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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 45
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Rachel knew that Rodney was not joking. In the three years after Amber left, her son had been living

with her. There was no other woman around him except for Celia. The reason Celia could appear

around him was because she compelled it. It had been three years but the relationship between her

son and Celia had never improved.

This was the first time her son had officially told her what he was thinking. Rachel sighed sadly. “What

did I do wrong?”

Amber’s absence from work for a day made Elliot feel extremely uncomfortable in his heart. “This

woman had gone too far. She didn’t even request a leave of absence when she didn’t show up for

work. What was she trying to do?” thought Elliot.

She must have gone to have fun with her lover. Thinking of this, Elliot was very angry. He originally

wanted to call Amber directly, but he thought that this would make him lose face. So he asked Walter to

call Amber and warn her that if she doesn’t come to work, she doesn’t have to show up anymore.

However, when Walter called her, her phone was turned off. Elliot got even angrier. “She must have

turned her phone off because she didn’t want to be disturbed. Well, Amber Stone, let’s see how I will

deal with you!”

Elliot spent the rest of the day cursing. In the evening, he finally couldn’t help driving to Amber’s place,

only to find that the apartment was dark and Ashton was also not at home.

Elliot was so angry. “Don’t tell me that this woman has moved out?” he thought. He waited downstairs

until midnight and did not see anyone. He then went home, full of resentment.

The next day, he rushed to her apartment early in the morning. This time, he finally saw Ashton. Only

then did he find out that Amber was sick and hospitalised. Elliot rushed to the hospital immediately.

“What happened? It has only been one day since I didn’t see you. How did you become so sick?”

Looking at Amber, who was lying on the hospital bed with a pale complexion, Elliot felt inexplicably

distressed. Amber felt ashamed when she saw Elliot. If Elliot knew that she was almost raped, how

embarrassed she would be.

Noemi answered, “She got wet in the rain the night before yesterday.”

“Got wet in the rain? Why were you in the rain?” Elliot stared at Amber from head to toe. “Why is there

a bruise on your forehead?”

“She accidentally hit the wall,” Noemi replied.

“Were you drunk?” Amber left with Casen that night to attend a friend’s birthday party. Elliot naturally

thought that Amber was drunk. “As a woman, why did you drink so much alcohol? Why didn’t your lover

drink on your behalf?”

Mentioning her lover, he realised that he didn’t see Casen. Logically speaking, Casen should have

come to the hospital to visit Amber, right? “Where is that Casen Slater?”

“Don’t mention him!” Noemi’s face turned cold.

“What happened?”

Amber looked at Noemi pitifully, hoping that Noemi would not blurt out what had happened to her.

Noemi was a frank person, but she was not so stupid. Noemi said angrily, “That man broke up with


“Really?” Elliot’s face was full of joy. During this period of time, his heart was extremely uncomfortable

whenever he saw Amber dating that guy. He had been thinking of ways to separate them. Now they

have indeed separated, thank God.

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For a while, Elliot was happy, but then he started to feel a bit angry. He suspected that Amber must

have become drunk, hit the wall and fallen sick because of that guy. Wasn’t he just a man? They had

only known each other for a few days, but she hurt herself like this!

Hence, Elliot scolded Amber with an unhappy face, “Look at you, isn’t it just about a man? Break up, so

what? Why did you do this to yourself?”

“You’re right, Mr. Thomson. Isn’t it just a man? It’s just a break up. You didn’t have to hurt yourself.”

Noemi winked at Amber, who lowered her head and remained silent.

Seeing that she lowered her head and didn’t say anything, Elliot scolded her for a while longer before

he stopped. He then took his phone and called Walter happily. “I’m at the hospital. Amber is not well.

She’s thin and sallow, I can tell at a glance that she’s malnourished. Bring some nutritious tonics over


Walter agreed readily. After he hung up the phone, Walter said to himself, “Yesterday, he was still

addressing her as ‘Miss. Stone’, cursing her as ‘that woman’, and saying that he would teach her a

lesson. But why did the situation change overnight? Not only did he address her as ‘Amber’, but he

also asked to prepare a tonic. It’s really too hard to guess what the boss is thinking!”

Shannon thought that she could get what she wanted after transferring the money. By that time, she

would be able to damage Amber’s reputation forever.

But two days had passed in a flash, and there was still no news about the parcel. She was starting to

become a little anxious, so she called Blake, but the number was not in service.

“Why would Blake turn off his phone? Did something happen?” Shannon thought. She became a little

uncertain. She had waited at home for a day and couldn’t help but drive to Parkview Street.

Parkview Street was the place where she used to live when she was poor. This place was a mess, the

most chaotic place in the South City, where the biggest gang lived. Back in those days, Shannon, who

was an unmarried mother, managed to make friends with many gangsters here with her excellent social

skills while caring for Celia at the same time.

Blake was one of them. Activities such as drug trafficking, fighting, raping, and robbery were no big

deal to him. He could do many things. So Shannon thought about him first when she wanted to deal

with Amber.

Amber was not an ordinary person, she had Channing’s protection. So Shannon couldn’t let the gangs

deal with Amber in the conventional ways. If things got out of control, Shannon herself wouldn’t be able

to escape as well. So she thought of a way to get someone to deal with Amber through the blind date.

When anything happened later, Amber could only blame herself for being blind. Shannon knew that

Blake had a broad network, so she told Blake about her idea.

In less than two days, Blake replied to her, saying that it could be done, but the price was a little high.

After all, it was not an ordinary crime. It required some acting skills to make it happen.

Shannon readily agreed to Blake’s offer and gave him an initial payment of one hundred thousand

dollars. Shannon knew very well about Amber’s likes and dislikes, so she prepared all the information

and passed it to Blake. Blake then handed the information to Casen Slater, requesting him to find a

way to deal with Amber based on the information given and that he mustn’t make a mistake.

Casen was an expert among the scammers. After some careful consideration on Amber’s information,

he finally came up with a solution. First, he would use an identity to gain Amber’s attention. Then, he

would purposely put on an act during the interacting session to make Amber feel touched. Finally, he

would claim that he had a similar experience to Amber, to gain her sympathy and affection.

Shannon was overjoyed when she saw that Casen and Amber had successfully paired up. She knew

that Amber had a strong rebellious mentality towards Channing. So she purposely asked Channing to

persuade Amber, so that Amber would be more firm with her decision of being with Casen.

At this point, success is not too far away. To prevent any unpredictable circumstances if the plan was

dragged too long, Shannon urged Blake to push Casen to act as soon as possible. Hence, there was a

so-called birthday party.

As a single woman like Amber, being tricked there was like being brought to a wolf’s den. The

consequences could be imagined. Shannon was 90% sure that Amber was doomed. She was cautious

and purposely asked Channing to find out the truth. After receiving the news that Amber was

hospitalised, Shannon thought that it was a 100% success.

Therefore, when Blake called to ask about the final payment, she readily transferred it to him. But now

she realised that she had been a little hasty. She should have gotten the item before paying.

But now the money was gone, and there was no point in regretting it. The only way to find out was to

question Blake.

Shannon parked the car in an open space on Parkview Street and walked down the street. She was

familiar with the place and swiftly arrived at a house. The door was closed but not locked. Shannon

pushed the door open and saw a man with gold teeth and a pipe in his mouth, basking in the sun.

“Benson!” Shannon spoke first.

Seeing Shannon, the man took off the pipe in his mouth. He looked surprised. “What brought the chief

secretary’s wife here?”

Shannon walked up to the man and asked, “Benson, where is Blake?”

“Why are you looking for Blake?” Benson asked.

“It’s a private matter,” Shannon replied, but didn’t want to say more. “Why are you in Blake’s house?”

“This is not Blake’s house, but mine now,” Benson answered, “Blake had sold the house to me.”

Shannon was stunned. Obviously, she didn’t expect that Blake would sell his house. “Why did he think

of selling the house?”

“How would I know?” Benson put the pipe back into his mouth and stared at Shannon’s face evilly. “I

say, Rose, you’re really bad. You only know to find Blake when you need something, but you didn’t

come to look for me. I can do whatever Blake can do, okay?”

Rose was Shannon’s nickname back when she lived on Parkview Street. It was because she was

beautiful, so everyone called her that. In the past, when someone called her Rose, she would feel very

proud, but now she felt extremely uncomfortable.

However, Benson didn’t seem to notice Shannon’s awkwardness. “People often say that women will

become ugly when they grow old. This seems to be the opposite for you. Why do I feel that the older

you are, the more attractive you become?”

In the past, Benson had always had dirty thoughts about her. He often harassed her and provoked her

with words. In the past, Shannon had to live with it because of her low status, but now it was different.

Now, she was no longer the Shannon who had no backer. She was the chief secretary’s wife. How

could she be bullied by a gangster? Shannon’s face darkened with anger. “Benson, be careful with your


“Be careful with my words?” Benson sneered. “You’ve changed after marrying an official. How strange!

Why didn’t you say that when I touched you back then?”

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“Do you think I won’t slap you?” Shannon trembled with anger.

“Rose, I don’t like to see you like this. Why are you pretending to be somebody? Others may not know

about you, but how can I not know about you? Don’t think you’re something just because you married

the chief secretary. I remember all those nasty things you did in the past very clearly.” Benson was not

afraid of her at all.

Shannon’s expression changed. She thought that it was unnecessary to be angry with a rogue, so she

turned around and left. Behind her, the voice of Benson was heard saying, “Both of you were from

Parkview Street, but Ashley Stone was different. She was upright and admirable. Who do you think you

are? As a person who robbed her best friend’s husband, you still have the nerve to come here and act

haughty! If you mess with me, I’ll tell everyone about your dark past!”

Shannon quickened her pace. On the way to her car, she bumped into someone. “Shannon?”

Shannon glanced at him, and a disgusted look appeared on her face. He didn’t care about her attitude.

“What are you doing here?”

Shannon didn’t want to answer him at first, but when she thought of her purpose for coming here today,

she controlled herself and asked, “Where did Blake go?”

“Blake is in trouble and has run away!” The man replied.

“He ran away?” Shannon was stunned and couldn’t believe it.

“Why are you looking for him?”

Shannon refused to tell him. “If you have any news about him, let me know. I have an account to settle

with him.”

“He won’t come back.” The man shook his head. “He had already settled the migration a month ago.”

“This b*stard!” Shannon realised that she had been deceived by Blake. Her angry expression aroused

the man’s curiosity. “What’s the deal between you and Blake?”

Of course, Shannon wouldn’t say that Blake had deceived her, so she made up a random excuse and

wanted to leave. The man called her from behind. “Shannon, are you… are you doing well?”

“I’m fine!” Shannon answered simply.

“Is he treating you well?” The man asked again.

“What does it have to do with you?” Shannon was impatient. “I have something to do, I’ll have to go


She got into the car in a hurry. When she started the car engine, she saw in the rearview mirror that the

man was still standing there looking at her. Seeing the man’s face, she was annoyed.

“What a sh*tty day!” Shannon cursed angrily as she drove away. On the way back, she thought of

Blake’s running away, and she cursed him from his ancestors. Thinking about it, she still felt upset. The

money that she had spent was not a small sum. It was all her hard-earned money that she had saved

over the years. Due to her trust in Blake and her strong urge to get rid of Amber, she turned out to be

fooled by Blake.

Shannon’s was full of hatred. She had always been the one who schemed against others, and no one

had ever schemed against her. Now that she had been schemed by Blake, not only did she lose face,

but she had also lost her fortune. A few hundred thousand dollars were gone without anything being

achieved. Thinking about it, she couldn’t tolerate this. How could she have miscalculated?

When she got home, Celia had also just cme back from outside. “Mum, have you got the item?”

Shannon threw her bag on to the sofa angrily. “Don’t mention it. Son of a b*tch. How dare he lie to me?

Now I’ve lost a few hundred thousand dollars for nothing. I’m so mad!”

“Who lied to you?” A cold voice sounded. The mother and daughter duo looked over and saw Channing

standing at the door of the study room with a cold fa