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His Second Wife by Favor V April

Chapter 73
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~Christopher’s POV~
Luke has to be mistaken. No way! There is no way that my best friend has been fooling me all this time, I mean all these fucking
years. I know Mark has been up to no good but he wouldn’t do that to me. What the fuck is happening? Why would I listen to that
guy? Claudia’s real name is Carman Cooper. What the fuck is going on? I feel like crying. Today is my wife’s launch. I was
supposed to celebrate with her, but then I received shocking news. What does the Cooper family want from us? I suddenly feel a
headache with a lot of hatred in my heart. This better is wrong information because I will fucking kill Mark Cooper. How can he do
this to me? We have been friends since we were kids. Why did he send his sister to ruin my life? I suddenly feel like a lump
blocking my lungs. I went inside, knowing full well that I was no longer myself, and that if anyone dared me, I would pounce on
them, I will kill someone today. Right now, I need something that can make me smile, something that can take my worries away
so I can concentrate.
I fucking need Camille. I started searching the whole venue for one particular person. My wife! Then my eyes landed on her.
Mark was eye-fucking her while following her like a fly. I charged toward her. I really can’t look at anyone right now. People might
be scared. I grabbed her hand and dragged her outside. I crashed her body against the wall again and placed my hands on the
wall while staring at her.
“Are-you-okay?” she asked. I could tell she was scared and worried. Without a warning, I claimed her lips savagely. She didn’t
push me. Instead, she circled her hands around my neck and kissed me back with the same force. Unknowingly, tears started to
fall. All the emotions I’ve been bottling up flooded out. He can’t, he is Mark, my fucking friend. I broke the kiss.
Fuck! muttered.
I didn’t dare face my wife. No, she can’t see my tears and I can’t wipe these tears away because if I did, she would know I’m
crying. I started to walk away, but she grabbed my hand.

“Look at me.” She commanded. No, I can’t look at her. That is out of the question. Not happening. I used force to remove my
hand from her grasp, but this little girl was so fucking strong. She held on to me as if her life depended on it.
“If you know what is good for you, you wouldn’t leave me alone.” I barked.
“And if you know what is good for our marriage, you will not walk out on me.” I froze and fucking stared at her, completely
oblivious to the fact that I was crying. But Camille didn’t ask me anything. She hugged me. I pushed her away and stood far from

her, avoiding eye contact. “Why is it that you do not trust me? Firstly, the divorce papers, right now... right now. I don’t know. I
have never seen you like this. But still, you won’t tell me anything because I’m young, right?” She was right, I have always
thought of her as a young girl, but the day I took her innocence I knew there was no going back and I want her, I want my family.
I finally spoke.
“Camille, that’s not the truth.”
“Then fucking be a husband and stop running away from your responsibilities. I am getting tired of all this, Chris. Can’t you tell I
am dying on the inside? Can’t you tell, are you blind or have you just decided to avoid my feelings? Can’t you tell me what is
going on? Why are you so messed up like this?”
“Camille, I love you. Everything I am doing is to protect you and Liam. I will do everything for you. I have never once stopped
loving you. Yes, I used to run away from my feelings, and responsibilities, but not anymore. I want us. I want you. I want our son.
I want my family back and, right now I need to drink Camille.” I took a few steps, and she yelled.
“Chris! It’s my launch. I need you... I need you. If you can’t attend the launch as my husband, then attend it as a family member
or anything. Please, I need you to be there. I need my husband’s support.” I turned and went back to hug her. I will do anything
for her; she is my wife. I do not want to be here, but I will do it for her. I looked at her and told her to go inside.
“Go inside. I need to think. I promise I will be right behind you to support you.” She looked right into my eyes and gave me a hug.
We hugged for what seemed like forever, and she kissed me.
“You said you need a drink, Mr. Grayston?” She asked seductively. I nodded and what came out of her mouth left me all hard,
“Then, you can drink me.” She said that with a wink and went back inside.
I fucking need to get my shit together. I headed to the bathroom, fixed myself, and went out. You don’t know the betrayal of a

loved one till it hits you like a volcano. Luke could be wrong, but I still need to confirm this. I headed inside and saw my wife
smiling as I walked in, its as though she understood the assignment, she didn’t smile for long. She flushed me a smile and
looked away. I went and sat next to my grandfather. The old man seemed relaxed, and I was like a bomb ready to explode. I
fucking need a drink, but not now. After this, I need a very strong drink. I dragged my eyes and landed on Claudia. She was
looking at my wife, then signaled someone else...

Mark fucking Cooper. I scoffed. I did have my suspicions, but not that he was my ex-wife’s brother. I had suspicions about the
project we were working on together. Maybe I should go back to the spying device and listen to everything. I am so fucking
stupid. It’s no wonder Claudia knew everything about my wife and that I was not sleeping with her. It was all Mark. What am I
fucking talking about, she knew of that trip and she purposely approached me. Come to think of it, I didn’t approach Claudia. It
was Mark all along. I watched as he approached my wife like a fly chasing after some poop. He held her hand and kissed it. I
want to explode instantly. I am ready to pounce on someone right now. Not just someone, Mark fucking Cooper. I saw how his
father had been smiling at him. Wait, a minute. Is the Cooper family after my family? What am I saying? Why would Mark want
my wife? Why would they send their daughter to me? I looked at the motherfucker named Luke. He raised a glass at me with a
wink. Having the ‘I told you so.’ look on his face, yea, right, he opened my eyes and I owe him, but that fucker seems to know
something. Wait a minute, is this why someone wanted him dead? I am still so fucking angry. On a normal day, I could have
been balls-deep in a pussy, releasing all my worries. But now, my wife comes first. Would she mind if I fucked the living daylights
out of her to release my stress? Fuck! She is my wife, not some sex worker. The launch was still going on, but my eyes were
lingering all over the Coopers. That damn family, they will fucking pay. I finally confirmed that Mark had been my enemy all this
time, and I was blind. I suspected Mark of our new project with Camille. Never did I ever imagine that he would trap me and
make me marry his sister for his own gain. I fucking have a son with that woman. After everything was finished, I walked out of
the launch and looked for a bar. I didn’t even ask for Robin to drive me; I just took the car and went out for a drink. I drank my
heart out, and I knew very well that it was getting late and I needed to get laid. Yea, I need to fuck, but not just any whore. I want
to fuck Mrs. Grayston. I hope she doesn’t push me away. One more drink and I am outta here.
“Hey pretty boy, do you need a drinking buddy?” That voice...Naa, it’s not possible.
“Get the fuck away from me, I’m married,” I said as I raise my finger, but the woman didn’t want to give up.
“If you behave, you can drink me all night.”