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Dark Secrets of the Blind Husband

Chapter 159
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Chapter 159 Switching to Holistic Medicine?

“At the very least, I should treat him to a meal and thank him personally,” Cherise mused

as she set off.

Meanwhile, when Cherise spotted lan, she uttered apologetically, “Hey, lan. I know there. might be

some misunderstandings between Lucy and you. Please don’t mind her.”

They were seated on a bench outside the medical research institute where Ian worked. She handed

him a cup of iced lemon tea. “Is your leg okay now?”

“Yea. I’m all healed now.” lan replied, sipping the milk tea while sighing. “But your friend has some

pretty off-base ideas about me.”

“But it’s okay. I’m not that close to her to mind that trivial.”

“As long as you don’t misunderstand me, it’s all good.”

Cherise quickly shook her head. “I won’t!”

Ian and Cherise had been classmates in their hometown’s high school. In their small-town high school,

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Ian had been an exemplary student, loved by the teachers. His grades, dedication, and impeccable

character set the bar for all the students.

A man so dedicated and wholesome couldn’t be as conniving as Lucy had said him to be.

Ian smiled. “As long as you don’t misunderstand me, that’s all that matters.”

The two of them sat on the bench, both enjoying their milk tea.

Ian stood up. “Do you have any plans after this?”

Cherise shook her head. “No.”

“Let me show you around this place.”

lan smiled and extended his hand to help Cherise up. “I’ve come to love working here.”

This place had once been a distant dream for him.

“By the way, I should thank your husband. Without him, I might never have had the chance to work in

such a prestigious place.”

“You don’t have to. In fact, my husband shares the same sentiment. He believes you shouldn’t be

confined to our little town.” Cherise smiled at lan and strolled with him into the small garden outside the

research institute.


“But, you know, he had mentioned that even if he could help get you in, it’s all about your determination

and effort if you’re going to stick around for the long term.”

Ian smiled. “I’ll give my best!”

“Great!” Cherise nodded with a radiant smile. “I have faith in you!”

The setting sun’s rays painted Cherise’s face with a warm, golden hue, and Ian felt as if his heart were

dipped in honey. As he gazed at Cherise, a mysterious spark danced in his laden with cryptic meaning.

Such a wonderful girl, so full of life and potential, yet she’s with that blind, obnoxious rich guy,



As lan thought about this, an idea hit him. “By the way, is there any chance your husband’s eyes could

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be healed?”

“I’m not sure. But the doctors did mention the possibility of a cure. It’s a slim chance, but I’m willing to

try with him.”

A faint blush appeared on her face. “If he could regain sight, we could do many things together.”

Cherise said with pure bliss beaming on her face.

Ian’s gaze flickered, and with a smile, he said, “You know, there’s a renowned holistic medicine doctor

back in our hometown. Would you consider taking Damien to consult him? If typical medicine can’t

help, perhaps holistic medicine might have a shot?”

Cherise’s googly eyes instantly lit up.

She stared at lan with widened eyes. “You’re absolutely right!”

“Damien has always been treated by Dr. Caldwell. Perhaps switching to holistic medicine. might be

worth a shot!”

Seeing her so excited, lan smiled. “I’m just throwing it out there. It doesn’t guarantee that holistic

medicine will work, but it’s worth exploring.”
