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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 194
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Listening to the quarrel between Amber and Rodney coming from the living room, Riya showed a proud

smile on her face. Looking at Rodney’s current appearance, she completely believed that it was Amber

who made Rachel faint. The following play would be worth watching.

While thinking, the door was suddenly opened. Amber rushed out of the living room angrily and left the

Barron family.

“This woman is too vicious. How dare she be so self-righteous after doing such a heartless thing? Does

she think that I don’t dare to call the police to arrest her? Deon, call the police immediately. I’d like to

see how long she can last.” After Amber left angrily, Rodney was so angry that he grabbed a teacup

and threw it on the ground, screaming crazily.

Hearing Rodney’s words, Riya was a little scared. “Did he really call the police? If he really called the

police, it would be difficult to deal with this matter. She had heard that the police were very good at

solving cases. They wouldn’t find out that Shannon had been here, would they?”

Thinking of this, Riya panicked. She immediately went into the living room, squatted down, and tidied

up the broken cup that Rodney smashed, while observing the movement.

“Mr. Barron, calm down! It’s not the time to act on impulse!” Deon comforted him. “Although it’s against

Amber now, there is no evidence to prove that it was Amber who did it. Besides, I don’t think Amber is

such a cruel person.”

Deon still spoke for Amber as usual. Originally, Riya was very angry with Deon’s words for Amber, but

now she hoped that Deon could help her say a few more words to dispel the idea of Rodney.

“How can I calm down? How can I calm down? My mother is like this now, but Amber doesn’t regret it

at all. As a son, can I just watch and do nothing?” Rodney roared. “I’m going to let her go to jail. This

woman is too hateful!”

“Miss. Stone is pregnant now. Can’t you treat her like this?”

“Yes, Miss. Stone is pregnant now. It’s not good to send her to the police station.” Riya also chimed in.

“I don’t care anymore. She just threatened me with her child. There are so many women who can give

birth to children. Why do I have to hang myself on a tree? You saw it. Amber is so vicious. How can I

miss such a person? I used to think that I was blind.” This time, Rodney was so angry that he even said

such words.

“In that case, you should at least think about the child. Mel is still ill. Miss. Stone is not alone now. She

is related to three people.” Deon was really panicked. He was afraid that Rodney would really deal with

Amber and quickly brought Mel out. Although he did not understand what had happened at that time,

looking at Amber’s aggrieved look just now, Deon had an intuition that Rachel’s fainting had nothing to

do with Amber.

“Yes, I think Miss. Stone didn’t do it on purpose. Maybe she will regret it when she goes back.” Riya

wanted to persuade Rodney to give up the purpose of sending Amber to the police station, and to pour

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the dirty water on Amber.

“Could it be that we can’t just let it go like this?” Rodney head-on smashed a fist into the coffee table.

“No, we can’t just let it go like this!”

“I mean, isn’t Madam still being treated? Who knows, she might even recover. You should just endure

for a while and wait to see what the situation is like.” Seeing that Rodney was still angry, Deon could

only try his best to persuade him.

“How can she recover? The doctor said that the current situation is the best. My mother, she… she will

never wake up.” Rodney’s voice was choked with sobs.

Riya was scared by Deon’s words, but now she calmed down after hearing what Rodney said. “No

matter how bad the situation is, you have to endure it. For the sake of the child, you have to wait until

the child is born and Mel is cured.”

Rodney clenched his fists. “You’re right. Let her give birth to a child first, and then I’ll teach her a

lesson. She’s treating my mother like this. She’s such a vicious woman. I won’t let her continue to take

care of her child. I want her to experience the pain of living a life worse than death.”

Rodney and Deon went to the hospital again. Riya breathed a sigh of relief and hid in her room. She

called Shannon and told her what had happened just now. Shannon was very happy and told her to be

careful and not to expose herself.

When Amber returned home, Ashton was playing with Mel in the living room. When he saw Amber

looking worried, he asked, “How is Rachel?”

“The situation isn’t very good. The doctor said that she might not wake up for the rest of her life.”

Amber sighed.

Although he didn’t have a good impression of Rachel, Ashton still sympathized with her when she

became like this. “What happened? Why did she become like this?”

“I don’t know either. When I arrived at her house, she was already in a coma.” Amber told Ashton what

he saw. Thinking that Riya had been slandering him, she added angrily, “I don’t know if Riya is sick, but

she told Rodney that I was the one who pushed Rachel into injury. Rodney actually believed her words

and suspected me. I was so angry that I had a big fight with him.”

“You guys had a fight?” Ashton was surprised.

“Yes, I was very angry at that time, so I didn’t think much about it and quarreled with Rodney. Uncle,

you said that Riya had no feud with me. Why did she say these irresponsible words to mislead


“Maybe she didn’t mean it.”

“No, I feel that she did it on purpose. She said those words on purpose to make Rodney suspect me.”

Ashton comforted him. “Amber, although Rodney suspects you, he is in a bad mood at this time, and

Riya has been misleading him. It is inevitable that he will lose his judgment. It will be better when he

calms down.”

“I hope so. But I didn’t push Rachel. I’m upright and fearless. I don’t care what he thinks.”

As for Rodney and Deon, the car drove out of the Barron family. Deon said worriedly, “Mr. Barron, I still

don’t believe that Miss. Stone would do such a thing. You should have wronged her.”

“I don’t believe that Amber would do such a thing either,” Rodney replied.

“Then what about you just now?” Deon was shocked when he heard that. He subconsciously glanced

at Rodney.

“Just now, it was just a show.” Rodney sneered, and his eyes were cold.

“To act? To whom?” Deon was puzzled. Just now, everyone in the room was invited by the Barron

family. Who exactly was Rodney on guard against?

“Have you listened carefully to what Riya and Amber said?” Rodney asked.

“Did you hear that? Is there anything wrong with their conversation?”

“That’s because you didn’t listen carefully, and I did. Listening to their conversation, I found that there

were many doubtful points. The questionable point was that Amber found that there were hidden red

flowers in the bird’s nest to question my mother. If you were a nanny, what would you do?”

“I will definitely explain and stop her,” Deon replied.

“Yes, this is the performance of a normal person, but Riya didn’t. At this time, she should stop Amber

from seeing my mother. And when Amber insisted on going to see my mother, she should call me

immediately and ask me to come back to stop her. As a result, she didn’t do anything, but took Amber

back to the Barron family. Amber asked her to call my mother down, but she refused with the excuse of

my mother taking a nap. When Amber went upstairs, she didn’t follow him, but her phone rang. She

stayed to answer the phone and let Amber go upstairs alone. This is the second doubt.”

“Maybe it’s just a coincidence?”

“Continue listening to me. The third doubt is that my mother will never sleep for more than an hour. This

is her habit of not being able to move for so many years. Riya went to send the bird’s nest to Amber. It

takes nearly an hour to get there. It’s the same when she comes back. It takes more than two hours to

go back. At this time, my mother has already woken up. Although her legs are inconvenient, she can

already walk with the help of something. When she heard Amber’s scream, she would not continue to

stay in the room. Amber also said that she screamed a few times at the door and did not agree to let

her push the door. That is to say, my mother had fainted before Amber came to my house.”

When Deon heard this, his face showed surprise. Rodney continued to say, “The most important thing

is that my mother likes her grandson so much. Even if she has a great grievance against Amber, she

will not hurt the child. So my mother will never give Amber a bird’s nest with red flowers, and Amber will

not slander my mother for no reason. Except for my mother and Amber, Riya is the only one who has

touched the bird’s nest. Therefore, the bird’s nest can only be done by Riya.” Rodney showed a sneer

on his face.

“Although what you said makes sense, I can’t find a reason for Riya to do this.”

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Deon looked incredulous. Riya had been working in the Barron family for so many years, but she had

always been honest. The Barron family had never treated her shabbily. Deon could not find any reason

to do so.

“Don’t you think that she is deliberately against Amber? Since she didn’t see Amber pushing my

mother, she shouldn’t accuse Amber like this. After all, this is a matter of life and death. Any careless

remarks can make people misunderstand.”

“Maybe she is just too worried about Madam. After all, she has been with Madam for nine years and

has feelings for her.”

“If my mother treats her well, I believe she will have feelings for my mother. But you know that my

mother has a bad temper and her mouth is also vicious. Riya has been bullied by my mother for many

years. For her, without my mother, her life will be much better than it is now.”

Rodney sighed slightly. He thought of the resentful look in Riya’s eyes when he saw her that day. Riya

had a reason to hate Rachel.

“Even so, it’s impossible for her to do such a thing to Madam, isn’t it? She can completely resign and

not do it?”

“There are some things that can’t be inferred by common sense. You and Riya don’t have a grudge

against each other, nor do you have a grudge against Amber. So when I was targeting them, you were

persuading her, not adding fuel to the fire. As for Riya, she was in the Barron family for nine years. She

clearly knew my feelings for Amber, but after the incident happened, she didn’t make any objective and

fair decisions. Instead, she used such words to make me think of Amber as much as possible. I am

sure that there is something wrong with her.”

Rodney insisted on his point of view. “That’s why I deliberately treated Amber like that. I saw her

performance and found it more and more strange. She treated me like that before, but when she heard

that I was going to call the police, she suddenly pretended to be a person to persuade me. It’s really


Hearing this, Deon also remembered. Indeed, when Rodney lost his temper and said that he wanted to

call the police, Riya did come in to persuade him, and she was not like this before. “In this case, let’s

keep an eye on her. If there is something wrong with her, she will definitely give herself away.”

“Not only do you have to keep an eye on her, but you also have to keep an eye on Itzel. Itzel had a

power failure after coming here today. Don’t you think it’s strange? Go and investigate the person who

cut the short wire by mistake. Also, although the power in the villa area has been cut off and there is no

monitor to watch, there is no power failure on Itzel’s way here. Ask someone to investigate the route of

Itzel’s driving over, and don’t let go of any suspicious points.”

Deon nodded. “I’ll do it right away.”

“Let’s investigate the person who cut the wire first. We can investigate the matter of Itzel in a few days.

Remember, don’t alert the enemy. You must be careful.” Rodney warned.