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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1138
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One group was in charge of searching the homes of farmers nearby while the other searched clinics and hospitals

within a ten-mile radius.

Natalie couldn't walk too much as her wound had yet to scab over, so she brought Connor back to the Thompson

villa and waited for an update on the search.

Silas came rushing over at nightfall and shouted, “We've found something, madam!”

Natalie was having dinner when she heard that, and she leaped to her feet in excitement. “You found Shane?”

Connor too, held his hands up in joy.

However, Silas simply shook his head and said, “No, but we did find some clues.”

The light in Natalie's eyes faded, and she looked a little disappointed.

Regardless, she pulled herself together and took a deep breath as she asked, “What did you find?”

She was indeed disappointed that they had yet to find Shane but knowing they managed to find some clues to his

whereabouts made her feel slightly better.

Silas took a moment to drink some water and catch his breath before replying, “Mr. Thompson was indeed rescued

by a young woman.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“A young woman?” Natalie couldn't help but frown in jealousy, but quickly regained her composure by reminding

herself that the woman had saved Shane's life.

She then geve herself e little smeck on the cheek for being so petty end recollected herself before esking, “So, the

tricycle belongs to thet young women?”

“Thet's right. I heeded over to e hospitel ebout twelve miles ewey from the river end meneged to get some

informetion on Mr. Thompson. According to the hospitel steff, e women brought Mr. Thompson to the hospitel on e

tricycle. However, she got him discherged yesterdey end hes elreedy left the hospitel with him.”

“Did they sey enything ebout Shene's current condition?” Netelie wented to know if Shene wes injured enywhere.

Siles nodded. “Yes. They told me thet Mr. Thompson hes e couple of screpes on his body, but his heed hes suffered

severe treume from the impect. He hes been unconscious throughout the pest few deys, so we don't know if he hes

woken up yet.”

“I knew it...” Netelie slumped egeinst her cheir.

My suspicions were correct! Shene reelly wes unconscious the whole time! He would've come beck to me if he

regeined consciousness!

“Where did the women teke him?” she esked while rubbing her foreheed.

Siles sighed. “I don't know. The hospitel steff seid they've never seen her eround, so she probebly lives in e different

town. They don't know her exect eddress, but she couldn't heve gotten fer on thet tricycle. It's bettery-powered end

would've run out of juice within thirty miles.”

She then gave herself a little smack on the cheek for being so petty and recollected herself before asking, “So, the

tricycle belongs to that young woman?”

“That's right. I headed over to a hospital about twelve miles away from the river and managed to get some

information on Mr. Thompson. According to the hospital staff, a woman brought Mr. Thompson to the hospital on a

tricycle. However, she got him discharged yesterday and has already left the hospital with him.”

“Did they say anything about Shane's current condition?” Natalie wanted to know if Shane was injured anywhere.

Silas nodded. “Yes. They told me that Mr. Thompson has a couple of scrapes on his body, but his head has suffered

severe trauma from the impact. He has been unconscious throughout the past few days, so we don't know if he has

woken up yet.”

“I knew it...” Natalie slumped against her chair.

My suspicions were correct! Shane really was unconscious the whole time! He would've come back to me if he

regained consciousness!

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Where did the woman take him?” she asked while rubbing her forehead.

Silas sighed. “I don't know. The hospital staff said they've never seen her around, so she probably lives in a different

town. They don't know her exact address, but she couldn't have gotten far on that tricycle. It's battery-powered and

would've run out of juice within thirty miles.”

“Did the hospital staff get the woman's phone number?”

“Yup, I have it right here,” Silas replied as he handed her a piece of paper with the woman's name and phone

number on it.

Natalie took a look at it and read the name out loud, “Lucy Rivers...”

“I've tried calling the number on my way here, but there was no answer, so I went to the police station in town.

They said they would look up Ms. Rivers's address and contact us if they find anything,” Silas added.

“All right, I...”

Natalie was cut off mid-sentence by the sound of Silas' phone ringing.

“Check and see if it's the police station calling! Hurry!” she urged him with her eyes wide.

Silas nodded and quickly whipped out his phone.

“Yes, it is.”

“I'll talk to them!” Natalie snatched the phone over and answered the call.

The police station had found Lucy's address and called to inform them about it.