing the commotion, Zoc said, “Mr. Sullivan is back.”

Daniel turned to her, “Don’t touch this book again.”

Zoe nodded repeatedly, “I’m sorry, Mr. Sullivan. I’ll be careful”


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Billionaire’s Missing Darling

Sitting on the sofa, Olivia felt a bit embarrassed. If not for her, Zoe wouldn’t have taken that book.

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Judging by Mr. Sullivan’s reaction, this book must be very important to him.

She pondered whether to stand up and apologize. Meanwhile, Daniel instructed Zoe, “Go and tidy up

the garage.”

What’s wrong with the garage? Wasn’t it just cleaned this morning? Zoe wondered. But since Mr.

Sullivan had instructed, she decided to go and check, thinking it might have been messed up again.

As Zoe left, she passed by Olivia and apologized, “I’m sorry Ms. Taylor. I’ll bring you another book in a


“No need,” Olivia quickly waved her off.

Mr. Sullivan’s demeanor earlier was a bit intimidating. Being a guest in someone else’s home, it’s best

not to snoop around.

“Then, Ms. Taylor, have some fruit,” Zoe pushed the fruit plate towards Olivia, explaining, “Mr. Sullivan

probably came back for some documents. I heard he has an important meeting today. You don’t need

to feel uneasy; he’ll likely leave soon.”

Olivia smiled without saying anything.

Zoe went to the garage, leaving Olivia alone downstairs. Glancing at her wristwatch, she noticed it was

almost noon.

Andrew still hadn’t returned at this point, making her a bit restless.

Having nothing else to do, she pulled out her phone to search for some literature online. Just as she

opened the database, a loud bang startled her.

It came from upstairs!

Olivia looked up, worried, wondering if something had happened to Daniel.

As she hesitated about whether to go up, another loud noise echoed, accompanied by a man’s muffled


This time, without hesitation, Olivia decisively got up and headed upstairs.

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