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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 120
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Ashton had never heard of Amber changing his job. On this day, when Amber came to see him, he

remembered that he hadn’t seen Elliot for a long time, so he asked casually, “Why haven’t you seen

Elliot recently?”

After a moment of silence, Amber replied, “Uncle, Elliot is engaged! I’ve resigned and started a new


“When did this happen?” Ashton was surprised.

“It’s been a few days.”

“This bastard! Like that bastard of mine, he’s a bastard!” Ashton was so angry that he started cursing.

It turned out that he thought that Elliot was a person who could be entrusted by Amber for the rest of

his life, but he didn’t expect that he was wrong. Such a situation was exactly the same as that of Reece

and Ashley. Ashley was waiting hard, but Reece was getting married to Lannie without any explanation.

“It’s not his fault. It’s my fault! It’s my fault!” Amber smiled bitterly and told Ashton what had happened.

Ashton heaved a long sigh. “Amber, things are not like this. Your mother didn’t do anything wrong. It’s

because Elliot’s thoughts are too extreme… Forget it, it’s not fate…” Ashton sighed in a low voice.

“Uncle, Elliot is not wrong, and so is my mother. However, the person I hate is Reece. Since he is

married, he should have responsibility. What’s the point of ignoring his wife and son like this?” Amber

was angry when he thought of Reece holding a rose to his mother’s grave to hold a memorial

ceremony. “He still has the nerve to go to my mother’s grave to hold a memorial ceremony and pretend

to be affectionate. It’s disgusting!”

Ashton sighed. “It’s hard to explain love. Reece may have his own difficulties!”

“You can’t be so shameless with any difficulties!” Amber said angrily, “Don’t you want human morality?”

Ashton looked at Amber’s angry expression and thought of Itzel’s threat. If I told Amber that you

weren’t Ashton, what would she think? He suddenly felt heavy in his heart.

After Elliot got engaged, he returned to South City. This time, Walter clearly felt that Elliot had changed

into another person. Instead of acting like he used to, he became much quieter and calmer.

Deon shook his head in his heart. No wonder someone said that only after experiencing a hard-working

love could one become mature. Elliot must have given his heart to Amber.

On this day, not long after Elliot entered the company, Ashton suddenly came to visit and led him into

Elliot’s office. Deon sensibly exited the office and closed the door.

Elliot stood up and personally poured tea for Ashton. Ashton did not drink it. “I only found out about

your engagement now, so I came here to congratulate you!”

“I’m sorry!” Elliot lowered his head.

“What can I change if I’m sorry? You really disappoint me! I always thought that you and your father

would be different, but I didn’t expect that I was wrong!” Ashton was very angry.

“It’s all my fault. I tried to make her happy, but I couldn’t convince myself to pretend that nothing had


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After knowing everything, he thought a lot. He couldn’t forget Amber. Even if she was the daughter of

the woman he hated the most, he definitely couldn’t forget her. But now, it wasn’t that he didn’t accept

Amber’s question, but whether Amber could accept him after he knew the truth. If it was painful to

reveal the truth in the future, it was better to make a decision now and retreat.

“Elliot! Do you know what love is? How can you blame your father’s mistake on another innocent


Elliot remained silent. He understood Ashton’s anger. He didn’t want to defend himself. What could an

explanation change?

Seeing his silence, Ashton became even angrier. “Elliot, you will regret it! I’m telling you, you hate the

wrong person. Amber’s mother didn’t betray you at all. You don’t have the right to hate her. Everything

is the fault of your bastard’s father. He abandoned you from the beginning. He has no responsibility or

responsibility to blame you. You can only hate that bastard’s father!”

“I know everything you said!” Elliot was very calm. “I don’t hate Amber’s mother.”

“Do you know that you’re still engaged to another woman?” Ashton glared at Elliot. He was

indescribably disappointed with Elliot. “Elliot, you’re a bastard! You’re just like your father!”

“I know I’m a jerk, but what can you do with this thing? Can’t you keep it a secret? If Amber knows that

my mother’s death was caused by my mother, how can I face her? Isn’t she always in pain?” Elliot told

Ashton what he was worried about.

“Ashley’s death has nothing to do with your mother!” Ashton firmly denied. Ashley’s death was caused

by Channing’s affair. It was just an accident. It could not have anything to do with Elliot’s mother.

“I asked Reece. He said that Amber’s mother had a car accident after she went out to meet him. He

said that it was my mother who ordered the accident. I went back to ask my mother about it, but she

didn’t deny it! That’s what Grandpa said.”

“No! They must have made a mistake!” Ashton shook his head. He remembered very clearly that

Ashley had called him before the accident. She said that she regretted it very much and very much that

she had married Channing.

He asked what had happened. Ashley choked with sobs and replied that Channing had just had an

affair and an illegitimate daughter outside. Ashton asked her who her love was, but Ashley refused to

say it. She just cried.

In Ashton’s impression, Ashley was very strong. He was very worried about Ashley, who was crying

helplessly. After he asked her where she was, he immediately took a taxi and rushed over.

When he arrived, he didn’t see Ashley. Later, in the hospital, he saw the dying Ashley. She told Ashton

to take care of his daughter and asked him to bring his ashes back to South City for burial.

Later, after Ashley died, Ashton learned that the person that Channing had cheated on was her best

friend, Shannon. Her husband had cheated with his best friend. It was like a bolt from the blue for

Ashley. It was no wonder that she could not accept all this.

According to the time when Ashley called her and the accident happened, she didn’t have time and

energy to see Elliot’s mother. She was sure that her death had nothing to do with Elliot’s mother.

Elliot never dreamed that it would be like this. He always felt that this matter was not so simple. Since

Ashley’s death had nothing to do with his mother, why did his mother choose to admit it?

After Ashton left, he couldn’t sit still and decided to go back and ask his mother about it.

Lannie’s body had returned to normal. She didn’t commit suicide to threaten Elliot, but she really

wanted to die. Her husband didn’t like her, and her only son liked his rival’s daughter and

misunderstood her. She was very sad and desperate, so she chose to commit suicide.

He didn’t expect that his son would agree to get engaged to Breanna by suicide. After getting engaged,

Elliot immediately flew back to South City with his official business as the top priority.

As Elliot’s fiancee, Breanna came to report to Lannie every day. The more Lannie looked at Breanna,

the more she liked her. Such a gentle, kind and beautiful lady was more suitable for her son than

Ashley’s daughter.

Of course, Lannie didn’t expect that her son would come back again to ask about Ashley’s death.

Facing her son’s second question, Lannie told the truth.

She did make a phone call to meet Ashley, but she refused. She refused her firmly. “She said that she

had a family and would never betray her family’s marriage and daughter. Please don’t harass her!”

Lannie didn’t believe that she wouldn’t give up, so she asked someone to follow Ashley, trying to block

her and meet her after finding her whereabouts.

The person who followed her that day reported that Ashley had entered a tea room in City A. She

rushed over when she heard the news. When she arrived, the person who followed her said that she

was meeting someone in one of the rooms.

She had been waiting in the hall. About half an hour later, she saw Ashley stumbled out of the room.

At that time, Ashley’s face was full of tears, and her expression looked sad. She was stunned and

stood up to follow him out. After running out of the tea room, she didn’t leave immediately. She saw that

she was making a phone call in the phone pavilion next to the tea room, crying while making a phone


Later, Ashley walked out of the phone pavilion and went to the intersection. As she walked, she wiped

her tears and stumbled a little. When she walked to the middle of the road, a big truck roared over.

Lannie watched as Ashley’s truck was knocked into the air.

Lannie was still a little scared when she thought of the situation that day. After the truck hit someone,

she immediately ran away. Ashley was lying on the ground softly, covered with blood.

She saw that she was struggling in a pool of blood, but did not come forward to save her. If she had

been willing to save her at that time, she would have sent her to the hospital immediately, and Ashley

might not have died.

But at that time, she chose to stand by. At that time, her idea was that everything that happened to her

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now was caused by Ye Ashley. If Ashley died, maybe her husband would change his mind and his son

would not lose his father at such a young age.

Between life and personal thoughts, she chose to ignore life. Later, every time when she was free, she

would see Ashley’s appearance at that time. She was covered in blood and struggled in pain in the

pool of blood.

Ashley’s death didn’t make her husband change his mind. On the contrary, he was even more distant

from her. Moreover, he didn’t know where he heard that he had met Ashley, so he blamed Ashley’s

death on her.

Since the death of Ashley, Reece had never returned home. Lannie felt that this was retribution. She

chose to ignore a life, so the heavens punished her, letting her endure the suffering and the criticism of

her conscience.

So in the past few years, she had been eating vegetarians and reciting Buddhism. Reece was right.

She was indeed repenting for her indifference and selfishness at that time.

Elliot didn’t expect the truth to be like this. “Since you didn’t do it, why didn’t you explain it to Reece?

Why did he always misunderstand you?”

“What’s the use of explaining? Reece has a deep prejudice against me. He doesn’t give me an

explanation at all, nor will he believe me. Moreover, I did appear at the scene of Ye Ashley’s accident.

Although I didn’t cause Ashley’s death, I didn’t save her. It’s a fact!”

“Reece, you don’t believe me, do you? Why don’t you explain it to me? Why did you admit that you

killed Ashley when I questioned you?”

“You are my son, but you came to question your mother for someone else’s sake. Could it be that in

your heart, giving birth to your mother caused you to lose to an outsider?” Lannie asked.

“But you shouldn’t lie. Do you know what decision I made because of your words? I gave up the

woman I loved the most! Mom, can you bear to see your son live a life without love and die alone like

you?” Elliot was in great pain.

“What are you talking about?” Lannie was angry. “Breanna is such a good person. Why don’t you like


“Aren’t you such a good person? Why doesn’t Reece like you?” Elliot asked.

“I… That’s because he’s possessed!”

“I’m also possessed!” Elliot smiled bitterly. “Mom! To tell you the truth, except for Amber, I can’t pretend

to be anyone else in my heart. I’m engaged to Breanna because you like her. I can’t be with the woman

I love. My engagement is the same as anyone else’s. So in order to make you happy, I chose her!

Mom, you’re miserable enough. Why do you let others be sad like you?”

“Son, I’m thinking for you! Breanna comes from a good family. It’s hard to find such a wife. I really like

her, so I want to keep her by my side.”

“Mom, if you really want something for me and for Breanna, you’d better persuade Breanna not to

marry me.”

“Son, what do you mean by this?” Lannie was stunned.