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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 199
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“I have to ask them. They can’t play with people like this.”

“Sit down. I haven’t finished my words.” Elliot pulled Noemi to sit down. “Do you know why they worked

together to lie to you?”

“Aren’t I going to ask?”

“They won’t tell you even if you ask. Let me tell you.” Elliot sneered. “That man is a friend of Shannon’s

lover. Didn’t you hit Celia? I thought they wanted to deal with you.”

“Are you going to put on such a show to deal with me?” Noemi looked incredulous. If he really wanted

to deal with her, he could just find someone to beat her up. Why did he have to work so hard?

“I just figured it out.” Elliot sneered. “You beat Celia so hard that her face is swollen. Shannon must

hate you. But now in the center of the storm, she doesn’t dare to deal with you openly, so she did

something like this. You were injured in the face of injustice. No one will investigate this matter deeply,


Noemi, who was not an idiot, immediately understood. Indeed, it was different to be beaten simply for

the sake of justice. If she was beaten, the police would definitely file a case to investigate. At that time,

she would have to ask who she had a grudge against.

She had only beaten Celia, and Shannon would be exposed. It was different for her to be beaten for

being righteous. The police would at most sentence the person who beat her to injury, and they would

not have thought that someone would plot against her. Noemi was shocked and broke out in a cold

sweat. If it were not for Elliot, the consequences of that day would have been unimaginable. She gritted

her teeth and said, “What a vicious woman!”

“Yes, this woman’s viciousness is beyond our imagination. I’m very worried about Amber.” Elliot looked

around and stood up. “I called you out to tell you something more important than this. There are too

many people here. Let’s go out and talk.”

When they got in the car, Noemi asked impatiently, “What’s the matter?”

“It’s about Amber’s mother, Ashley.” Elliot told him what his mother, Lannie, told him. “I suspect that

Ashley’s death has a lot to do with Shannon. I was just suspicious and didn’t dare to confirm it before.

But now that Rachel is in trouble, Shannon must have plotted against you behind the scenes. Now I

find out that she is plotting against you behind the scenes. This woman’s viciousness has exceeded my

imagination. She can do so many evil things for Celia, but she can do something to deal with Ashley for

her position. It can be imagined that Ashley’s death has something to do with her.”

“How could such a thing happen?” Noemi was also shocked. “If Ashley was really trapped by Shannon

and had a car accident, Amber would have been in great pain. All these years, she always thought that

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Ashley’s car accident was an accident.”

“Yes, Shannon secretly made an appointment with Ashley outside at that time. It can’t be as simple as

talking. I think she deliberately provoked Ashley and caused him to have a car accident because he

had a mental breakdown.”

“It must be so! This b*tch is so vicious. If we don’t teach her a lesson, heaven will not tolerate her. We

can’t let her go on like this. We have to find a way to deal with her.”

“I have the same idea as you. It’s just that this woman is so vicious and scheming. I can’t use ordinary

methods to deal with her. Now that I found out that she was cheating with another man, I wanted

Amber to expose her scandal to Channing. But after thinking about it carefully, I found it inappropriate.

What if this woman is desperate to deal with Amber? We should think about it carefully.”

“I think we should at least tell Amber the truth now. We can’t keep her in the dark for the rest of her life.”

“I thought about telling Amber that I didn’t have any evidence before, so I didn’t say it. Now that Amber

is pregnant, I’m worried that it will affect her mood.”

Noemi naturally knew how much influence this matter had on Amber. “What should we do now? Should

we keep waiting?”

“We’ll talk about it after Amber gives birth to the baby.” Elliot sighed. “Amber is still pregnant, and Mel is

ill. We can’t let her be distracted. It’s good that we know about this. In the future, you should pay more

attention to it. I will also ask them to protect Amber to prevent Shannon from jumping over the wall.

We’ll talk about it after Amber gives birth to the baby.”

Noemi couldn’t come up with a good idea. She knew what Elliot was worried about. Amber was

exhausted for Mel, so he shouldn’t have used these things to affect her mood. However, Noemi was

really unwilling to let Shannon be free like this.

Rachel was in a coma in the hospital, and Rodney and Amber fell out. Celia was in a good mood. Now

the child in her belly had been in the hospital for more than four months, and the chance of accidental

miscarriage was very small. Celia did not want to hide in the house to live anymore. She had to take

the initiative to let Rodney see her big belly and treat her differently.

However, Channing had just banned her from coming into contact with Rodney, and she had no reason

to see him. Celia came to think about how to find a way out from the hospital.

She was now pregnant and had to go to the hospital often to have a checkup. In order to have a

chance encounter with Rodney, Celia deliberately went to the hospital where Rachel was hospitalized

for a checkup. After going to the hospital for a checkup, of course, she had to visit Rachel. She had

been there several times, but she had never met Rodney. Celia did not give up and went to the hospital

after asking about the general time of Rodney’s visit to Rachel at the hospital.

The same as before, the two nurses did not allow her to enter the ward. Celia did not come here to visit

Rachel. She did not allow her to enter. In the past few days, she had inquired very clearly. Rodney

came to visit Rachel every day at this point. She wanted to meet him to see his attitude.

Sure enough, after standing outside the ward for a while, Rodney appeared. He hadn’t seen Celia for

several months. When he saw Celia with such a big belly, he was obviously stunned. Then his eyes fell

on Celia’s belly.

Because they were twins, Celia’s belly was very big. Seeing that Rodney was paying attention to her

belly, Celia was secretly happy, so she deliberately straightened her belly.

Rodney naturally took Celia’s actions into account. This b*tch’s belly was already so big!

Rodney sneered in his heart. “Celia must be dreaming of giving birth to her own child. Well, I should let

her have a good dream and let her give birth to these two children. I will let her know how cruel the cost

of scheming against people is!”

When Rodney walked up to Celia, she called him gently. His pitiful appearance made her feel sorry for

him. Rodney stopped in his tracks and asked, “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to see Auntie. She used to treat me so well…” Celia’s voice choked with sobs. “It’s said that

something unexpected happened. How could Auntie become like this? How could the heavens treat

her like this?”

“Yes, God is really blind.” Rodney responded with deep feelings. Looking at the tears rolling down

Celia’s eyes, he felt disgusted. In the past, he actually believed that she was kind and innocent. As

expected, she was blinded.

Fortunately, she had already found out her true identity. Didn’t Celia like acting? Well, he accompanied

her to act. Thinking of this, he took out his handkerchief and handed it to her.

Celia didn’t expect that Rodney would be so kind to her. She was overjoyed. She hurriedly took the

handkerchief to wipe her tears, and then sobbed to comfort him. “Rodney, you don’t have to worry too

much. Good people have their own fate. I will be safe and sound.”

“How can I not be worried? The doctor said that my mother’s best condition is her current state.”

Rodney sighed. During this period of time, Rachel was in a coma in the hospital. Itzel, Shannon, and

others had come to the hospital often to ask around. Rodney knew their fear, so he naturally had to put

on a good show.

“It won’t happen. Auntie is such a good person. She will definitely get better.” Celia repeated.

“Let me borrow your auspicious words.” Rodney sighed. After staring at Celia’s belly for a few seconds,

his voice suddenly became soft. “How many months has it been?”

“It’s almost five months,” Celia replied.

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“It must be very hard to have such a big belly, right?”

“It’s not hard,” Celia replied. After thinking for a while, she added, “The child can move.”

A complicated emotion flashed through Rodney’s eyes when he heard that. He seemed to want to

reach out to touch Celia’s belly, but when he stretched out his hand, he retracted it dejectedly. “Thank

you for your hard work! If my mother sees you like this, she will be very happy.”

Celia had been looking forward to seeing him touch her belly, but when she saw him shrink back, she

was a little disappointed. However, when she heard Rodney’s words, it seemed that he was looking

forward to the baby in her belly, she became happy again.

Rodney’s attitude towards her this time was completely different from the past. Celia could feel that if

this situation continued, she firmly believed that she would be able to regain Rodney’s attention by

relying on the child in her belly.

Rachel was in a coma and stayed in the hospital. As the saying goes, there is no tiger in the mountains

but a monkey in the mountains acting like a bully. No one is leading a good life behind the scenes. Riya

felt that her life was too comfortable.

She secretly met her son several times and discussed her future plans with him. Riya used to want to

leave with her son after getting the money, but now the days were so comfortable that she didn’t want

to leave, so she had to stay for a good life.

In the past few years, he didn’t make much money by driving for Channing. All the sources of income

came from Riya.

Rodney’s salary for Riya was so high that he cut off the source of income after leaving the Barron

family. Therefore, Clem had always supported Riya’s resignation from the Barron family.

Every time Riya couldn’t stand being bullied by Rachel and came to complain to him, he would try his

best to comfort her and let her think about it more.

Now that Riya took the initiative to say that she didn’t want to leave Clem, he naturally fully supported

Riya’s decision.

Since he knew that Riya was an accomplice, Rodney had never stopped monitoring her and did not let

go of the investigation of her. Rodney knew very well that Riya met Clem. Rachel had said that Clem

was Riya’s sugar daddy. Rodney did not believe it at that time, but now he began to doubt it after

seeing Riya meet Clem frequently.

Could it be that Riya really had that kind of relationship with Clem? While Rodney was wondering, the

people who sent people to investigate Riya quickly found out about Riya’s past.

Knowing that Riya had a hooligan in prison and that the driver of Channing was actually Riya and the

son of the gangster student, Rodney sneered.

Rodney deliberately let Riya go before to numb her nerves and let her experience the feeling of going

from heaven to hell. Now that she had so much news, she had to add some seasoning to Riya’s life.