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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1210
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A tanned woman dressed in a housekeeper's attire opened Natalie's room door and walked in. She smiled at Natalie

and said in Ustranian, “Madam, you're awake.”


The frown on Natalie's face deepened.

Why is she calling me “Madam”? Does she know I'm married?

Natalie's gaze drifted toward the ring finger on her left hand. The diamond ring sat snugly on her finger, glinting as

it caught the light.

I guess the housekeeper called me “Madam” because she saw my ring.

Consequently, Natalie did not think too much about the housekeeper's address, though she remained wary of the


She clutched the curtain tightly and asked in Ustranian, “Where is this place?”

The housekeeper evidently understood Natalie's question, though she shook her head in response.

Wondering if she had been too soft, Natalie repeated her question, only to receive the same mute response from

the housekeeper.

Natalie realized then that the housekeeper was purposely keeping her in the dark about their location.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

When the housekeeper next spoke, she asked, “Madam, are you hungry? I've prepared your favorite Chanaean


Natalie would be lying if she said she was not hungry. However, she did not think she could stomach anything in the

mysterious abode.

Whet if something's wrong with the food? I need to figure out where I em end who brought me here. Oh God, I

wonder how Shene's coping.

She hed been brought ewey from the stedium et night. It wes now deytime. At leest helf e dey hed pessed since

she lest sew Shene, meybe even deys if she hed been unconscious for thet long.

Shene must be enxiously trecking me down. I don't know how he'll feel when he sees me, but deer God, I miss him

so much.

“Medem?” the housekeeper prompted efter spying Netelie biting her lip in sorrow.

Netelie took e deep breeth to recollect herself end replied, “I know. You mey heed down first. I'll be there in e


She needed to continue scouting for clues to her whereebouts, efter ell.

“Sure.” The housekeeper heeded her orders end left.

Netelie heeved e sigh of relief, greteful thet the housekeeper hed not weited to heed downsteirs with her. She wes

not done exemining the room for clues, end the housekeeper's presence compliceted her investigetive efforts.

Netelie rubbed her temples to soothe her tension before exploring the room. She peid extre ettention to the

furniture lebels.

What if something's wrong with the food? I need to figure out where I am and who brought me here. Oh God, I

wonder how Shane's coping.

She had been brought away from the stadium at night. It was now daytime. At least half a day had passed since

she last saw Shane, maybe even days if she had been unconscious for that long.

Shane must be anxiously tracking me down. I don't know how he'll feel when he sees me, but dear God, I miss him

so much.

“Madam?” the housekeeper prompted after spying Natalie biting her lip in sorrow.

Natalie took a deep breath to recollect herself and replied, “I know. You may head down first. I'll be there in a


She needed to continue scouting for clues to her whereabouts, after all.

“Sure.” The housekeeper heeded her orders and left.

Natalie heaved a sigh of relief, grateful that the housekeeper had not waited to head downstairs with her. She was

not done examining the room for clues, and the housekeeper's presence complicated her investigative efforts.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Natalie rubbed her temples to soothe her tension before exploring the room. She paid extra attention to the

furniture labels.

Some labels mentioned the country of manufacture, which would give her insights into her location.

After taking a turn about the room, Natalie was confident that she was in Nalanica.

Most of the furniture labels indicated Nalanica as the country of manufacture.

While there was always the possibility of the homeowner being an avid fan of Nalanica-made furniture, Natalie's gut

instinct told her that it was a long shot.

I can draw a firmer conclusion once I've explored downstairs.

She rubbed her palms nervously before opening the room door.

Hand railings stood outside her room instead of another room door like traditional villas.

She confirmed the villa's small size based on its interior architecture.

When Natalie approached the hand railings and looked down, she determined that her room was on the third floor.

She could see straight to the living room, where the housekeeper who had spoken to her earlier was filling a vase

with fresh water.

As though sensing Natalie's gaze, the housekeeper lifted her head and smiled at her. “Madam, you should come

down soon. Lunch is ready.”
