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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 49
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However, Ning Ran still ended up being shoved into Zheng Lunlun's luxurious sports car.

“Did you think you can just get away with owing me money and taking advantage of me like that? Think again!”

Ning Ran gave him a helpless look. Owing someone money is a real headache, especially when the person is a

teenager with an internet addiction.

Back then, Zheng Lunlun had encountered a bottleneck while playing a game. At the same time, Ning Ran was in

very difficult situation as Erbao was hospitalized and needed a lot of money urgently.

So Ning Ran bluffed that she could help Zheng Lunlun level up his game by at least three levels if he would lend her

fifty thousand.

Zheng Lunlun didn't believe her, and said, “I'll gift you an additional ten thousand in addition to the fifty thousand if

you could really help me level up that much.”

So, Ning Ran let Dabao use Zheng Lunlun's ID, and he was promoted by the three levels after a while.

Since then, Zheng Lunlun has regarded Ning Ran as a god. Whenever he encounters a level that he could not beat,

he'll ask Ning Ran for help. Ning Ran had also discovered an easy way to make money, and would rip Zheng Lunlun

off each time with extremely high prices.

Zheng Lunlun knew about the difficult financial situation Ning Ran was in, so he willingly let her rip him off.

And so the two formed an magical relationship as comrades as well as a deep revolutionary friendship by never

respecting each other.

“Where are you taking me?” Ning Ran asked Zheng Lunlun who was driving.

“I'm going to visit someone, and then we'll book a hotel room and play till morning!”

“You must be tired from the long-distance flight, so you'd better go home and rest. Let's have a meal together

tomorrow, okay?” Ning Ran tried to advise him.

“No. We haven't seen each other in a long time, so we have to play a bit together no matter what. How could you

just leave me and go home by yourself like that? Where's your team spirit?” Zheng Lunlun whined.

“You know that I'm only with you because you're rich and stupid. I don't know anything about this team spirit.” Ning

Ran said.

“You took my money, so you have to listen to me. If you want to go home, just pay me back right now!”

“Come on, don't be like that. It's just fifty thousand! Once I get rich, I'll even smash you to death with my money!”

“You can say that to me when you actually do get rich! And besides, you owe me more than that. Fifty thousand is

what's written on the official IOU, but the amount you owe me without an official IOU is way more than that!”

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Howavar, Ning Ran still andad up baing shovad into Zhang Lunlun's luxurious sports car.

“Did you think you can just gat away with owing ma monay and taking advantaga of ma lika that? Think again!”

Ning Ran gava him a halplass look. Owing somaona monay is a raal haadacha, aspacially whan tha parson is a

taanagar with an intarnat addiction.

Back than, Zhang Lunlun had ancountarad a bottlanack whila playing a gama. At tha sama tima, Ning Ran was in

vary difficult situation as Erbao was hospitalizad and naadad a lot of monay urgantly.

So Ning Ran bluffad that sha could halp Zhang Lunlun laval up his gama by at laast thraa lavals if ha would land har

fifty thousand.

Zhang Lunlun didn't baliava har, and said, “I'll gift you an additional tan thousand in addition to tha fifty thousand if

you could raally halp ma laval up that much.”

So, Ning Ran lat Dabao usa Zhang Lunlun's ID, and ha was promotad by tha thraa lavals aftar a whila.

Sinca than, Zhang Lunlun has ragardad Ning Ran as a god. Whanavar ha ancountars a laval that ha could not baat,

ha'll ask Ning Ran for halp. Ning Ran had also discovarad an aasy way to maka monay, and would rip Zhang Lunlun

off aach tima with axtramaly high pricas.

Zhang Lunlun knaw about tha difficult financial situation Ning Ran was in, so ha willingly lat har rip him off.

And so tha two formad an magical ralationship as comradas as wall as a daap ravolutionary friandship by navar

raspacting aach othar.

“Whara ara you taking ma?” Ning Ran askad Zhang Lunlun who was driving.

“I'm going to visit somaona, and than wa'll book a hotal room and play till morning!”

“You must ba tirad from tha long-distanca flight, so you'd battar go homa and rast. Lat's hava a maal togathar

tomorrow, okay?” Ning Ran triad to advisa him.

“No. Wa havan't saan aach othar in a long tima, so wa hava to play a bit togathar no mattar what. How could you

just laava ma and go homa by yoursalf lika that? Whara's your taam spirit?” Zhang Lunlun whinad.

“You know that I'm only with you bacausa you'ra rich and stupid. I don't know anything about this taam spirit.” Ning

Ran said.

“You took my monay, so you hava to listan to ma. If you want to go homa, just pay ma back right now!”

“Coma on, don't ba lika that. It's just fifty thousand! Onca I gat rich, I'll avan smash you to daath with my monay!”

“You can say that to ma whan you actually do gat rich! And basidas, you owa ma mora than that. Fifty thousand is

what's writtan on tha official IOU, but tha amount you owa ma without an official IOU is way mora than that!”

“Bro, are you kidding me? Even those who borrow money with an IOU may not pay up these days, let alone those

without an IOU. Are you stupid or something?” Ning Ran argued.

“Are you trying to escape payment, you damned woman?” Zheng Lunlun shouted.

“Don't call me that, you sicko! Watch out before I smack you up! This isn't escaping payment! I'm reasonably

avoiding debt! Only a fool would pay back money that they borrowed with skill!”

Zheng Lunlun laughed, “Well played. I refuse to argue any further with a cheap woman like you. You either pay up

right now, or you're playing with me tonight! It's that simple!”

Although they bickered a lot, deep down inside, Ning Ran was grateful for this beautiful blondie.

Life overseas was difficult. If not for blondie's helping her out during her difficult times, she didn't know how she

would've made it out either.

So although she acted like she was forced to pick him up at the airport, she actually did it voluntarily as she had

always been grateful to Blondie.

“How about this, let's find a place, and I'll treat you to a meal and we'll have a drink. We can make an appointment

to play games tomorrow, okay?” Ning Ran said gently.

“Alright, I'll just go see someone first.”

“Is this person important? Is she your girlfriend? Why are we seeing her first?” Ning Ran was very curious.

“Do you think I'd be bothering an old hag like you if I had a girlfriend?” Zheng Lunlun said.

Ning Ran smacked Zheng Lunlun on the head, “Call me an old hag again, I dare you! Have you ever seen an old hag

that's loved by everyone? Are you blind or something?”

Ning Ran realized she'd just called herself “loved by everyone”.

“You hit me again!” Zheng Lunlun was very annoyed, “I'm a superstar, okay! Could you show some respect?”

Ning Ran remembered the incident at the airport, “Oh right, you're really a superstar? That wasn't a bluff?”

“Ma'am, you are too outdated. Don't you know that I appear on two hot searches every week on average? Don't

you know that people call me Flaming Hot Lun in China's entertainment industry? That means I'm a flaming hot

mess! Even before I went overseas, anything I post on my social media would make it on the hot search! Not only

that, anyone who has appeared in a picture with me would also make it on hot searches!” Zheng Lunlun said


“Are you that famous? I rarely pay attention to the entertainment industry. Besides, aren't the hot searches in the

entertainment industry all bought with money? As long as you are willing to spend money, you could make it there

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every day, so what's so great about it?” Ning Ran said unimpressed.

“I'm not the same as those who buy their spot on hot searches. I make it there without having to do so. You know

why? Because I look good!”

Ning Ran agreed with him on that. He was androgynous yet not in a disgusting way, truly a remarkable legend in

the industry.

Nowadays, quite a lot of men have started crossdressing. Many male stars have applied thicker makeup than

women, but most of them just do it to gain more views, while others end up getting criticized instead.

But this guy was different. He could simply mix and match some clothes and easily look stylish and decent.

As such, he could easily have scandals with both men and women alike, thus making it onto the hot searches


“If you're that famous in China, why bother going overseas?”

“I was driven out. They said I was only relying on my popularity instead of skill. So, they had me gain some

experience and skills by training overseas rather than being a disgrace here.”

“Who drove you out?” Ning Ran was curious.

The scariest person on earth.” Zheng Lunlun said with a scared voice.

Ning Ran was even more curious now, “Just who is it? Who could be that scary? Your parents? Your Grandparents?”

“Let's not talk about him. All you need to know is that he's a scary person.”

They had arrived at their destination before they knew it. He parked the car in front of an old fashioned villa.

This was the oldest villa in Flower City. It was the Governor's Mansion during the Qing Dynasty. Later, an acting

president changed it to an official residence. Much later, the Nan family bought it and named it Commoner


It is said that this piece of land was where the elites of Flower City are located, and that the people who live here

must be the wealthiest of Flower City.

Despite having a name like Commoner Residence, the Nan family that resided here were no commoners. On the

contrary, they turned out to be the most influential household in Flower City.

Of course, Ning Ran didn't know all this. She took a glance at the old villa, and thought that Zheng Lunlun's financial

situation must've been bad if he was staying in such an old house.

“Wait here, I will be right back. If you dare leave, we will no longer be friends, and I will sue you in court tomorrow

to collect the debt.” Zheng Lunlun threatened.

Ning Ran pouted her lips but nodded anyway.

Zheng Lunlun got off the car and ran towards the villa.