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His Second Wife by Favor V April

Chapter 70
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“Oh my God, I think you went into the wrong restroom!” Exclaimed a woman with a sneer on her face while eye-fucking the man
who had just entered the incorrect restroom. “Excuse me!” she yelled while continuing to eye-fuck the man.
“I’m sorry. I’m looking for my sister. She’s been puking throughout the function.”
“Oh, I’m sorry about that. Please, just make sure you lock the restroom because other people might enter and get the wrong
The man waited outside the restroom and started to check if there was anyone with them. Then he finally spoke. “What is it that
was so urgent?”
“I’m off the game.” The man exhaled a sigh.
“Go on,” he commanded.
“Someone is keeping tabs on me. It seems like a lot of people are keeping their eyes on the golden girl.”
“I see.” The lady came out and stood in front of the man, and suddenly music started playing in the main hall and could be heard
through the speakers in the restroom.
“Did you hear that? That’s our song. The lady swung around so her back was against his chest and began dancing seductively
against him, grinding her ass in all the right places. The man’s hand gripped her hips tightly. The man began to lightly nibble on
the woman’s neck as one of his hands skated up her ribcage and covered the woman’s breast before his fingers cascaded down
to her cleavage, teasing her mounds as his fingers drifted inside her bra.

A shiver ran through the woman’s body as she closed her eyes and gloried the man’s touch. She loved how the man was getting
sensual with her.
Their bodies swayed together till she felt his hardness against her ass and the man’s nibbles became sucking. Even in the
restroom, the man had the ability to make her feel things. The man looked down at her with a blank expression on his face. As
his tongue trailed along the seam of her lips, his mouth smashed down onto the woman’s lips. She immediately parted her lips
for him. She whimpered into his mouth. He drew her impossibly close to his chest while thoroughly devouring her mouth.
The woman was experiencing a disastrous passion that she was rapidly losing control of. “I need you right now,” the man rasped,
loud enough for her to hear. As his hands intertwined her hair, his mouth sought hers once more. She leaned back in his

embrace, tilting her head back so he could thoroughly taste her. “Come here,” he rasped, brushing up against her lisps. She felt
him yank her back. Before the sound of his belt and zipper echoed across the tight space, the toilet cover slammed shut.
The man sat down on top of the toilet cover, grabbed the woman’s dress, and shoved it up around her waist. He then drew her
down to sit on his lap. As he rubbed his manhood across her swollen, wet pussy, he pulled her lacy thong aside, and she drew a
gasp at the strong contact.
He held her hips and adjusted her over his cock without saying anything before pulling her down onto him. As he penetrated her,
his cock spread her wide apart. Her stomach and his cock were both crushed, and she grasped his shoulder to keep herself
stable as his arms wrapped around her waist. She nearly stopped breathing when he hugged her to his chest. He roughly
pounded into her with his eyes closed tight and his teeth gritted. They filled the entire restroom with moans and grunts. He
hoisted her up and down with his massive hands, directing and encouraging her as she swayed on top of him. As he continued
to drive his big cock within her, he put his arms around her neck and slammed his lips against hers. The thrusts matched the

beat of his kiss. He broke the kiss as a groan escaped his lips. He stared up at the woman as he continued to fuck her
senselessly. He started to lift her up and drop her on his shaft with his gaze locked on hers.
“Brother! Oh, God! Brother, I’m coming!” The woman moaned out loud, biting down on her bottom lip to suppress the pleasure
that was building in her stomach.
“I told you not to call me that when we fuck.” He groaned, “Cum for me, cum all over my cock. This cock is all yours, sis.”
The woman wrapped her arms around his neck and then slammed her mouth down on top of his as she wailed out her release
into his mouth while she continued to slam her mouth on top of his and swaying on top of him. Her pussy tightened around his
cock as she milked and stroked out his release.
“Fuck, I love you, brother.”
“Are you high?” The man inquired, but the woman only giggled in response.
“I can still tell you I love you once in a while, blood or not.”
“You know that is forbidden, right?” Another chuckle came from the woman.
“Everything our family does is forbidden. I fuck dad. I fuck all my brothers, and my brothers fuck our dad. Thank God mom is
mute, though she knows I fuck her husband senselessly every now and then.” The man scoffed.

“You give yourself a lot of credit. If people find out, they will think we are sick. But I still love you, though. Stop banging, dad, it’s
so gross.”
“Are you jealous?”
“No, he’s far too old.”
“Hahaha, that’s funny, but he sure does fuck better than you do.” She chuckled as she began to fix her dress. Just then,
someone turned on the water in the basin and hastily unlocked the restroom door, hurrying out and disappearing into the crowd.
“Who the fuck was that? I thought it was just the two of us. Do you think the person heard everything?”
“Obviously, you were moaning out loud. Don’t do anything. I will try to find out the name of the person and silence them before
they ruin our plans.”.