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His Precious Love

Chapter 415
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Rayna lowered her head slightly and squinted as she tried to take a better look at the inside of the car.

As the car did not have tinted windows, it only took Rayna a second to see who the driver of the car was. Indeed, it

was Wyatt.

Just then, she saw a slender hand reaching out from the passenger seat, passing an uncapped bottle of mineral

water to the man.

Rayna was rendered speechless.

Why is he driving a sports car with his pregnant wife in it?

However, a creased appeared between Rayna’s brows the next instant when she noticed a small tattoo on the

woman’s finger in addition to her thin wrist.


When did Jessie get a tattoo?

As they were in the middle of the road, it was not convenient for Rayna to get out of the car to greet them. As such,

she rolled down the car window while reaching into her bag for her phone, intending to call them.

After Rayna lowered her window, and while she was waiting for Wyatt to pick up the phone, the woman in the

passenger seat suddenly leaned over to kiss Wyatt. She had long green hair and was not Jessica!

“F*ck!” Rayna cursed as her expression darkened.

She tried calling Wyatt a few times, but the man did not seem to notice his phone ringing. Rayna clenched her teeth

in frustration when she realized that Wyatt might have already blocked her number.

She looked around before picking up an accessory from her car dashboard.

Just as she was about to throw it at Wyatt’s car, the traffic light turned green.

When Rayna looked out of her window again, Wyatt’s car was already nowhere to be seen.

As the vehicles behind her started honking impatiently, she quickly started her car and began driving. Rayna

wanted to chase after Wyatt, but the assistant from Glory called again, asking her where she was.

She had no choice but to give up the idea as it was an important day for her, given that it was the day she was

supposed to start work at the new office.

“Wyatt, you scumb*g! Just wait! I will come for you after I’m done with my work!”

She thought that Wyatt had already stopped playing the field, but it seemed like a leopard could never change its

spots. How dare he drive another woman around in his sports car when his wife is pregnant!

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Around twenty minutes later, Rayna arrived at the financial district.

Norwal City had a large financial district that was occupied by both small and established companies in the finance

industry. As the industry’s most prominent player, Faymon Group and its subsidiaries took up the entire south end of

the area while the other businesses were situated in the north.

After locating the building where Glory’s office was, Rayna drove her car into the underground parking lot.

The companies on the north end of the financial district were mostly on a smaller scale. Apart from a few bigger

companies that owned their own office buildings like Faymon Group, the rest of the businesses were all housed in

the same building. As such, the office lobby was usually very crowded.

For most companies, office hours started at nine or ten in the morning. As such, during those hours, the elevators

were always packed.

Rayna was squeezed into the back of the elevator as more people entered. She carried her bag in front of her to

protect the babies in her belly.

A few women, who seemed to be from the same company, started gossiping as the elevator slowly moved up.

“Have you guys heard the news? We have a new CEO.”

“Yeah! I heard that the new CEO is of mixed blood. It seems like his family has been doing business in Epea all


“Mixed blood? He must be really handsome. I can’t wait to see him!”

“Don’t even start dreaming. I heard that he is already attached. Anyway, do you guys know who he has appointed

as the new vice CEO? We have been told to pay more attention to our appearances as the new vice CEO will be

reporting to the office today.”

“Who is it?”

“It’s Rayna who was previously from Faymon Group. Shocking, right?”

“Why is it her?” Another woman said enviously in a rather dramatic tone, “I heard that she used to date Mr.

Faymon. Do you think she is our new CEO’s girlfriend? If that’s the case, she must be the luckiest woman in the


“Ha! She’s just an interpreter. Do you think it’s that easy for an interpreter to switch to such a different role? Who

knows what tricks she played to achieve that!”

“Well, now that you’ve mentioned it, it does seem pretty suspicious.”

Although Rayna was not interested in listening to their gossip initially, she started paying attention after hearing her


Toward the end of the conversation, those women were practically insinuating that she was a sl*t who slept her way

up the ladder.

Rayna raised her brows when she heard that but quickly got over it.

Back then, when she became the acting CEO of Faymon Group, she had heard comments about her that were way

worse than that. As such, she was already immune from such things.

Rayna looked up and secretly took note of the women’s faces and employee numbers.

Since they were from the same company, it was just a matter of time that she settled scores with them.

In order to facilitate more efficient communication between different departments, some of the companies in the

building had bought entire floors and hacked all the connecting walls, creating just one big working area. That was

also the case for Glory, which occupied the entire fifty-third to fifty-fifth floors.

Rayna pressed the elevator button and headed straight to the fifty-fifth floor. While waiting, she flipped through the

documents in her hands.

She had previously wondered why the Terblanc family was not established in Aploth even though they had

businesses in the region. After reviewing the documents, she found out that Glory belonged to the Terblanc family in

name, but they only held very little interest in the company and did not profit much from it.

Glory’s board of directors had only decided on a change of the company’s CEO after Boniel showed them the bet-

on agreement. However, if Jefferson made any serious mistakes that were detrimental to the company, the board

of directors would still have the right to get someone else to replace him.

Even though Jefferson was also on the board of directors, he did not have any actual power. Besides, as the

Terblanc family was not the company’s major shareholder, the man did not have any influence on the board of


If Rayna had known earlier that that would be the situation, she would have asked Jefferson to act pitifully in front of

Boniel and ask for a company in which he held more shares so that he would have more power over the board of


Despite being on the board of directors, Jefferson had no say in any of the company matters. As long as Arnaud

placed his men in Glory’s upper management and dealt a blow at Jefferson right before the end of the three-year

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

period of the agreement, that would be the end of Jefferson.

Alas! This is such a difficult situation.

Rayna let out a sigh. Soon, the elevator stopped at the fifty-fifth floor, and she walked out.

A woman, who was carrying a tablet, was standing next to the elevator and seemed to have been waiting for some

time. She walked up to Rayna and asked politely, “Are you Ms. Rayna Garland?”

Rayna stopped in her tracks and smiled at the woman. “One week ago, the headquarters had held a meeting to

appoint a new CEO and vice CEO. Are you my assistant? I’m sure you would have already gotten the memo from

the headquarters.”

Rayna was dressed in a dark grey business suit and wearing a crystal brooch, giving her a serious look with a hint of

feminine charm.

Although she was speaking in a composed manner, she had an imposing presence.

The assistant immediately lowered her head and said, “Ms. Garland, please let me take you to the conference


“Thank you.”

After Rayna and her assistant disappeared out of sight, the other employees, who had been holding their breaths,

started discussing among themselves.

“Did you feel that powerful aura? As expected of someone who had worked in Faymon Group.”

The assistant quickly opened the door when they arrived at the conference room.

Rayna strolled in slowly and scanned the room. The chairs around the meeting table were fully occupied.

Everyone had their gazes fixed on Rayna the moment she entered the room.

The assistant led the woman to the head of the table and introduced her. “As everyone already knows, the

headquarters has appointed a new CEO recently. This is Ms. Rayna Garland, our vice CEO who is personally

appointed by the CEO.”

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Garland,” everyone greeted Rayna.

“It’s my pleasure to meet all of you too. I look forward to working together with everyone,” Rayna replied with a

smile before glancing at her watch. “It’s time to start the meeting. Let’s do it the usual way!”


The projector behind Rayna was turned on and two thick stacks of documents were placed on the table in front of


Then, the various heads of department started taking turns to report the situations in their departments to Rayna.

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