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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 695
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In the afternoon, there was a ruckus outside the filming set.

Filming continued without being affected by it.

However, they had to stop shooting when noise levels rose.

The security guards informed the director that the press had arrived outside in countless vehicles and would like to

interview Ning Ran.

“Are they really here? How did they manage to locate such a remote place?” grumbled the director.

The mechanics of it weren't hard to understand. Without a doubt, it must have been the production team Li

Xiaolong trashed that revealed their location to the press.

Given the technological advancement during recent years, sending out a precise location wouldn't pose a problem

to anyone at all.

The director glanced at Ning Ran with a complicated look in his eyes.

“I'm sorry to have caused trouble for you all again. I can't do anything about sabotage attempts by other people,

but I'm truly sorry for this.”

Ning Ran bowed to the cast and crew.

The director stopped her right away. “You don't have to apologize. You're a celebrity, so these things help boost

your fame. I can make arrangements for you if you're willing to be interviewed. Otherwise, I'll just go deal with


“My agency has explicitly informed me that I am not to accept interviews of any form, so I cannot speak to the

press in person, and I apologize for that,” explained Ning Ran.

Cheng Xiangyun vouched for her statement. “It was my boss who personally phoned me to deliver the notice on

behalf of the company!”

“Okay. I'll go deal with the press then.”

The director exited the filming set with a few security guards.

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“What should we do now?” Cheng Xiangyun asked for Ning Ran's opinion.

“We have to find an escape. The press can be ruthless. They'll continue to hang around outside in an attempt to

intercept me and won't leave even if the director told them to,” Ning Ran analyzed.

Cheng Xiangyun mulled over her words for a moment. “Why didn't you stop the director if you knew his efforts

wouldn't deter the press?”

Ning Ran studied her in mock disdain. “Of course, the director knows that! He has worked in this industry for years!

Talking to the press is only a way for him to get some media exposure to promote the film. Can't you see what's

going on?”

It wasn't until then that it dawned on Cheng Xiangyun. “D*mn! You lot sure are cunning as hell! That aside, how will

we slip away if the director can't disperse the crowd?”

“Do you want your face on television?” Ning Ran queried.

“What does that mean? An assistant like me can't possibly be qualified for that!”

“Of course you are! You will be famous by the end of today!” Ning Ran wasn't joking around.

“Get lost! You're lying to me!”

“I'm not. The press is after me now. All you have to do is put on a pair of sunglasses, a face mask, and a cap. Once

you leave, they'll be on your tail.” Ning Ran chuckled.

Realization hit Cheng Xiangyun. “I get it now! I'm supposed to act as a decoy by standing in as your double while

you slip away when the time is right! What a classic move!”

“Yeah, and yet you didn't figure out such a simple move that is common in films.”

“It wasn't that I didn't think of it. The trick just seems a little too simple.”

“Somethings are best kept simple. Let's prepare now.”

Twenty minutes later, a jeep arrived outside the set.

A woman with a face mask and sunglasses on her face dashed out from the building and climbed into the jeep.

The jeep drove off right away after that. The entire scene lasted less than two minutes.

“She has escaped. Go after her!” The press scrambled into their vehicles and went after the jeep.

However, some of the more experienced media reporters surmised, “The one who set off might not be Ding Mi.

She could have hired a double and is still inside!”

A lot of the other reporters found that speculation plausible, for other celebrities had routinely pulled the same


In the end, some of the reporters departed to chase the jeep down, whereas the rest continued to lurk in wait.

Sure enough, another jeep drove over after a few minutes.

Right then, another woman rushed outside under the escort of two security guards. She dashed into the jeep and

was chauffeured away immediately after.

The remaining reporters let out a cheer. “She's the real deal! She must be Ning Ran!”

Thus, all of them got into their vehicles and went in pursuit of the woman.

After confirming that the press was gone, Ning Ran ambled out from the set.

It turned out that neither of the two women who had left just now was Ning Ran. The first who had taken the

majority of the press with her was Cheng Xiangyun, whereas the second was one of the female production staff.

Ning Ran had deduced that the more experienced reporters wouldn't be fooled, so she pulled another one on them.

She made sure that the second round seemed even more believable by having two security guards escort the

female staff.

With that, she was able to trick all of the reporters away. She then got into her car at a leisurely pace and left.

Indeed, Cheng Xiangyun's photo was published online later that day.

After reaching the city center with the press hot on her heels, she got out of her vehicle, took off her face mask,

and allowed the press to take some photos.

Upon realizing they were tricked, the reporters vented their anger at Cheng Xiangyun.

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Not only did they claim that Cheng Xiangyun had spat and flipped them off, but they also alleged that as Ning Ran's

assistant, her supposedly poor attitude would allude to how unscrupulous Ning Ran was.

That was the first time Cheng Xiangyun experienced cyberbullying, and it didn't sit right with her. While stomping

her foot, she hollered in anger, “These nutjobs are spewing nonsense! I never spat at them, nor did I flip them off!

The photo they published of me is awful too! This is infuriating!”

Meanwhile, Ning Ran was gloating at the side. “Do you now understand the hardships I face regularly? Anything you

do can be an offense if people wish to find fault with you. They'll resort to making things up even if you've done

nothing wrong. It's bound to happen.”

“What a bummer! These cowards are despicable! I shouldn't have volunteered to cover for you!” Cheng Xiangyun

was already regretting her decision.

“You're my assistant, so acting as my decoy is just part of your job. Besides, weren't you the one who wanted to

become famous? Why are you regretting it now that you've gotten what you asked for?” Ning Ran sounded


“I might have wanted to become famous, but not in such a manner. How dare they publish such an awful photo of

me and degrade me?”

Ning Ran checked her phone. “I think you're quite photogenic, though. Perhaps you can try out a role in the film as

your debut.”

Cheng Xiangyun was delighted. “Is that so? I think I have the makings of a celebrity too. Why don't you talk to Sir

Chen and let me have my debut? I might just be propelled into stardom! I won't forget how you have helped me if

that happens!”

“What roles do you think will suit you?” Ning Ran asked.

Cheng Xiangyun pondered in all seriousness. “I think I can take on the role of a princess!”

Qiao Zhan, who had been listening in on the conversation, nodded.

“Yeah. You can play the princess' mother or maybe characters like Marie Antoinette and Bellatrix Lestrange from

'Harry Potter!”‘

“Get out of here now!” Cheng Xiangyun bellowed while pointing at Qiao Zhan.