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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 305
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While Ning Ran and Cheng Xiangyun were busy drinking and chatting about the wonderful future ahead, Ouyang

Qing was also drinking in a private club at Flower City.

She sipped from her glass of Lafite as she flipped through some photos.

A man in black clothing was standing in a corner of the room with his hands clasped behind his back.

“You took these photos yourself?”

“Yes, I did. I took them earlier tonight.”

“You’re sure Ding Mi booked a room for this man?”

“Yes. He was being beaten up by some men and Ding Mi’s bodyguards saved him. After that, she treated him to a

meal before arranging for him to stay at this hotel.”

“Why does a no-name actress like her have bodyguards?” Ouyang Qing mused.

“They were assigned to her by the Nan family. Their combat skills are actually not too bad.”

“Is she that important to Chen?” Hatred gleamed in her eyes at the thought.

The man remained silent.

“Keep an eye on that man and make sure he doesn’t escape. I want to meet with him tomorrow.”

“Young Miss...”

“Just do as I say.”


The next afternoon, Ning Ziqiang was starving. Unable to stand the pain gnawing at his insides, he decided to head

downstairs in search of food.

There was a dim sum shop near the hotel where he bought ten buns to be his meals for the day.

Upon turning back around, he found his way blocked by two burly men.

Paranoid from having debt collectors constantly chasing after him, his first reaction was to flee.

Unfortunately, one of the men grabbed hold of him before he could even take a step. “Don’t run. We want to talk to


Noting the somewhat friendly tone, Ning Ziqiang stopped his struggling.

Ning Ran has bodyguards, right? Maybe she assigned these two to protect me.

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“Our Young Miss wants to meet with you,” one of the men stated.

Ning Ziqiang was even more relieved to hear that, convinced that they were Ning Ran’s men. They would not have

been so polite if they were his debt collectors. On the contrary, he would probably be receiving a beating right

about now as well as more than a few swear words.

“Where is she?” Ning Ziqiang asked.

“She’s already prepared lunch and wants to invite you over.”

This news pleased Ning Ziqiang as that meant he would be able to save his buns for another time.

“Sure. Let me leave my buns at the front desk first then I’ll gladly go with you.”

He was a poor man now. These buns were incredibly precious as they would sate his hunger easily. Hence, he was

reluctant to throw them away.

He returned to the hotel and handed his buns over to the receptionist.

The receptionist was mildly surprised. She had been working here for many years and had seen a lot of strange

things. However, this was the first time she had seen someone leaving their buns at the front desk.

What made things even weirder was that the man climbed into a Mercedes-Benz after exiting the lobby.

Are all wealthy people as frugal as he? He’s already sitting in a Mercedes-Benz, yet he doesn’t even want to throw

away a few buns!

Settling down in the backseat of the Mercedes-Benz, Ning Ziqiang almost felt like he was back in the past when he

was still a CEO.

“Drive faster! Why are you driving so slowly?” he berated the chauffeur.

However, the chauffeur ignored him.

“Hey, I’m talking to you! Didn’t you hear me?” Ning Ziqiang was starting to get angry.

Once again, he was ignored.

It suddenly dawned on him that even though these were Ning Ran’s bodyguards, they had no connection to him at

all. There was no point in acting arrogantly in front of them as they would not listen to him.

In no time at all, they arrived at a high-end restaurant. The bodyguards led Ning Ziqiang to a private room.

Sitting inside the private room was a young, beautiful woman. Clearly, it was not Ning Ran.

Not recognizing who she was, Ning Ziqiang was instantly on his guard.

“Who are you?”

Ouyang Qing stood up to welcome him. “Good day, sir. Please have a seat.”

Her polite demeanor, pretty appearance, and innocent smile caused his wariness to vanish.

“And who are you, miss?” he questioned while sitting down.

“I’m your daughter’s friend,” the woman answered with a grin.

“You’re Ran’s friend?”

What? Isn’t that woman called Ding Mi? Who is Ran? Was I mistaken? But my men told me this is Ding Mi’s father!

Pushing aside her doubts for now, Ouyang Qing hurriedly answered, “Yes, that’s right.”

“Oh. But why isn’t Ran here herself?” he queried.

“She’s busy. Why don’t we eat first? Please, dig in.”

Too hungry to protest further, Ning Ziqiang eagerly began to eat.

“Would you like some liquor, sir?” Ouyang Qing offered.

“Can I?” Ning Ziqiang’s eyes brightened at the thought.

He used to be a boss, so he was not shy about drinking liquor. Unfortunately, circumstances were different now as

he was impoverished and could not afford to buy any.

“Of course you can. Would you like a bottle of Maotai?”

“Yes, please!” At hearing he would be getting to drink Maotai, Ning Ziqiang was even more delighted.

Pouring a cup for him, Ouyang Qing raised her own and said, “A toast to you, sir.”

She finished the cup in one go.

It had been a long time since Ning Ziqiang had drunk such a high-quality liquor. As such, he enjoyed himself

immensely and downed several cups consecutively.

As the alcohol buzzed through his veins, a newfound rush of energy shot through him.

His earlier despondent attitude disappeared, and he was once more the powerful and influential CEO.

He started to recount his glory days to Ouyang Qing. Some of what he said was true, but most were fake.

Sitting beside him with a smile plastered on her face, Ouyang Qing continued to pour him cup after cup of Maotai.

She watched as he slowly got drunker and drunker, waiting for the right time to spring her question.

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“Sir, why is Ding Mi called Ding Mi?”

“That’s a fake name! Her real name is Ning Ran. I would know; her damn mother named her that! She got

pregnant with a bastard child and left. After she came back, she changed her name to Ding Mi. It’s all fake!”

“A bastard child?”

“Yeah! She was still in university back then. I have no idea how, but she got pregnant. When I asked her who was

the father, she refused to tell me. So I brought her to the hospital for an abortion, but guess what? She ran away!

After that, she even gave birth to the twins!”

More than a little inebriated, Ning Ziqiang completely let down his guard and blabbed everything he could think of,

including what he should not have said.

Ouyang Qing was utterly shocked at his words. What? That means that woman is not exactly as innocent as she

seems! I have to let Nan Chen know!

“Do you know who’s the father of those children yet?”

“Didn’t she tell you? It’s someone from the Nan family! They’ve moved into the Nan family home to live together

now! Aren’t you two best friends? Why didn’t she tell you this?”

“Oh, she did. I just forgot.”

Ouyang Qing fought to keep her astonishment from showing on her face. That woman actually gave birth to

children for the Nan family! No wonder she’s getting the royal treatment! Damn it. Now what? She’s obviously

important to the Nan family due to her children. How am I supposed to win against that?

“By the way, I heard you’ve run into some trouble recently, sir? Something about some people coming after you?”

“Did Ning Ran tell you that?”

Nodding, she added, “Yes.”

“Hah, as if this isn’t all her fault! I wanted her to get some money from the Nan family to pay off my debts, but she

absolutely refuses! Now, all my creditors are chasing me down to demand their money back! I have no other

choice but to run.”

At this, Ouyang Qing perked up in interest.

Huh? It seems like this old man still has a lot to say. I have to find out more!

“Well, Ning Ran seems to be doing quite well for herself now. Even if she doesn’t ask for money from the Nan

family, I’m certain she has enough to pay off your debts!”

“That’s the thing! She doesn’t want to give me any money! If she were willing to help me, I wouldn’t be in such a

pitiful state!”