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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 172
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When Celia returned home, Shannon’s face darkened. “Didn’t I tell you not to go out at home? Why

aren’t you obedient?”

“Mom, I have something important to tell you.” Celia pulled Shannon into her room and closed the door.

She lowered her voice and said, “I just got a message that Amber is pregnant.”

“Where did you hear that?” Shannon was also surprised. Celia told Shannon about what Breanna had

seen. Shannon was a little nervous. Breanna must have come to Celia to show her kindness to deal

with Amber. However, it still needed to be confirmed.

She immediately called Itzel. “I heard that Amber is pregnant?”

Itzel, who was at work, was stunned when she heard that. “No way. I didn’t hear Rachel talk about this.”

“Breanna told Celia that this child lived a bad life in order to save the sick child. I’m not sure, so I asked


Shannon didn’t panic anymore when she saw that Itzel didn’t know anything. Maybe the news was

false. From the bottom of her heart, she certainly hoped that Amber wouldn’t get pregnant.

Itzel naturally hoped that Amber was not pregnant. However, as the saying goes, there are no waves

without wind. It was impossible for Breanna to lie to Celia.

With Rachel’s desire for her grandson, she would be very happy if Amber was pregnant. Why didn’t

she tell anyone about it?

However, it was indeed possible to cure leukemia with blood. Itzel pondered for a moment and said, “I’ll

take time to visit Rachel and inquire about her from time to time.”

Itzel immediately bought fruits and went to the Barron family’s house. Rachel was very happy to see

her and chatted about some family affairs. Itzel deliberately mentioned Mel’s condition and asked

Rachel about the follow-up treatment. Rachel sighed and said, “At present, the child’s condition is

relatively stable. He is not a patient. Rodney said that there was no big problem. As long as Amber

gave birth to the child and treated it with blood and water, it will be cured.”

This was the first time that Rachel had mentioned Amber’s pregnancy in front of Itzel. Itzel secretly

hated the old man for keeping it a secret. Fortunately, Breanna had leaked the news. Otherwise, it

would have been a long time before they found out.

She hated Rachel to death in her heart, but she didn’t show it on her face. “This is a good thing for you.

Not only can you cure your grandson’s illness, but you can also have another child.”

“Of course, having more grandchildren is a good thing, but the mother of this child is not a good thing. I

have a headache. You also know that Rodney is determined to start over with Amber. Now that Celia is

pregnant, what should I do about it? I have a headache.”

There seemed to be something wrong with Rachel’s words. Now the matter of the sports meeting had

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been settled, and Rachel was not the kind of person who kept his promises. If she went back on her

word, it would be difficult to deal with this matter. Itzel became anxious. “Although the success rate of

treating leukemia with blood is high, it also requires a successful matching treatment.”

Rachel naturally did not understand this. “What do you mean?”

“It’s just that the blood of the child that Amber is pregnant with must be compatible with Mel’s,” Itzel


“What should we do? If the child Amber is pregnant with doesn’t deserve the shape of Mel, what should

we do with Mel?” Rachel became anxious when she heard that.

“Don’t worry. I’m just talking about the probability. Besides, Amber is pregnant. Isn’t Celia pregnant as

well? She’s also pregnant with Rodney’s child. Maybe the blood of the child she gave birth to can make

her happy.”

“Yes, Celia is also pregnant with Rodney’s child. Amber can’t do it, so he can use Celia’s.” Rachel

understood immediately.

“So you don’t have to have a headache. Just wait for them to give birth to the baby, and not only can

you treat Mel, but you can also have a few grandchildren all of a sudden. You can’t be happier.”

Rachel nodded. “You’re right. You have to think twice before doing anything.”

As she spoke, the sound of a car came from the door. Riya came in and reported, “Mr. Barron is back.”

Rachel stood up with a smile on her face. “Why are you back so early today?”

While they were talking, Rodney strode into the living room. Deon followed closely behind him. Seeing

Itzel in the living room, Rodney frowned slightly.

He used to have a good impression of Itzel, but now when he saw her, he felt like he was an

accomplice. Although he didn’t like her, he wouldn’t show it on his face. He nodded politely to Itzel and

strode into the study.

Closing the door, Rodney turned on the computer and turned on the surveillance video. There were

several security cameras installed outside the Barron family’s villa. Naturally, there were security

cameras in the room. As long as the surveillance video was brought out, he could clearly know what

had happened that night.

When Rodney was transferred to the date of that day, he soon saw the scene that night. His car was

driven into the Barron family’s villa at about 11 o’clock. When the door opened, Kelsey got out of the

car first, followed by Celia. Then the two of them helped him out of the car.

At this moment, Rachel and Itzel also opened the door to welcome him. He was helped into the living

room by several people and then went upstairs.

There was a surveillance camera in the bedroom, so naturally, he couldn’t see what was going on

inside. However, he could clearly see a few people helping him into the room walking out of the room

one by one. Kelsey came down from the upstairs and left the Barron family.

However, Celia did not leave. After Kelsey left, she went back to her bedroom. When she saw Celia

enter her bedroom again, Rodney’s face changed.

Deon’s face also changed. The two looked at each other and continued to stare at the monitor. Itzel

and Rachel were chatting in the living room. The monitor could only see the picture but could not hear

the sound, so he could not understand what they were talking about.

Rodney’s heart was in his throat. He only hoped that Celia would enter his bedroom again because

something had fallen into his room.

However, this idea was undoubtedly far-fetched. As time went by, Celia entered his room for about an

hour before she opened the door and came out.

Itzel and Rachel stood up to welcome them. They didn’t know what they had said to Celia. In the end,

Celia and Itzel said goodbye and left the Barron family.

Why did Celia stay in her bedroom for more than an hour? What had happened in the past hour?

Could it be… Rodney couldn’t imagine that he would have sex with Celia in more than an hour. At that

time, he was unconscious. How could a person without consciousness do that kind of thing?

However, he could not rule out the possibility that Celia would take the initiative. He suddenly felt

disgusted. It was hard to imagine that Celia, who appeared to be gentle and kind-hearted on the

surface, would have a relationship with him while he was unconscious.

What happened today had completely overturned his values. Kelsey, whom he had invested in

studying, was actually an ungrateful person. Celia, who had been pretending to be gentle and virtuous

beside him, was a white lotus flower, and her own mother. She could not distinguish right from wrong.

She schemed against her son for her own personal gain, and her mother’s best friend Itzel. None of

them were good people.

Having been in the business world for so many years, he had always been vigilant, but he didn’t expect

that he would fail in the end.

Thinking that he might have slept with Celia because of their scheme, Rodney felt disgusted. A great

humiliation and anger filled his heart. Deon saw that Rodney’s face darkened little by little.

“President Murong, perhaps things aren’t that bad.” Deon tried to persuade him. “Back then, you were

in a coma. How could a man do something like that when he was unconscious?”

Rodney didn’t say anything. If they had been scheming to plot against him, they wouldn’t have let him

off so easily. He wasn’t sure what exactly had happened, but he wouldn’t be kept in the dark. The

mystery would be revealed sooner or later. It was just a matter of how long it would take.

It was impossible for Celia to do nothing in her room alone. Rodney forced himself to face this problem.

Either he had an unconscious relationship with Celia, or Celia was in his room to steal sperm, and then

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went to the hospital for artificial medical examination, hoping to wait for an opportunity to get pregnant?

Why was she so happy to have her own child? In the past, she was forced by her parents in order to

pay the debt. But now?

Now, no one forced her. She knew that she could not leave Amber. She also knew that there was a

fragile relationship between her and Amber. She could not stand any storm, but she still did not hesitate

to do such a shameless thing. What did this mean?

Celia was not as gentle and kind as she was. She was pretending.

From what had happened in the past and the combination of what had happened now, the so-called

words of Celia must be fake. She just made it up to deceive herself.

She had pretended so deeply that he had believed her words. Rodney found that he was really a joke.

He had been fooled by a woman and punched on the table. It was so hateful!

He would not let this matter go so easily. He would definitely let them know that the consequences of

scheming against him were terrible!

In the evening, when Noemi got home from work, Mel ran over and took her hand and told her, “Aunt

Noemi, that big liar came again today. I ignored him and threw out all the things he brought.”

“Good job!” Noemi gave a thumbs-up to Mel. “If he comes again in the future, you will pour water on his

face and make him retreat from difficulties.”

“What do you mean by retreating from difficulties?” Mel asked.

“He won’t dare to come again,” Noemi explained.

“Well, if he dares to come tomorrow, I’ll pour cold water on him.”

Amber frowned as he listened. “Noemi, don’t kick up a fuss.”

“This is not nonsense. Mr. Barron abandoned you and your child so shamelessly at that time. How can

he come back to recognize your child now? I am teaching Mel to be reasonable to prevent Mr. Barron

from stealing the children’s rights from you in the future.”

“He shouldn’t be so shameless.”

“That’s hard to say. Rodney’s mother is not an easy person to deal with. With her backing, anything can

happen. We must be on our guard.”

Amber smiled helplessly. Noemi was thinking for her. Of course, she couldn’t blame him. However,

when she thought of the pitiful look on Rodney’s face today, she couldn’t bear it. To be honest, Rodney

was not so hateful.

In addition, no matter what, Rodney was Mel’s father after all. She could not let Mel live with hatred. It

was not that Rodney was unforgivable. During this period of time, it could be seen that he was trying to

make up for it with his heart.

She could not allow Mel to hate him like this and be unfair to him. In the evening, she coaxed Mel to

sleep. Amber and Mel mentioned Rodney. “Don’t be so rude to your father in the future.”

“Mom, he is a big liar and a bad guy. Mel doesn’t want such a person to be a father.” Mel insisted.