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Fated To The Alpha (Ezra, Katya)

Chapter 269
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Fated To The Alpha Chapter 269

Kyan growls,

pushing off the wall behind him and standing, making me grip his shoulders before I fall off his lap. I wrap my legs

around his waist tightly. The crunch of broken glass under his feet makes me cringe. Thankfully, the alarms

sounding outside had stopped, yet I could tell it was chaos downstairs.

Kyan nips at my neck, his hand squeezing my ass as he moves toward the bed, which was covered in glass from the

explosion. He grips the blanket, ripping it off and flinging it away before tossing me on the bed and making me

bounce. A shrill shriek leaves my lips at the sudden motion of falling, and I land on the bed on my back.

Kyan stood at the end of the bed, and my heartbeat quickened at the look he gave me. A seductive smile tugged at

his lips, and his eyes flickered dangerously, making m e gulp when he leaned over, gripping my underwear. He

places a kiss above my knee before his canines bite into my soft flesh, making me hiss before sliding my underwear

down my legs.

I waited for him to toss my underwear aside, but he didn’t. Instead, he twirls them around his finger. ” You don’t

think he was being serious about punishing us, right ? ” I ask Kora. ” I don’t know, but glad it’s your ass and not

mine, ” Kora howls when I feel his fingers wrap around my ankles.

My eyes widened as I ripped toward the edge of the bed. Kyan grips the front of my shirt, tearing it down the

middle, ripping the front of the shirt clean open. He grabbed my hips and flipped me onto my stomach. ” I’m out, ”

Kora purrs, leaving me the bitch. Kyan tugs the rest of the shirt away and gets rid of it when I feel the heat of his

chest seep into my back as he leans over me.

” You don’t look so sure of yourself now, ‘ Kyan chuckled as he ran his nose across m y jaw to my ear, his breath

fanning my neck, making me shiver when I felt him grip my wrist. daily latest chapters only jar.com The bed

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dips between my legs where he placed his knee, tingles rush between my legs when his knee brushes against my

bare pussy, and he sits up before gripping my other wrist.

He jerks my arms behind my back. I roll on my side, his knee between my legs, preventing me from turning fully

over and his hand gripping both wrists. You do know destroying the hotel wasn’t my intention ? ” I ask him.

” I’m not punishing you, ” Kyan laughs. ” Unless you want me to. ” Kyan purrs, leaning down and brushing his lips

against mine. ” Say no! ” Kora hisses in my head. Kyan bites my bottom lip, tugging at it and making me moan. My

wrists are still trapped in his hand behind my back, and I try to wiggle them free of his tight grip. ” But I will let you

go if you can’t handle it, Kyan says against my lips, and I snort.

” Pft, your so – called punishments don’t scare me, ‘ ” ” I tell him, and he smiles darkly. ” You idiot!! Have you seen

the size of that man’s hand ? ” Kora growls in my head.

” What ? I have seen is fifty shades of grey, ” I tell her. ” Yeah, a movie, Marabella. A movie, you know, with an

actress making that shit look fun. He isn’t really hurting her. I hope you know what you are getting yourself into, ”

Kora laughs. ” Can’t be that bad. Who doesn’t like getting their hair pulled, besides Kyan won’t hurt me ?

” I tell her. A giggle escapes me as she puts her paws over her eyes and shakes her head. Kyan grips my chin, tilting

my face up, amusement clear on his face. ” Something funny ? ” he asks. ” Oh, just waiting for this punishment, ” I

chuckle. ” Oh, is that right ? ” Kyan growls, pressing his erection against my ass, his cock sliding between my

cheeks, making me moan. ” Is this what you want? ” Kyan purrs, his hand sliding down to my neck as he gripped

my throat and squeezed.

” I wasn’t going to punish, but maybe I should now ? ” he laughed. I purse my lips, thinking. ” Don’t do it! That man

got the devil in his eye. We have seen him clean a bathroom with a toothbrush. Who has the patience for that ?

There is something not right upstairs in the psycho lobe of the brain, ” Kora growls at me. I roll my eyes a ther, silly



” Let’s see what you got then, ” I taunted for Kora’s sake as she shook her head. ” Are you sure you know what

you’re asking for, Marabella ? I haven’t even told you what I am doing, ‘ ” Kyan laughed, sat back up, and shoved

me back onto my stomach. daily latest chapters only jar.com ” Pretty sure you’re tying my hands behind my

back, and best not be with my panties because that is a tad gross, ” Kyan laughs, dangling them next to my face. ”

These ones ? ” he asks before laughing.

I try to tilt my head to see what he is doing when I feel him slip them over my wrists. 

” Kyan! ” he laughed before securing my hands behind my back, and the bed dips again as he climbs off it.

 He grips my hips, pulling me to the edge of the bed. 

My feet were placed back on the ground when he used his foot to kick my legs apart before tugging my hips away

from the bed, so only my top half was resting on it.

I giggled, thinking it was funny until his hand slapped my ass so hard I forgot how to breathe, and tears burned my

eyes while he groaned loudly, and I wanted to beat him to a bloody pulp. He smoothed his hand over the mark

before pressing his erection against my ass.  ” Is this what you were expecting ?

” Kyan asks, yet words fail me ; it fucking hurt! ” Told you so! Can’t chicken out now, Kora drawls. When I felt his

hand leave my ass, I snarled at him. When his hand came down on my ass again, I tried to escape. Kyan gripped

my tied wrists, tugging me back. I take it back. ” Kora, swap places with me, ” I beg her.

” Nope, his hands are huge! ” she laughed i n my head. ” I did warn you, ” Kyan laughed, pinning me back to the

bed, his hand on the center of my back. ” She lied, ” I whimper, my ass stinging as I wiggled, hoping to dodge his

hand. ” Huh ? ” Kyan asks, stopping. I relax and sigh. ” That bitch Anna. ” I felt his confusion through the bond when

he leaned over m y back, his nose skimming across my shoulder. ” And who is Anna ? ” Kyan asked.

” Off the damn movie! She lied. It fucking hurts, ” I shrieked, trying to wiggle away when I felt his hand move down

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my side to my ass. He rubs his hand over the spot, tingles rushing everywhere, and I sigh. ” What movie ? ” he says,

standing up and admiring his handwork on my flesh, his fingertips tracing over my raised flesh.

” Fifty Shades Grey, it was a lie. ” his hand stops. ” I’m not sure about fifty shades of grey, but your ass is about fifty

shades of pink, ” he laughed. Gosh, my ass stings.

” I can’t believe you based your answer off a movie! ” he says, clicking his tongue and stepping away from me. I

look at him over my shoulder, wondering what he was doing, and he smiles darkly, and my eyes widen. ” I swear to

god you slap my ass again, I will slap you back, ” I snarled at him. ” What was that ? ” Kyan taunted, tugging o n my


I closed my eyes, expecting my ass to burn again when he kicked my feet back apart. This time he smacked

between my legs. I whimpered a t the sting until he cupped my pussy with his hand, rubbing his fingers over my

folds before parting my wet lips with his finger, shoving it inside me.

A moan escapes my lips as he drags it back out slowly before plunging it back. M y hips rock back against his hand,

chasing the friction he was offering when he pulled his finger and added another, curling them inside while his other

hand smoothed over my ass before his hand came back down hard on it.

My inner walls clenched his fingers as I jumped. Yet the pain was dull compared to the sensation his fingers were

building up inside me.

Kyan grabbed my ass, pulling my cheeks apart, and I knew he was watching his fingers drenched in my arousal slip

in and out of me. He curls them inside me, earning a moan before pulling them out and adding a third.

I squirmed at the stretching feeling his fingers caused and wiggled up the bed, only for him to grip m y hips and tug

me back. ” Stay still, ” he growled before he kneeled, and I felt his lips press to my ass cheek as his fingers slipped

out of me.

Both hands gripped my ass, his elbows pushing against my thighs, forcing my legs further apart when I felt his

warm breath fan over my pussy. His tongue delved between my folds, and I squirmed, not liking having my ass in

his face until his tongue flicked over my clit, and he sucked it into my mouth