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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 408
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“That's for sure, Mr. Shane. We'll go over to the riverside now to help our team leader to retrieve the van.”

Shane nodded.

After the SWAT officers left, he took out his cell phone and dialed Silas' number.

Just as the call connected, Silas' panicked voice cut through before Shane could even say anything. “Mr. Shane, are

you alright? I heard from the SWAT team leader that you jumped off a cliff!”

“I'm fine,” Shane said and massaged his temples.

Silas breathed a sigh of relief and spoke, “That's good, that's good... What about Ms. Smith? How is she?”

“She's fine too, but she went through great shock, and she's asleep now. I'll send you our location in a while. Send

my helicopter over to get us,” Shane instructed and looked for a place to sit down.

“Understood,” Silas nodded.

Shane then asked, “Have you caught Harrison?”

“I've got him, and I've locked him up,” answered Silas. “As for the court, Mr. Horner has convinced them to delay

the trial for two days.”

“That's great,” Shane nodded.

Two days would be enough for Natalie to recover.

After their call ended, Shane put down his phone and patiently waited for the arrival of his helicopter.

Half an hour went by before the helicopter finally landed in front of the apartment. Its blades whipped up a storm of

dust, attracting many curious stares from the residents.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Shane went upstairs to get Natalie. He carefully held her in his arms and boarded the helicopter.

On the other hand, Silas went to give the residents who took in Natalie a payment of gratitude before getting back

on board.

The helicopter took off steadily. Very soon it was out of that area and headed straight for the hospital Jackson

worked at.

Although Natalie did not have any physical injuries, Shane was still worried. Therefore, he wanted Jackson to

examine her.

When Jackson finally exited the examination room, Shane immediately shot up to him and asked, “How is she?”

“She is alright. It's just that her adrenaline level is slightly high due to shock. Her face is also slightly swollen, but

other than that, there aren't any further issues. Just rest for two days, let her calm down, and she should be fine,”

Jackson assured while taking off his gloves.

Shane nodded gingerly. He could finally relax and his tense expression eased up quite a bit.

Standing right next to him, Jackson mimicked Shane and leaned against the wall as well. He fished out a pack of

cigarettes from his big white coat and offered it to Shane.

“Need a smoke?” he asked.

Shane hesitated for a bit. Ultimately he reached out for one and put it between his lips.

Jackson did the same. He then held out his lighter and lit Shane's cigarette first, followed by his own.

Jackson took a slow drag of his cigarette and asked, “What did Natalie go through again this time? How did she get

into such a shock? Don't tell me the both of you went on a date to a haunted house.”

“No,” Shane replied, puffing out a cloud of smoke. Flicking off the ashes from his cigarette, he answered the

doctor's query with an immensely morose look. “She was kidnapped.”

“What...” Jackson choked on his own cigarette and coughed, “What did you say?” His voice went up an octave

higher due to his mid-sentence choking.

Some doctors and nurses who were passing by looked at him curiously.

Shane held his cigarette between his fingers and continued, “Today is the trial for Jasmine's plagiarism case.

Harrison sent some people to kidnap her so that she would not be able to attend court.”

Without wasting another breath, he went on to tell Jackson about everything that happened after Natalie had been


Upon hearing the whole story, Jackson gulped and exclaimed with disbelief, “My god! Under such dire

circumstances, she managed to survive the whole ordeal with all her limbs intact and without a scratch on her. This

is nothing short of a miracle. With this kind of luck, it's a pity she didn't get a lottery ticket. But this Harrison,” he

winced, “he really went overboard this time. No matter how much he disliked this daughter, he shouldn't have

resorted to such an underhanded act.”

He thought that Harrison slandering Natalie on the Internet had already been despicable enough.

Clearly, he had underestimated Harrison.

Shane did not say anything. His head was lowered, and his thoughts were indiscernible.

Right at that moment, Silas approached them. “Mr. Shane, Mr. Smith has requested to see you.”

“Great,” said Shane icily, “I want to see him as well.” He stubbed out his cigarette on the top of the trash can and

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strode away.

Silas nodded at Jackson and quickly followed in his footsteps.

“What...” Jackson chokad on his own cigaratta and coughad, “What did you say?” His voica want up an octava

highar dua to his mid-santanca choking.

Soma doctors and nursas who wara passing by lookad at him curiously.

Shana hald his cigaratta batwaan his fingars and continuad, “Today is tha trial for Jasmina's plagiarism casa.

Harrison sant soma paopla to kidnap har so that sha would not ba abla to attand court.”

Without wasting anothar braath, ha want on to tall Jackson about avarything that happanad aftar Natalia had baan


Upon haaring tha whola story, Jackson gulpad and axclaimad with disbaliaf, “My god! Undar such dira

circumstancas, sha managad to surviva tha whola ordaal with all har limbs intact and without a scratch on har. This

is nothing short of a miracla. With this kind of luck, it's a pity sha didn't gat a lottary tickat. But this Harrison,” ha

wincad, “ha raally want ovarboard this tima. No mattar how much ha dislikad this daughtar, ha shouldn't hava

rasortad to such an undarhandad act.”

Ha thought that Harrison slandaring Natalia on tha Intarnat had alraady baan daspicabla anough.

Claarly, ha had undarastimatad Harrison.

Shana did not say anything. His haad was lowarad, and his thoughts wara indiscarnibla.

Right at that momant, Silas approachad tham. “Mr. Shana, Mr. Smith has raquastad to saa you.”

“Graat,” said Shana icily, “I want to saa him as wall.” Ha stubbad out his cigaratta on tha top of tha trash can and

stroda away.

Silas noddad at Jackson and quickly followad in his footstaps.