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Harvey York’s Rise to Power

Chapter 2268
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Chapter 2268

It was just past lunch time when the two arrived at Sky Casino-Palace. There was still some time before

the evening banquet.

a swalish

Harvey slipped out of the presidential suite with the excuse that he wanted to expand his horizons in the

casinos downstairs.

He snuck inside the staff’s changing room and put on a waiter’s uniform he found there. Then, he started

roaming around the guest room area.

Judging from the angle, background, and the layout of the room as seen in the picture, Harvey was sure

that Lilian was held hostage in the guest room area’s middle floors.

From that height, the night view of Las Vegas would be visible.

In addition, guests would usually be busy

checking out of their rooms during the afternoon.

After surveying the guest room area, he deduced that the eighth guest room on the eighteenth floor was

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most likely the place Lilian was held



Harvey stood in front of the room, frowning. Thick dust covered the carpet of the entire floor. No one had

come to clean up the place for at least three days.

There was only one reason for a newly

established hotel like this to be this dirty. Someone had rented the entire floor and restricted everyone’s

access here.

Since that was the case, Harvey immediately knew that trouble was afoot.

People would normally rent out the top floor, not some floor with an unlucky number.

After hesitating for a moment, Harvey took out a staff’s ID card and swiped it across the door lock.


Right as Harvey opened the door, he sensed incoming danger and automatically rolled to the side.

Bang, bang, bang!

The crossbows placed neatly in front of the door opened fire right as he dodged, landing their shots on

the wall nearby him.

The strong and durable wall was pierced through without any effort, a testament to just how powerful

those crossbows were.

If those shots landed on someone, even a God of War wouldn’t be able to protect himself.

Before Harvey managed to grasp the situation, he heard an extremely sharp whiz.

Harvey instinctively rolled behind a fire box.

Whizz, whizz, whizz!

Almost at the same time, a few bullets landed right where he was before, leaving fist-sized holes on the

marble floor.

Harvey’s eyes twitched frantically as he stared at the holes. He planted his back on the wall behind him,

trying to conceal his identity.

At the same time, he came to a realization.

This was a setup for murder.

Those who kidnapped Lilian took that picture intentionally. They knew that Harvey would be able to find

Lilian through that picture alone.

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With that, Harvey would surely rush to Las Vegas

as soon as he could.

The massacre after getting off the plane was just

another setup to speed up his process, without giving him time to even think.

And room 1808, a room with an unlucky number, was the perfect setup to kill Harvey.

On top of that, he came here alone as he had no time to mobilize any forces, since he rushed to Las

Vegas almost immediately.

Under these circumstances, the enemy would have a huge chance to end his life then and there.

The enemy’s calculations were quite accurate, to the point that they successfully figured out Harvey’s

entire plan. If he wasn’t skilled at fighting, he would’ve suffered miserably.

Though, there was something Harvey didn’t understand. Why Las Vegas?

Kyoto from the Island Nations was surely a better choice to deal with him.

Even Wolsing and the Golden Sands were convenient places to assassinate him.

From this perspective, it was obvious that the enemy’s influence and power in Las Vegas would make

their operation much easier.