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CEO's Ex-wife Stunned the World

Chapter 42
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Chapter 42 Crash Into the Sea

Julianna was freaking out. Her heart was beating so fast as if it almost jumped out of her chest. If they

had collided with the truck opposite them just now, with such a fast speed, even though they wore seat

belts, they would die undoubtedly.

It did not matter if she died, but what about her three children?

Julianna did not dare to yell at Edwin again. Instead, she pleaded in horror, “Edwin, don‘t be like this,


Roar! The car started again, like a wild beast out of control, roaring and rushing into the traffic....

“Edwin, stop! Please...”

Edwin didn‘t seem to hear it. He kept speeding up and overtaking other cars.

Every time he overtook a car, it was extremely thrilling. Fortunately, his driving skills were excellent.

Every time it seemed like they were going to collide but passed by.

“Ah! Ah!” Julianna closed her eyes several times in fright. Even though she was wearing a seat belt, her

hand still held tightly onto the safety buckle of the car.

For the sake of her three children, she must not die.

“Edwin, don‘t be like this...”

Julianna grabbed Edwin‘s arm and pleaded again and again.

Edwin was very irritable. He had no idea what he was going to do. He only knew that he was so annoyed

that he was about to collapse. He just wanted to drive crazily and vent his anger.

“Edwin, stop the car right now. I‘m begging you.”

Edwin drank wine. It was very dangerous to drive.

The speed of the car was getting faster and faster. It had reached a speed of 87 miles per hour.

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Moreover, this was a winding mountain road. It did not take long for him to make a big turn. It was very

easy for him to be in danger at this speed.

“Edwin, stop the car, now! What the hell is wrong with you?

“Ah! Ah!” Julianna was extremely scared. If this went on, a car accident would not be avoided... She

wanted to jump out of the car. However, at such a high speed, jumping out of the car would be even


“Edwin, stop! Stop!”

Julianna tried to stop him from speeding up. Suddenly, a car came from the opposite side. Edwin

quickly turned the steering wheel, but he had been driving too fast, and it was too late.

In a moment of desperation, Edwin fiercely turned the steering wheel in the opposite direction.

Crack! Crack...


The car crashed into the guardrail beside the road and plunged into the sea.

“Ah...” Julianna cried out in alarm and shut her eyes tightly...

Plop! The car crashed into the sea.

The huge impact caused Julianna to lose consciousness for a moment, and her entire mind went blank.

Edwin slammed his head against the steering wheel, and then the airbag opened and popped out...

Five minutes later, Julianna gradually recovered consciousness. She opened her eyes slightly and broke

out in cold sweat.

Their car had been flooded and was half–drowned.

Edwin fainted.

“Edwin! Edwin! Wake up! The car is flooded!”

Edwin had no reaction at all...

It was dark in the car. Julianna could only vaguely make out a rough outline with the help of the

streetlights on the shore...

Edwin‘s head was broken, and his entire face was covered in blood.

Julianna was so scared that her heart skipped a beat. She shook Edwin in panic. “Come on, Edwin.

Wake up...”

More and more seawater filled the car.

Julianna panicked. She had no time to call Edwin anymore, so she quickly pushed the car door.

Unfortunately, there was water in the car. Under the strong water pressure, the car door could not

be pushed open at all.

“Where‘s the window burst hammer?”

Usually, there was a window burst hammer prepared in the car. In case the car fell into a river, it

could be used to smash the car windows.

However, Julianna searched everywhere in the car, but she couldn‘t find the window burst


The water had already reached her chest. Without a second thought, Julianna quickly took off her high

heels and smashed at the weak spot at the edge of the window.

“Bang! Bang!”

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

After crazily smashing dozens of times, the window finally loosened...

Julianna smashed a few more times, and the window finally broke. She climbed out of the car.

At this time, the entire car was filled with water.

After the car was balanced, Julianna swam to the other side. Fortunately, the water pressure in the car

was balanced.

Julianna pulled open the car door and tried to drag Edwin out. However, Edwin was tied with the seat

belt, and it was dark in the water.

Julianna groped for a long time but failed to touch the seat belt buckle. She could no longer hold her

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breath. Julianna would have to float out of the water to breathe, but she did not dare. She was afraid that

when she finished changing her breath, the car would sink into the sea...

Edwin was still in the car, and he was unconscious. If Julianna didn‘t save him, Edwin would die.

Julianna held her breath and used her last breath. Finally, the safety buckle was unlocked.

Julianna dragged Edwin out of the car.

Crash! They finally surfaced...

Julianna took a few deep breaths before her breathing became a little smoother.

“Edwin, wake up...”

Edwin was about 6 feet tall. It was almost impossible for Julianna to drag him ashore.

However, she didn‘t give up...

Julianna wrapped her arms around Edwin‘s underarm and worked all out to struggle to swim to the


Edwin was immersed in the water, and his consciousness recovered a little. He was half awake and half


Vaguely, Edwin seemed to have returned to the situation when he was drowning ten years ago. It was

also at this moment that a thin and delicate figure dragged him, a huge–sized man, and

struggled to swim to the shore.

The sealed memories seemed to have been opened...

For that drowning ten years ago, Edwin did not see the girl‘s face clearly. But at this moment, he seemed

to remember...

The girl who saved him had long hair that was almost wrapped around his neck in the water. However,

Katelyn had never had that long hair. –”

After Edwin was dragged ashore, the first person he saw when he woke up was Katelyn, so Edwin

subconsciously believed that Katelyn had saved him, but now...

Edwin was stunned. He wondered, was Julianna the one who saved me back then?

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