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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 32
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The recent obtaining of the urban construction project should be a happy thing for Elliot. It was natural

for him to go to the nightclub for a party every day when he’s happy.

However, ever since he discovered Amber’s identity, he no longer had the mood to party. Every day, he

would only stay in his own apartment. Walter found it very strange regarding his change in behaviour.

Mr. Thomson had changed a lot recently. He didn’t see him going to the nightclub to have fun. At first,

he thought that the young master just wanted to recharge.

However, after a few days like this, he knew that something he didn’t know must have happened. As

the special assistant appointed by the old master for Elliot, he naturally had to pay attention to Elliot’s

every move. So he tried all indirect means just to figure out the reason why Elliot had changed.

However, no matter what he tried, he just couldn’t figure it out. Elliot was very energetic whenever he

went to work, but after work, he would become spiritless.

Elliot himself also couldn’t figure out the reason. He also felt like he had a strange illness. When he

thought of going to work, his face would be full of joy. When it’s time to get off work, he would feel


Could he be infected by a working disease? But he had never heard of such a disease. It was not until

Amber asked for a three days leave that Walter finally understood the reason.

Mr. Thomson had been unenthusiastic for the whole day and kept calling Amber’s name. Walter had

reminded him several times that Miss. Stone was on leave, but he just couldn’t remember it.

Before it was even time to get off work, Elliot hurriedly left the company and drove to the

neighbourhood where Amber lived.

However, he didn’t see Amber even when it was already dark outside. Elliot called her up, but her

phone was turned off. He couldn’t bear it and knocked on Amber’s apartment door. It was Ashton who

opened the door. When he saw Elliot, he was surprised. “Mr. Thomson, why are you here?”

“Where’s Amber?” Elliot’s eyes had already scanned the whole room. His face turned gloomy when he

didn’t see Amber anywhere. “Why can’t my call get through to her?”

“Mr. Thomson, why are you looking for her?” Ashton saw that Elliot’s expression was not pleasant and

thought that there was something urgent.

“Of course it’s for something important. I can’t tell you,” Elliot explained, which was rare for him to do

so. “Where did she go?”

“She…,” Ashton hesitated. Not many people knew that Amber went to participate in the blind date

show. She was unwilling to tell others as well. Elliot must have come because he didn’t know about it.

Should he say it or not?

“Stop stammering. Quick, tell me where she went!” Elliot immediately urged Ashton for an answer after

seeing him hesitate. “Let me tell you, I really have something very important to discuss with her this


“Amber went to the TV station to record a show.” Ashton was really afraid that Elliot’s matter was

something important, so he just told the truth.

“To record a show? What show?”

“A blind date reality show.”

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“This woman!” Elliot’s face darkened with anger. He was being extremely upset here, but this woman

went to join a blind date show instead. She was deliberately going against him. It was really pissing him


With an angry face, he turned around without saying a word. He stepped so hard while going down the

old apartment stairs that clicking and cracking sounds were heard. When he reached downstairs, he

turned around, went upstairs, knocked on the door again and asked, “Which blind date reality show did

she participate in?”

Ashton told him the name of the blind date reality show. Elliot then went downstairs again with a face

darkened with anger.

On the way back, he scolded angrily, “You heartless woman, how bold of you to actually do these

things behind my back! Come back and see how I will deal with you!”

Thinking about it, he still felt angry. Then, he called Walter, “Do you know the blind date reality show

held by the South City TV station?”

“Why are you asking about this?” Walter was as busy as a bee every day, how would he have the time

to pay attention to variety shows.

“What the hell are you doing? You don’t even know a blind date show!” Elliot hung up the phone while


Walter felt that he had been wronged. Mr. Thomson was acting like a typically unreasonable person,

but he had no choice. He had to honour him as the superior. Who knew what was so special about this

blind date show? He had to see for himself.

Of course, Walter had heard a little about the reality show since it was so popular. He just felt strange

and wondered why Mr. Thomson cared about this show.

When Walter got home, he immediately turned on his computer and searched for the video. When he

saw Amber appearing on the screen with braces, Walter thought there was something wrong with his


“That’s right. Her name is Amber Stone, and her figure is also very familiar. She just seemed very

strange after putting on braces. Why did Miss. Stone make herself look like that to join the blind date


Walter found it a little incredible. Thinking about Amber, he found it quite strange. She was such a

beautiful woman, but she became an old-fashioned and dull lady when she came to work for Mr.

Thomson. Everyone participating in the show dressed up beautifully, but she put on braces instead.

She was even a single mother.

“Wait, Miss. Stone is a single mother?” Walter was dumbfounded. “Is it true or not? She looks so

young. How could she be a mother?”

Could it be some selling point that the blind date show purposely wanted? Of course, Walter couldn’t

figure it out, so he took his phone and called Elliot up, “Mr. Thomson, I saw Miss. Stone in the blind

date show.”

“I’m not blind!” Elliot yelled fiercely in response. When he got home, he also immediately turned on his

computer and searched for the video of the blind date reality show. Seeing that Amber had dressed

herself like that, he didn’t know why his heart felt more at ease.

However, when he saw that no men chose Amber throughout the show, Elliot became very furious.

“What the hell are they doing? Is there something wrong with these men’s eyes? There’s obviously

such a great beauty standing there, but they had to choose those ugly ones. They’re really blind,”

ranted Elliot.

When he was scolding those men, he naturally did not think that he was also the same as those men at

the beginning.

When Elliot was complaining for Amber, Walter called up. He answered the phone and scolded angrily,

“Those men are jerks. Are they blind? Amber is also embarrassing, such a disgrace! No one chose her

while she stood there, she didn’t save my face at all! This is pissing me off!”

“It’s Amber’s own embarrassment to have no one choosing her. What does it have to do with you?” Of

course, Walter didn’t dare to say that out loud. He just went along with Elliot and said, “Yeah, those

men are blind. She is obviously a great beauty, but they can’t even tell!”

Elliot suddenly realised that there seemed to be something wrong with these words. He didn’t feel it

when he said it himself, but why did he feel that it had another meaning when someone else said it?

“Hey, are you scolding me?”

“Mr. Thomson, what do you mean?” Walter felt very wronged.

“Previously, I didn’t find out that Amber was a great beauty when she was beside me all along. Are you

referring to this?” Elliot was being unreasonable.

“Mr. Thomson, I wouldn’t have dared to say anything about you no matter how much bravery you gave


“Of course you won’t dare to say that. If you dare to say it, I’ll break your bones, but you must be saying

it in your heart!”

“No! I swear I didn’t!” Walter secretly complained. He was not stupid. He finally understood why Elliot

had been so strange. It seemed that it had something to do with Miss. Stone.

Elliot was so angry that he couldn’t watch it anymore. D*mn these jerks, they actually dared to ignore

Amber like this. Not one of them actually chose her throughout the show.

He had to think of a way to help Amber. He had to make these jerks regret for their blindness. But how

could he help?

Elliot didn’t hang up the phone, so naturally, Walter didn’t dare to hang up. Listening to Elliot scolding,

“B*stards, can’t even tell what’s good. I have to let all of you know that you are blind and you all will

regret it!”

Walter couldn’t help but interrupted, “Mr. Thomson, they saw that Miss. Stone is a single mother and

thought that she’s ugly because she was wearing braces. So, they didn’t choose her.”

“Do I need you to tell me that?” Elliot snorted. “I have to find a way to make Amber take off her mask

and let everyone regret deeply about it!”

“That’s easy. We can just find someone to choose Miss. Stone on the show, right?”

His words lit Elliot’s eyes up. “I have an idea!”

The second episode took three days in total to record. On the first day, Amber was still ignored and no

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one chose her at all. She still had a good mentality, but Noemi couldn’t bear it anymore, complaining

about it during lunch. All her complains were about how those jerks had no taste, as if she was the one

who had been mistreated.

At noon, Noemi was still complaining, but she suddenly became all jolly in the evening. “Did something

good happen?” Amber was puzzled.

“A good thing, a very great thing!” Noemi replied and looked at Amber from top to toe for a moment.

“Amber, have you ever thought that you will become a celebrity?”

“A celebrity? Me?” Amber pointed at her own nose and reached out to touch Noemi’s forehead.

“Noemi, do you have a fever?”

“No!” Noemi tapped her hand away. “Amber, you have to be mentally prepared. I think you will soon

occupy the home page of various major media.”


“It’s a secret, but you’ll know it very soon. Go get yourself ready first, just don’t be too surprised at that

time.” Noemi refused to tell her.

Amber thought that she was talking nonsense and just ignored her. The next morning, Amber entered

the broadcast hall of the TV station as usual. When she arrived at her spot, she noticed that there was

actually an empty seat in the male guests’ seating area.

Amber felt a little strange. She heard from Noemi that the show was very popular. There were loads of

male and female guests who wanted to participate in the show, but why was there an empty spot?

The show officially began while she was still wondering. As the intro music sounded, the host entered

the venue. The opening speech was more or less the same as usual.

However, after the opening speech, the host changed the subject. “Today is the recording of our third

episode of the blind date reality show. After airing the first episode, our blind date show has been

extremely popular. To what extend? Our staffs have been working overtime for several days for the

registration and selection because there are too many people who wanted to participate.”

The host paused for a moment and then pointed to the male guest seating area. “I bet everyone found

it strange to see that there is one empty spot in the male guest seating area, right? It’s not because our

show is not popular and that no one came to participate, but because the seat is saved to welcome a

heavyweight male guest!”

The male guests who participated in this episode were all elites. The directing team had always treated

all the male guest equally. Now that a heavyweight guest was going be introduced individually,

everyone’s curiosity was aroused. How heavyweight was this person?

The host did not keep them guessing. Instead, he began to introduce the background of the male guest

as if he was reciting a line. “At 22 years old, he graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of

Technology in the United States. At 25 years old, he obtained an MBA degree at Harvard University. At

28 years old, he obtained a DBA degree at Harvard University. During the period of pursuing his DBA

degree, he served as an executive director of three companies, a permanent director of another

company, and was responsible for the expansion of yet another company. Have you ever seen such a


The audience shook their heads. Naturally, they had never seen such a person before.

“Today, we shall let everyone see the superhuman I was talking about. Please welcome Mr. Elliot
