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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 203
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Although he was surprised by Celia’s behavior, the doctor was good at looking at her. He immediately

took care of Celia’s weight, blood pressure, and heart rate.

Rodney had been standing aside and watching Celia do these examinations. When the doctor’s

examination was over, he began to carefully ask the birth examination doctor about Celia’s health


The doctor told Rodney that the fetus’s condition was very good and it was well developed. After

hearing this, Rodney was very satisfied. “I think she is so thin, and she is still worried about her health.

Now that you said that, I am completely relieved.”

Celia’s heart was filled with sweetness when she heard Rodney’s words of concern for her. He asked

the doctor again if he could know the gender of the fetus now.

There was a school in the hospital that revealed the gender of the fetus, but Rodney’s identity was

different. Therefore, the doctor gave Celia a B-shaped check-up and said that the relationship between

the fetus and the baby was not very clear. It should be two boys. Rodney was very excited when he

heard this. “Are they really two boys? Are you kidding me? Even if they are not two boys, they should

be twins. The descendants of the Barron family are too weak. I still hope that my son can choose a


This was the first time that Rodney had formally talked about the gender of the fetus in front of Celia.

Celia had never cared about the gender of the baby before. Now, seeing that Rodney valued the

gender of the fetus so much, she began to care about it.

The only heir of the Barron family for several generations naturally liked boys more than girls, so

Rachel thought so highly of Amber’s Mel. As for Celia, she also hoped that the children in her belly

were two boys or twins. In this way, she would have an advantage in both inheritance and inheritance.

If it was two girls, it would be different. With Amber’s son standing in her way, even if she could win the

favor of Barron Enterprises, she might not be able to control it.

Celia put the baby’s gender in her mind. When Rodney went out to answer the phone, she lowered her

voice and asked the birth examination doctor, “Are they really two boys?”

“No, B is affected by the fetus’s influence, so it can’t be seen clearly. I think he must likes boys, so he

said it could be two boys,” the doctor replied.

Celia was very disappointed when she heard that. The doctor lowered his voice and said, “I’ll do it


“Is there any way to accurately find out the gender of the fetus?” Celia asked again.

“Yes. At present, your condition is suitable for a blood pressure puncture and a blood loss examination.

It’s estimated to be 99% higher.” The doctor looked outside.

Celia nodded and planned to go back to discuss with her mother about a blood test to determine the

gender of the fetus. If it was two boys or a dragon-phoenix fetus, it would be the best. If it was two

daughters, she had to find a way earlier.

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She was planning this in her heart, and then she told the doctor in a low voice, “Remember to tell him

that it’s not easy for me to be pregnant in front of him, and he’ll be worried that I’ll come to take a

checkup more often in the future.”

Of course, the doctor agreed. After a while, Rodney came in after answering the phone. The doctor

remembered Celia’s instructions and told him that although the child looked healthy, the mother of the

child was not in good health, so he had to pay more attention to Celia.

The doctor had originally wanted to go along with Celia’s words to let Rodney care about Celia

because of the child. However, he did not expect that Rodney would become anxious after hearing

these words. “Will pregnant women’s health affect the fetus?”

The doctor didn’t expect that these words would make Rodney start to worry about the child. She

immediately replied, “No, the condition of the fetus is very good. You don’t have to worry.”

“How can I be worried?” Rodney asked, “Didn’t you say that she is not in good health? A pregnant

woman who is not in good health will certainly affect the fetus. Celia is now pregnant with two children.

I remember that the previous examination also said that she is sick. No, it’s too dangerous. I have to

make sure that my child is healthy.”

“Rodney, there shouldn’t be any problems with the child,” Celia said.

“I was worried, wasn’t I? To eliminate all potential problems, one of the female employees in our

company’s finance department gave birth to a silly child because she didn’t have a good pregnancy

check-up…” Speaking of this, Rodney paused and turned his head sternly to ask the test doctor. “You

are Celia’s test doctor. Can you guarantee that the child in her belly won’t have any variation or other

congenital defects?”

Rodney’s face was serious and his tone was cold. The heart of the delivery doctor was beating fast.

Although it might not necessarily happen when the fetus was deformed, it could not be ruled out. It

would not be a good thing if the child really found her in the future. She could not beat him.

“I’m not even sure about that… It’s just that there are hereditary or pregnant women who come into

contact with something poisonous. Miss Herrera and you don’t have a family history, so it shouldn’t be

very likely.”

“That’s not a good idea. Celia has been in poor health before. After taking so many drugs, can’t the

medicine also make the child’s veins change? I’m still worried that this matter can’t be taken lightly.”

Rodney still insisted on it. “Is there any way to deal with it now?”

Celia was scared when she heard that Rodney was going to take it seriously. She winked at the doctor,

but under Rodney’s dignified gaze, the doctor didn’t dare to get tired of her. “If you are worried, you can

do a blood pressure puncture check for her. But she is pregnant with twins, so there is a certain risk. I

think we should still be careful.”

“Rodney, there must be no problem with the child. I think it’s better not to do it.” Celia was pitiful and

her heart was beating fast. Would Rodney have any other plans for her?

Rodney looked at Celia gently. “I know it’s not very likely, but your body is not very good, isn’t it? I’m

very worried about you. For our child, it’s better to have a check, just to make me feel at ease.”

It was the first time that Rodney had said so affectionately that he was worried about her and even

mentioned his child to Celia. Celia’s heart was filled with sweetness. As a result, her opposition was no

longer so strong.

Rodney then ordered the doctor, “Arrange for the blood pressure puncture operation immediately!”

The doctor hesitated for a moment and looked at Celia. “We need to make an appointment in advance

for the blood transfusion operation. There are many people doing it…”

Before she could finish her words, Rodney picked up the phone and dialed. “Is it Dr. Dean? I’m

Rodney. I want to do a blood pressure puncture operation for the child’s mother. Help me arrange it.

You must be an experienced doctor.”

Dr. Dean naturally agreed to Rodney’s request. He immediately arranged for the authoritative expert of

the hospital, Dr. Curry, to perform an operation on Celia. Before the blood transfusion, blood was

needed to be extracted for the growth of the fetus, such as plum, poison, Ai, and illness. In addition to

the health examination, there was also a B+ check to see the growth of the fetus and so on. Celia had

taken blood to do these things before, so she was directly led by Dr. Curry to the operating room.

Dr. Curry first gave Celia a B-mode check-up on the fetus’s condition. The two fetus conditions were

examined. Dr. Curry ordered the nurse to start making preparations. The nurse took a B-mode head

and placed it on top of the womb to monitor the baby’s condition. Then, she prepared for disinfection on

Celia’s belly. Dr. Curry prepared the needle for the operation and asked Celia to close her eyes and not

look at it.

Celia secretly glanced at the needle, which was more than ten centimeters long. She was so scared

that she closed her eyes. Dr. Curry, an expert in charge of the field, touched Celia’s belly and inserted

the needle into her belly without hesitation.

Because he was afraid that Celia would not feel any pain at all, in a minute, Dr. Curry drew 20 seconds

of blood sugar, and the whole operation ended here.

After the blood tube was removed, Dr. Curry did a B plus. He also let Celia look at the baby’s little

heart. It was beating strongly, which proved that there was nothing wrong with it. Dr. Curry told Celia to

rest in bed and not take a bath that day. Then he asked her to get up.

After Celia got up, Rodney came in. Celia threw herself at Rodney with tears in her eyes. “What a long

needle! I was so scared just now!”

Rodney held her up and said in a very gentle voice, “You’ve suffered for the sake of your child.”

Celia wanted to rub herself into Rodney’s arms, but Rodney helped her sit on the chair and turned to

ask Dr. Curry about the operation. Dr. Curry said that the result would come out in about two weeks.

When the result came out, he would call to inform Rodney. Rodney thanked Dr. Curry and went out of

the hospital with Celia.

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This time, Rodney had never been so considerate. He actually opened the car door for Celia in person,

and also told the driver who sent Celia to the hospital to drive a little slower, which moved Celia a lot.

After Celia left, Rodney turned around and got in his car. After getting in the car, his face suddenly

turned cold.

Although he suspected that the baby in Celia’s belly was not his, he was not completely sure. As the

saying goes, one should not be afraid of anything. He had to figure it out before he could feel at ease.

Rodney knew very well that Celia had come to the hospital to do superficial work, so he deliberately

changed his attitude to accompany her for a checkup. He had investigated and found out that the

doctor was specially arranged by Itzel, so he deliberately asked about the gender of the fetus and

pretended to want a son.

In fact, he was not interested in the gender of the fetus at all. The purpose of doing this was to let Celia

think that she cared about the baby in her belly and that she had a chance.

Rodney checked the information. Celia had been pregnant for more than four months, and now she

could be identified as a DNA agent. He had been very indifferent to Celia before, but now in order not

to arouse her suspicion, he pretended to have sex with her in order to gain Celia’s trust and carry out

his plan.

Originally, he thought that it would take a few days for the blood pressure to be penetrated, but he

didn’t expect that Celia’s mother-in-law would say that Celia was in poor health. Rodney had an idea,

so he might as well take the opportunity to perform a blood pressure puncture on Celia with the excuse

of removing the blood pressure.

Rodney had been in South City for many years, and he had been in contact with people from all walks

of life. The director of this hospital had a good relationship with him, so he naturally fulfilled all his


When Dr. Curry was doing the blood pressure puncture operation for Celia, Rodney told the director

that it was useful for him to keep Celia’s blood pressure. Celia’s blood pressure was now waiting for the

blood pressure to be removed along with the specimen he provided.

Rodney was not completely at ease. He had people keep an eye on him, so he called Deon and asked

him to supervise this matter personally.

A few days later, the DNA test results were placed in front of Rodney. The child in Celia’s belly had

nothing to do with him. Seeing this result, Rodney let out a long sigh of relief. The stone in his heart

was finally relieved. He took the test results to find Amber. Amber looked at the results and was silent

for a while. “What are you going to do now? Do you want to tell Celia about this result?”

Rodney shook his head. “This is the child that she schemed with all means to give birth to. Even if I tell

her now that this child is not mine, she may not be willing to believe it. You also forgot Celia’s current

situation. If she doesn’t want these two children, she will lose the qualification to be a mother for the

rest of her life.”

“But isn’t this too…” Amber didn’t continue. If Celia knew that her hard work was all in vain, how

desperate would she be? Would she break down because of this?

“Amber, I know what you mean. It’s just a kind of cause and effect. It’s cruel to be soft-hearted to the

enemy.” Rodney sneered. “It’s all thanks to them that my mother has become like this. I won’t let go of

any of them! Just wait and see!