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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1265
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Sean raised his hand and said, “Wait a moment. I'll go and have a look first.”

His instincts told him something was amiss, and he could not shake off the uneasy feeling even though he could not

quite put his finger on the reason.

He always trusted his instincts, and they had always proved more accurate than the average person's.

In fact, there had been many occasions where he had managed to avoid dangerous situations because of his


Hence, as soon as he felt something was not right, he would make sure to be more careful.

Narrowing his eyes, Sean began heading toward the villa.

When he got to the entrance, he did not go in immediately. Instead, he halted his footsteps and eyed the door

warily, his uneasiness intensifying.

This doesn't feel right. Something feels seriously wrong. It feels like there's not a single soul at the villa. Usually,

Marina will come out to greet me when I arrive. I've disembarked from the helicopter for quite some time, yet I

don't see any sign of her. That's clearly not normal. There's no way Marina wouldn't have heard the sound of the

helicopter. Well, not unless she wasn't here. But if she isn't at the villa, then where is she?

Meanwhile, hidden high up on a coconut tree not far away was a tiny camera pointed directly at Sean.

Shane was the one who had ordered the installation of that camera, and many others, around the villa. The sole

reason for that was to monitor Sean's every movement as soon as he returned.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Seeing that Sean stood at the villa's entrance for a long time without going in, Silas frowned and mused, “Mr.

Thompson, do you think he realized something?”

Shane stared fixedly at the laptop in front of him with his lips pressed together tightly and did not say anything.

Natalie slowly withdrew her hand on Shane's leg and clenched her fist. “That can't be. Those bodyguards are well-


“But he's just standing at the entrance. Something isn't right,” said Silas.

The villa is his residence, so what could be more natural than for him to enter immediately. But now, he's just

standing outside without doing anything. He's even eyeing the villa warily. No matter how I think about it, his

behavior doesn't make sense.

Natalie nodded. “That's true. But maybe it's not what we think. Let's see what happens.”

Hence, Silas continued staring intently at the screen silently.

Meanwhile, Sean's eyes were scanning the surroundings for anything that seemed out of place as he stood in front

of the villa.

After observing for a moment and not noticing anything strange, he finally continued walking toward the main


But as he moved, he reached one hand into his clothes, his expression gradually turning colder.

Natalie's heart lurched when she saw that.

As she watched his actions on the screen, it looked like he was about to draw out a gun!

That meant that he had realized something amiss.

“Shane!” Natalie called out hurriedly.

Naturally, he had also seen it, and he looked grim. “Silas, hurry and tell the bodyguards to be careful. Sean has a


“Yes, sir!” Without any delay, Silas yelled into the intercom, “Be careful! The target has a gun. I repeat, the target

has a gun!”

When the bodyguards at the villa heard that, their hearts sank.

A gun! We're familiar with guns, but we don't have any with us this time. We weren't expecting our target to have a

gun! What should we do?

A few of the bodyguards who were hidden nearby each other exchanged glances.

In the end, the leader of the bodyguard team gritted his teeth and signaled to the others, sending a silent message

that told them to be careful and focus on their target. With ten of them against one person, they would surely be

able to capture him as long as they did not get shot.

Seeing that, the other bodyguards nodded to show that they had understood the message.

But to their surprise, Sean paused when he reached the foyer and drew out his gun. Then, he released the safety

catch on the gun and fired several consecutive shots around him.

The bullets happened to whizz past an area of the villa's main living room where several bodyguards were hiding.

If it were not for the various pieces of furniture in front of them acting as shields, it was highly likely that they would

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

have gotten hit.

Hiding behind the couch, the leader of the bodyguards cursed inwardly as he swiped away the feathers that had

fallen over his eyes.

“Yes, sir!” Without ony deloy, Silos yelled into the intercom, “Be coreful! The torget hos o gun. I repeot, the torget

hos o gun!”

When the bodyguords ot the villo heord thot, their heorts sonk.

A gun! We're fomilior with guns, but we don't hove ony with us this time. We weren't expecting our torget to hove o

gun! Whot should we do?

A few of the bodyguords who were hidden neorby eoch other exchonged glonces.

In the end, the leoder of the bodyguord teom gritted his teeth ond signoled to the others, sending o silent messoge

thot told them to be coreful ond focus on their torget. With ten of them ogoinst one person, they would surely be

oble to copture him os long os they did not get shot.

Seeing thot, the other bodyguords nodded to show thot they hod understood the messoge.

But to their surprise, Seon poused when he reoched the foyer ond drew out his gun. Then, he releosed the sofety

cotch on the gun ond fired severol consecutive shots oround him.

The bullets hoppened to whizz post on oreo of the villo's moin living room where severol bodyguords were hiding.

If it were not for the vorious pieces of furniture in front of them octing os shields, it wos highly likely thot they would

hove gotten hit.

Hiding behind the couch, the leoder of the bodyguords cursed inwordly os he swiped owoy the feothers thot hod

follen over his eyes.