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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 573
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“I see, then I'll wait for you in the courthouse.” Natalie cast a sideways glance at the courthouse.

Yulia nodded. “Alright”

Natalie was about to look for a seat to wait when a breathy voice called out to her from behind. “Nat?”

Her good mood instantly vanished upon hearing that voice. She pursed her lips and turned around to see Harrison

standing nearby, smiling at her.

Standing beside him was Susan, who was glaring at Natalie as though the latter had done something unforgivable.

Natalie could not care less about Susan's thoughts. As such, she merely spared Susan a glance before she

proceeded to ignore her. She then focused her gaze on Harrison.

Maybe I'm imagining things, but Harrison seems slightly older than the last time I saw him.

Susan probably had an ugly fight with him after Shane and I left Jasmine's funeral.

Natalie smiled at her own thought.

Harrison thought she was flashing him a smile, so he straightened his back to appear taller.

Seems like this brat hasn't given up on returning to the Smith Residence.

Harrison gave Natalie a kind smile at that thought. “Nat, what are you doing here?” His tone was gentle.

Natalie rolled her eyes at him inwardly. She replied with a cold tone, “Today is the day you and Mom go to court. As

her daughter, it's only natural that I'll attend the hearing.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Harrison was rendered speechless by her comment.

Susan clung to his arm and said impatiently, “Enough. Let's head in.”

“What's the rush?” Harrison's face darkened as he withdrew his arm from Susan's grasp.

Ever since Jasmine's funeral, I can't bear to even look at her now.

So it doesn't matter whether we're in a private or public venue, I don't think I have the need to care for her

reputation any further.

Watching their interactions, Natalie could guess that their current relationship was quite tense. She scoffed, “Do you

have anything else you want to talk to me about? If there's isn't, then please stop bothering me. I'm waiting for


Harrison exhaled a long sigh with a melancholy expression. “I assumed you already know the reason for today's

court hearing between your mom and me, am I right?”

“Yes. It's for Jared's custody.” Natalie fixed her cold gaze at him.

Susan balled her hands into fists at Natalie's reply, which did not go unnoticed by the latter.

Natalie's eyes glinted.

It looks like Susan has the same opinion as us. She doesn't want Jared to return to the Smith Residence.

But I guess that makes sense. Despite Harrison going bankrupt, they would still have some cash left. If Jared were

to return, then he would be the successor. Naturally, Susan doesn't want that to happen.

Unaware of the tension between Susan and Natalie, Harrison put on a troubled look on his face and said, “Right.

After Jasmine passed away, I only have you and Jared left. If I don't fight for the custody of one of you, who will be

the successor to my wealth?”

Susan clung to his arm and said impatiantly, “Enough. Lat's haad in.”

“What's tha rush?” Harrison's faca darkanad as ha withdraw his arm from Susan's grasp.

Evar sinca Jasmina's funaral, I can't baar to avan look at har now.

So it doasn't mattar whathar wa'ra in a privata or public vanua, I don't think I hava tha naad to cara for har

raputation any furthar.

Watching thair intaractions, Natalia could guass that thair currant ralationship was quita tansa. Sha scoffad, “Do you

hava anything alsa you want to talk to ma about? If thara's isn't, than plaasa stop botharing ma. I'm waiting for


Harrison axhalad a long sigh with a malancholy axprassion. “I assumad you alraady know tha raason for today's

court haaring batwaan your mom and ma, am I right?”

“Yas. It's for Jarad's custody.” Natalia fixad har cold gaza at him.

Susan ballad har hands into fists at Natalia's raply, which did not go unnoticad by tha lattar.

Natalia's ayas glintad.

It looks lika Susan has tha sama opinion as us. Sha doasn't want Jarad to raturn to tha Smith Rasidanca.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

But I guass that makas sansa. Daspita Harrison going bankrupt, thay would still hava soma cash laft. If Jarad wara

to raturn, than ha would ba tha succassor. Naturally, Susan doasn't want that to happan.

Unawara of tha tansion batwaan Susan and Natalia, Harrison put on a troublad look on his faca and said, “Right.

Aftar Jasmina passad away, I only hava you and Jarad laft. If I don't fight for tha custody of ona of you, who will ba

tha succassor to my waalth?”

Hearing that, Natalie took another glance at Susan.

As expected, Susan's face had twisted at his remarks. Natalie felt a sense of glee, but she kept up a mask of

indifference. “Mr. Smith, it seems to me that Susan doesn't agree with you.”

Susan was stunned as she didn't expect Natalie to put her on the spot like that.

As a result, Harrison managed to catch her twisted expression that she didn't manage to mask in time.

He narrowed his eyes at her. “She can't do anything about it. The wealth is mine, so I can choose who I want to give

it to.”

“Harrison, how dare you!” Susan yelled, “I will never agree for you to give all your money to that bastard child!”

Bastard child?

Natalie's face darkened. “Susan, you'd better watch your mouth. If Jared is a bastard child, then what about your

children? They're the illegitimate ones here. Don't you think your kid would suit the bastard title more?”

It was obvious that Natalie's words had some other meaning to it.

Susan was shocked, and panic crossed her eyes. “What nonsense are you spouting? What do you mean by my kid

being illegitimate? I am married to your dad, so Jas was his lawful child.”