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Daddy’s Doting Addiction by Spicy Tuna

Chapter 109
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Chapter 109 “Actually, we were...”

Robin started to explain when suddenly he paled and fell to the ground in pain.

“What happened?” Naomi was anxious. She immediately went over to take his pulse. “You have had

something bad which caused acute enteritis. You need to–“.

At that, Naomi‘s expression turned twisted. To put it bluntly, he had diarrhea. All he needed to do was

go to the toilet. Although it was not a serious condition, he would surely be unable to go treasure

hunting with her at that moment.

“I‘ll contact the organizers to take you down the mountain.”

Then, Naomi quickly took the walkie–talkie out. Robin immediately tugged on her sleeves when he saw

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what she was doing. “But I—”

Naomi furrowed her brows and interrupted him, “Stop talking! Even without you, I‘ll still win. By then,

you can just head to the top of the mountain. I‘ll take you to see the meteors!” “Okay, then...”

Robin was helpless. He could only nod remorsefully. He did not have any bad food that night,

besides... Suddenly, he recalled the water he was drinking a moment ago. Yanne seemed to be

standing close by! At that thought, Robin suddenly became serious. “Naomi, it‘s too dangerous for you

to be alone here. Come down with me!”

Naomi smiled confidently and rejected Robin‘s request. “There‘s nothing here. We‘re at the scenic area

of Mount Aeolus. I‘ve been to even larger mountains. There won‘t be a problem.”

Just in time, a few organizers came with a stretcher. Naomi sent Robin off before carrying the

remaining equipment with her. Then, she took the compass out and continued the steep path.

However, walking onward, Naomi soon realized that something was wrong. She was at the scenic area

of Mount Aeolus. It was built with complete roads and streetlights, but why did she not see any? “That‘s

strange. Why is it getting darker?” Naomi looked at the compass in her hands and quickly took her

phone and map out.

She opened the compass app on her phone to check. Sure enough, the compass was broken!

She immediately thought about the girl named Yanne and what she said to her.

“Damn! I‘ve been set up!”

She could no longer go on the treasure hunt!

Naomi kept the broken compass. She raised her torch and planned to go back from where she came.

Suddenly, she looked up and saw a red warning sign hidden among the weeds.

[Watch out for wild beasts. No entry!)

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Nearby, a wolf‘s cry could be heard.

Naomi had chills. She quickened her steps. Just when she was about to exit the massive patch of thorn

bushes, a wild beast‘s silhouette appeared at the end of the road! In the dark, the eerie blue eyes were

like a ghost, looking straight ahead at Naomi!

It was a wolf!

Naomi tensed up. She felt her blood freeze! She quickly scanned her surroundings, trying to find an

escape route. However, two more wild beasts appeared on both sides! Wolves were pack animals. She

was surrounded! What could she do? Naomi nervously swallowed her saliva and grabbed the small

knife in her hand. Was she destined to die there that day? The stand–off only lasted for a few seconds

before the wolf in front of her pounced at her! “Ah!” .

“Watch out!” Bang! Bang! Bang! Naomi screamed and closed her eyes. A figure suddenly appeared by

her side. The figure pounced at her quicker than the wolf, hugging her tightly in their arms!

The cold voice made her feel safe. It was a familiar voice! Naomi opened her eyes. It was Mister
