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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 34
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Chapter 34 Collect me

What do you mean?” Doris asked cautiously. She didn‘t think anything he did for her would be for her

benefit. He hated her, even if he had moments of being somewhat decent she knew he hated her. It was

obvious he didn’t think she poisoned Melody, but that was it. “Prince William spent 3 days locked away

searching for the one that actually poisoned the soup. He refused to do anything else or let anyone help

him, he was determined to find out who did it so you could go free.” Beth looked excited to finally share

the gossip with Doris. She looked as if she were about to bounce out of her seat with all of the

information she held in. “I heard he aggressively asked all of the servants who poured the soups and

questioned everyone that worked that night until “Until what?” Doris asked, her hands gripping the

blankets around her. It wasn’t hard to picture him. yelling at cooks and servants until they admitted

whatever he wanted to them. “Until one of his ex-lovers admitted it was her.” Beth said with wide, excited

eyes. This was definitely better than any book in the library to Beth. Doris briefly remembered the maid in

the courtroom that came forward about the poison. Honestly. Doris was trying not to pass out so most of

it was a giant, scary blur to her. “Really?” Doris breathed. It was quite scandalous for a prince to have an

ex-lover poison the soup because she was jealous of his new lady. She bet all of the maids were just as

excited as Beth was about the gossip . “Did she say why?”


“Apparently, we will raing to try and frame Melody for making Luna Quen sick, but she claims she didn’t

know about the polkojaus herb in the soup.” Burth propped her chin up with her hand and sighed. *1 km

Prince William i handsome, but who would go as far as poisoning wameone over him? It’s

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“Do you believe her when she says she didn’t put the poison in there as wel?” Doris asked, feeling

herself grow more tired by the minute. Her mind couldn‘t seem to picture anyone vicious enough to

poison Luna Queen, not even a scomed lover. “I don’t know, she claims she only put the flower in there

but the flower alone has some poison in it. Perhaps she was too dull to realize that, but I’m mat sure if

she knew about the herb. I heard she was completely clueless when they asked her about it.” Doris

nodded and hummed to herself in thought. – He must really care för Melody to go through all that

trouble.” “He wanted to get you out of prison, Doris. He hasn’t mentioned Melody in days. I doubt the

truly cared for her.” “Beth! You can’t say something like that he obviously care if he’s willing to travel to

the north to find out who poisoned her.” Doris frowned a little Prince Jack had also claimed Prince

William hadn’t shed a single tear about her poisoning Clearly he wasn’t huge on emotions, he must have

been hiding his feelings for the most part. But actions were always louder than words and Prince William

was doing the unthinkable by offering to travel to the north to find the truth for Melody “He’s going there

to prove it wasn’t you who poisoned Luna Queen, Doris!” Beth said stubbomly. Doris knew how much

Beth dreamed of her having some sort of romance with a prince, but it was

never going to happen. It wasn’t even in her own daydreams, the only thing Doris dreamed about was

getting as far from this palace as she could. “He already knows who wanted to harm Melody. I’m telling

you it’s to clear your name.” Doris snorted at the thought and shook her head. – Beth, I adore you but he

is not doing this for me. It’s for Melody. trust me. I’m just a maid that unfortunately got mixed in all of this,

I’m just lucky he doesn’t think it’s me like Prince Jack does.” Beth rolled her eyes and sighed loudly.

“Fine. Be blind to the three princes tripping over themselves to impress you!” She stood, Doris laughed a

little until it hurt. She was ridiculous. If only life were so simple that she had three princes wanting her

attention, but Doris knew it was nothing like that.

A few days passed and Doris was finally able to walk on her own again. She walked up and down the

halls outside her room and then laid in bed after with a serving of medicine to calm her pains, Beth

stayed by her side the entire time and made sure she had enough to eat and drink whenever she was

hungry. Doris was eternally rateful for her. Many maids in the palace only dreamed of having a friendship

as true as they did, it was hard to trust in this place. Prince Daniel had come by a few more times to

check in on her. He once even brought her some cake for a change and made her laugh until her sides

hurt and Beth had to shoo him away. “Don’t you have more important things to do?” Doris teased him. -

Me? Never!” Prince Daniel said before he bowed and left the room with his signature grin that lit up his

entire face. Doris smiled to herself as she watched him bave.


wilently hoped they would mand her back to the Library orce she was able to work again, sha couldn’t

imagine anyone else would want het in lady’s maid after what she went through. Tainted wards like liar,

thial, and now pointer were on her back. At least in the library. nat many people ventured in to see her

besides a kind prince and the occasional servant looking for a new read. Perhaps she would talk to Mr.

Carson in the morning about it, if he wasn’t still mad at her about the party.

Later that night, Doris had gotten up to make herself a glass of cool water when a knock startled her.

Beth was already dozing in bed, Doris pulled on a long cloak and quietly opened it to see Prince

William’s footman on the other side, “Oh… Hello, sir.” She curtsied. -Good evening. Ms. I’ve come to

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collect you for Prince William.” He said with i slight bow of his head. Doris glanced back to see Beth was

still sound asleep “Collect me?” Doris asked, confused. “What is this for, may I ask?” “Prince William has

asked you to accompany him in his private bedroom tonight.” “-what? Me?” Doris stumbled over her

words, her face heated immediately. “I… Why me?” Prince William’s footman stared it her silently, she

supposed he wouldn’t know why either: “0…okay. One moment, please. I just need to get my shoes.”

When he nodded and turned away. Donis hurried to Beth’s side and shook her awake. “What?” Beth

grumbled and leaned up on her elbows. Her eyes flickered to the door and she sat up straighter when

she saw his outline. “What’s happening? Is


Na, na.” Donis shoulder leid, “I JULLW l ini tell you that Prince Willimin quested my EEE tonight so I’m

leaving I didn’t want yai la W TY. Deris whispered as she slippuden her shout Beth let a smink cover her

lips, Haris ralled her eyes She knew exactly what her ridiculous friend was Thinking: “Oh really? Where?

“In his private chamber.” Daris said quietly. Beth sat up quickly. her eyes wide and absent of sleep.

“What! “Shhh!” Doris glanced at the man but he wan’t looking at them. “It’s nothing, he probably needs

maid or something.” “So he asked you in the middle of the night?” Heth couldn’t contain her grin. “It’s rare

for anyone to See his private chambers alone unless you’re his

Doris blew out a frustrated breath. “I’ll be back in the morning. I’m sure. I didn’t want you to wake without

me here and worry yourself.” She turned to the door “Tell me everything the second you get back! I don’t

care if I’m sleeping. wake me!” Doris closed the door on her friend and followed the man down the halls.

Her heart raced in her chest as she tried to keep up with his footman who didn’t even glance back to see

if she followed him. She hadn’t seen Prince William since the trial, why did he want to see her so late at
