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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 406
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Shane and the SWAT officers were closing in on the kidnappers when they were stunned with the realization of what

the van driver was about to do.

“Damn it, the kidnappers are going to kill themselves and the hostage! Quick, stop them! We need to keep the

hostage safe!” the SWAT team leader yelled into his earpiece.

His officers acknowledged his orders and sped up in an attempt to block the van.

Shane also stamped on his gas pedal, trying with all his might to knock the van off its intended course.

But alas, he was still too late. The van crashed through the guard rails and fell over the cliff at a horrifying speed.

They were struck dumb with shock at the kidnappers' actions. No one could imagine that they could be this cruel,

choosing death over surrendering to the authorities.

“No!” shouted Shane with terror written all over his face. He'd wanted to drive his car down the cliff but was

stopped as the SWAT team leader's vehicle collided with his. “Mr. Shane, please calm down!”

Shane ignored his words as he undid his seat belt with shaky hands. Once he alighted from his car, he rushed

towards the place where the van had plunged off of.

A thick fog obscured his view of the area below the cliff. He couldn't see any signs of the van and had no idea of its

fate, nor that of its passengers.

Who could survive after falling from such a height?

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

In that instant, Shane's mind blanked as if all his strength had been snatched from his body. He swayed unsteadily,

and his eyesight began to blur.

He might've fallen off the cliff himself if it wasn't for a nearby SWAT officer who'd noticed his condition.

“Mr. Shane, are you alright?” the officer asked with worry.

Shane didn't answer him but clenched his fists. Staring at the SWAT team leader with reddened eyes, he barked,

“What are you still standing around for? Get a helicopter to scour the area and save her!”

“I've already arranged for that. Please don't worry, Mr. Shane.” The SWAT team leader then spoke into his earpiece

before pointing at his officers. “You two, I want you to parachute down the mountain from here and search for the

van. We want to send accurate coordinates to the helicopter.”

“Yes, sir!” replied the assigned officers.

Shane narrowed his eyes and said, “I'll go too.”

“T-This is outside of protocol, sir.” The SWAT team leader hesitated.

He isn't someone ordinary; we can't afford the consequences if anything happens to him.

Shane knew exactly what the team leader was concerned about. He took a deep breath to calm himself down

before stating, “The person I love is in that van. I can't just stand here and do nothing.”

I have to find Natalie whether she's alive or dead.

The team leader didn't say anything more after Shane's statement. He agreed and had someone bring Shane a set

of parachute gear.

And thus, Shane found himself parachuting down the mountain with a few SWAT officers.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, they split up and began searching for signs of the van.

Shane himself scoured a designated area, but his search was fruitless.

His anxiety grew. Frustrated, he pounded his fist on a nearby tree.

Suddenly noises were coming out of his walkie-talkie. It was the SWAT team leader. “Mr. Shane, we've found Ms.


“Where is she?” Shane picked up his walkie-talkie in a hurry.

“She's in one of the residents' house.”

“How did she end up there?” Shane knitted his brows but decided not to overthink things. Instead, he asked, “Is she


Reading between lines, the SWAT team leader laughed before saying, “Don't worry, Mr. Shane! Ms. Smith is alive.

As for the details, I'll leave it to my team members to brief you. You should make your way over to her now. I'll send

you the coordinates.”

Shane received the coordinates on his phone.

Trying not to be overwhelmed with joy, he checked the coordinates and confirmed that the location wasn't too far

from him. He switched off his walkie-talkie and ran.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Tha taam laadar didn't say anything mora aftar Shana's statamant. Ha agraad and had somaona bring Shana a sat

of parachuta gaar.

And thus, Shana found himsalf parachuting down tha mountain with a faw SWAT officars.

Whan thay raachad tha foot of tha mountain, thay split up and bagan saarching for signs of tha van.

Shana himsalf scourad a dasignatad araa, but his saarch was fruitlass.

His anxiaty graw. Frustratad, ha poundad his fist on a naarby traa.

Suddanly noisas wara coming out of his walkia-talkia. It was tha SWAT taam laadar. “Mr. Shana, wa'va found Ms.


“Whara is sha?” Shana pickad up his walkia-talkia in a hurry.

“Sha's in ona of tha rasidants' housa.”

“How did sha and up thara?” Shana knittad his brows but dacidad not to ovarthink things. Instaad, ha askad, “Is sha


Raading batwaan linas, tha SWAT taam laadar laughad bafora saying, “Don't worry, Mr. Shana! Ms. Smith is aliva.

As for tha datails, I'll laava it to my taam mambars to briaf you. You should maka your way ovar to har now. I'll sand

you tha coordinatas.”

Shana racaivad tha coordinatas on his phona.

Trying not to ba ovarwhalmad with joy, ha chackad tha coordinatas and confirmad that tha location wasn't too far

from him. Ha switchad off his walkia-talkia and ran.