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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 195
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Rodney drove to the hospital and met Itzel, who had come to visit Rachel. She saw Rodney and Itzel

wiping their tears as they walked over. “Rodney, what’s going on here? I went to see her during the day

and she’s fine. We even agreed to wait for her legs to recover before going on a trip. Why did she end

up like this in just a few hours?”

Itzel tried to cry as she spoke, looking heartbroken. Rodney controlled his disgust for the old woman

and pretended to be angry as he answered, “My mother became like this because of Amber. She came

to my house today to make trouble for my mother and pushed her down, causing her to become like


“Amber pushed me? Is there a mistake?” Itzel looked as if she didn’t believe it.

“It can’t be wrong. It must be her. Last time, she came to my house to make trouble with my mother and

slapped my mother in front of me. This time, there is no one else. What else can’t she do?” Rodney

clenched his hands tightly. “If it weren’t for her pregnancy, I would have thought… this woman was too


Itzel saw Rodney’s anger and helplessness in his eyes. He looked so angry and conflicted. If Amber

wasn’t pregnant, he might have done something irrational to her. Itzel heaved a sigh of relief in her

heart. Indeed, their plan was flawless.

In fact, just now, Shannon called her and told her that Rodney and Amber had a falling out. She didn’t

fully believe it and came to see what was going on. Now that she saw Rodney with her own eyes, she

was completely relieved. As long as Rachel didn’t wake up, everything would be perfect.

Itzel tried to persuade Rodney before leaving with reddened eyes. When his figure disappeared, a cold

smile appeared on Rodney’s face. He instructed the two nurses who had been specially hired for

Rachel, “Don’t let anyone approach my mother alone, not even a doctor.”

The two guards nodded. “Don’t worry, Mr. Barron. We’ll keep an eye on you all the time.”

Rodney left the hospital in a heavy mood. He wanted to explain to Amber, but it was not the right time,

so he went straight home. Riya immediately greeted him when she heard his voice. “Mr. Barron, how is


“That’s still the case,” Rodney replied.

“I’ve packed up. I’ll go to the hospital to take care of Madam tomorrow morning.”

“No, I’ve already hired someone to take care of her.” Rodney knew that Riya was showing her loyalty,

but how could he let a suspect approach his mother again?

“I’ve been taking care of Madam for so many years, and she has gotten used to my care. You’d better

let me go. To be honest, I’m worried that someone else will take care of her.” Riya pleaded.

“I know that Riya is good to my mother, but she is unconscious now. The doctor said that she needs

professional people to take care of her. I have already found professional people to take care of her,”

Rodney replied. “My mother has become like this now. Her family is in a mess. I don’t have time to deal

with the Gu family. You’d better take care of her. There is no supervisor in this family.”

This meant that the Barron family should be handed over to her. Riya did not expect such a good thing

to happen. She knew how good the Barron family was. Riya was secretly happy and prayed that

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Rachel would never wake up.

Noemi had been on a business trip in the past few days. When she came back and opened the door,

she smelled the fragrance of a room. She was very happy. “I’m so lucky. I can eat delicious food as

soon as I come back.”

Hearing the voice, Amber turned his head and smiled. “It’s not that you’re lucky, but that your uncle

specially prepared it for you when he found out that you’re back today.”

“Really? Oh, uncle is so nice to me!” Noemi looked around the room and asked, “Where’s my son?”

“I’m here!” Mel ran out of the room.

“Good girl, come and let me kiss you!” Noemi opened her arms and threw herself into her arms. She

raised her small mouth and kissed Noemi first. After that, she asked, “Aunt Noemi, where is my gift?”

“How many times have I told you to call me godmother and call me Aunt Noemi?” Noemi pretended to

be angry.

“You can’t call your godmother.” Mel was very serious.

“Why not?”

“Uncle Elliot asked me to call him Godmother. I’ve already agreed. If I call you Godmother, won’t you

be Uncle Elliot’s wife?”

Noemi and Amber looked at each other. Mel said, “Uncle Elliot doesn’t have a wife. Auntie Noemi,

you’re not married, are you? Why don’t you marry Uncle Elliot? That way, I can call him Godson and

call you Godson again.”

“You little devil, what are you talking about?” Noemi’s face suddenly turned red.

“Mel’s suggestion is not bad!” Ashton brought out the dishes from the kitchen and teased Noemi.

Noemi’s face became redder.

At this moment, a voice with a smile sounded. “Son, Dad is coming!”

Elliot was carrying a large bag of things in his hand. He pushed the door open with a smile and walked

in. Mel shook her head at him. “It’s my sworn father, not father!”

“Okay, it’s my sworn father.” Elliot followed his words and put the things in his hand on the table. He

took a deep breath and said, “It smells so good! I have to see what delicious food there are tonight.”

“It’s said that a greedy cat has a sharp nose. Mr. Thomson’s nose is even better than a cat’s.” Amber


“You didn’t know that until now?” Noemi also smiled.

Elliot ignored their teasing and walked around with Mel in his arms. Then he went straight to the

restaurant. Seeing Ashton’s dishes, Elliot showed a greedy look. “There are so many delicious food.

I’m so lucky tonight.”

“Auntie Noemi said the same thing just now. You and Auntie Noemi are both greedy cats,” Mel said in a

childish voice.

Elliot laughed out loud. “I’m not a greedy cat. Your Auntie Noemi is the greedy cat.”

“Aren’t you a gluttonous cat?” Mel asked curiously.

“I’m the God of Eclipse.”

“Humph!” Noemi snorted with dissatisfaction.

Ashton brought out the last dish from the kitchen. “It’s time to start!”

Of course, Ashton’s cooking skills were not for show. He was full of wine and food. The group of people

sat in the living room and chatted. Elliot asked Amber.

“Did you know that Rodney’s mother was injured and hospitalized?”

Amber nodded and told them what had happened that day. Hearing that Rodney suspected that she

had caused Rachel’s coma, Noemi was so angry that she was jumping.

“Rodney is someone who doesn’t know right from wrong. I used to treat you like that, but now I suspect

you. Amber, let’s ignore him in the future.”

Amber was very angry before, but now that he had calmed down, he was not as angry as before. “I

understand the pain of Rodney. Although he was very angry at that time, now I think about it. If I were

him, I’m afraid that I would be the same as him in that situation.”

“You’re still speaking up for him?” Noemi looked as if she was exasperated at him for not being able to

live up to her expectations. “What do you want me to say? That Mr. Barron has already treated you like

this, but you’re still like this. I think you’re not being bullied enough by him.”

“Noemi, this is not a small matter. Is it about human life?” Amber reminded Noemi, “If it was Rachel

who fell down and got injured, it would be okay. But I don’t think it’s that simple.”

“Yes, I don’t think it’s that simple either.” Elliot interrupted. “I’m not sure about anything else, but I don’t

believe that Rachel would send a bird’s nest with a hidden red flower for Amber to eat.”

“Maybe this old witch wants to end the relationship between Amber and Rodney completely?” Noemi

still insisted on her opinion.

“No, Rachel has been looking forward to her grandson for a long time. She may do something like

snatching the child from Amber, but she will never do something like killing her grandson. There is no

reason at all.” Elliot thought about it. “The most important thing is that such a thing happened when

Amber chased after Rachel of the Barron family. No matter how you look at it, it’s a conspiracy. The

purpose is to make Rodney and Amber hate each other.”

“Who is so vicious?” Hearing Elliot’s words, Noemi also felt that things were a little serious.

“Isn’t that obvious?” Elliot sneered. “Who doesn’t want to see Amber and Rodney have anything to do

with each other?”

“Celia?” Noemi was stunned. “It’s really possible, but her hands are too long, aren’t they?”

“The night when Rachel asked Riya to send the bird’s nest to me, Celia called me…” Amber repeated

what Celia called him and said, “I thought that Rachel wanted to please me, but now I think it shouldn’t

be like that. Celia knew that someone in the Barron family must have told her that Rachel bought a gift

for me. Combined with the fact that Riya deliberately targeted me that day, I guessed that the person

was Riya.”

Elliot agreed. “After hearing what you said, I also think that Riya is not simple. She must have been

bought over by Celia and become their accomplice. Now let’s see if Rodney can figure it out.”

While they were talking, the sound of cars came from outside. Soon, the doorbell rang. Noemi opened

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the door and Rodney came in.

“You still have the nerve to come here?” Seeing Rodney and Noemi, she was not angry.

Rodney ignored Noemi and went straight to Amber. “Amber, I have something to say to you.”

Amber was also surprised to see Rodney. “You came at the right time. I have something to tell you.

Let’s talk outside.”

The two of them went to the garden together. Amber was about to sit on a chair in the garden. Rodney

reached out to hold her. “I’m cold. Wait a minute.” He took off his coat and put it on the chair. Amber

looked at him with a complicated expression and sat down. Rodney sat next to her. He reached out and

held Amber’s hand. “Amber, I’m sorry!”

Amber’s eyes turned red when he heard the two words “I’m sorry” in his guilty voice. “Rodney, you


“It’s my fault. Amber, please forgive me.” As he spoke, he reached out to hold her in his arms. Amber

pushed him. “Let me go.”

“Amber, let me hug you. It’ll be fine in a while.” Hearing the sadness in his voice, Amber’s heart

suddenly felt uncomfortable. She did not push him anymore. Instead, she said to him, “Rodney, it really

has nothing to do with me that your mother has become like this. I think someone is deliberately

scheming against us.”

“I know. I didn’t mean to scold you that day. I didn’t doubt you at all. My mother would never send you a

bird’s nest with a red flower hidden in it. I don’t believe that you caused her to be unconscious. I

suspect that we have been set up. Riya may be an accomplice, in order to numb the other party and I

deliberately did that to you. I didn’t come to explain to you before because I was afraid that they would

pay attention to your side and disrupt my plan. Now I am sure that no one is paying attention to this

side, so I came here today.”

“I also think that Riya is abnormal. She deliberately targeted me. She must have been instigated by

someone else. I suspect that the person who directed her is Celia.” Amber told her about what Celia

had called him.

“In this case, it must be her. There must be some credit for Itzel’s help.” Rodney sneered. “I have asked

Deon to check it out. I believe there will be a result soon. But before that, I will make you suffer.”

“I’m fine. As long as I can find out the truth, I can accept any grievance.”

Deon felt the seriousness of the matter after hearing Rodney’s words. In order not to alert the enemy,

he personally went to investigate the green soil worker who had cut the short wire.

The worker who built the branch was called Jason. He had been working as a green plant for more

than 20 years. He usually liked gambling and drinking. A few days ago, he lost 200,000 dollars when

he was gambling in the casino.

200,000 dollars was not a small number for a worker. But to everyone’s surprise, Jason didn’t have a

sad face, which was no different from what he usually did.

After hearing this information, Deon had an intuition that something was wrong. There must be

something wrong with Jason.