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Let Me Stay The Night Novel (Christina and Nathaniel)

Chapter 368
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Chapter 368 Happiness

Christina played with the children in the front yard. Then, she drew pictures with them

Acnoon drew close Lucas and Camila grew tired of playing. Hence, Christina instructed the nanny to take them back

to their room for an afternoon nap.

Later, Nathaniel worked in the study, Sebastian arranged some documents, and Christina lounged on the couch,

drawing on her tablet

A knock on the door interrupted the quiet atmosphere of the room. The door swung open, and Madison

walked in

The women’s eyes met, and Christina recalled what Francis said the day before yesterday.

It was Madison who had leaked the secret back then.

However, without any evidence, it was just her word against Madison’s. She would achieve nothing and just put

Madison on her guard if she were to confront her.

Then, a thought suddenly crossed Christina’s mind. She looked at Sebastian and asked, “Hey, Sebastian, you told

me before that you still have the computer that was hacked four years ago, right?”

Yes, that’s right. Mr. Lucas said he would help me restore the data and identify the thief,” replied Sebastian in a

serious tone.

He had kept the computer in good condition with that hope in his heart.

Madison tensed up. Why did Christina bring up this matter all of a sudden? No, I must not let her bring up this


“It’s been so long. Back then, the best hackers were hired to crack it, and all had failed,” countered Madison in a

deliberately calm voice.

“No harm trying again.” Christina’s steely gaze pierced right through Madison. “What are you scared of?”

“I… No, what I meant was, the virus was very powerful. I’m just afraid that an information leak might happen

again.” Madison looked away to hide her guilt.

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The corners of Christina’s lip lifted in a small smirk. She gave Madison a loaded look but said nothing.

Ever since Sebastian had asked Lucas for help without prior authorization, Nathaniel had been worried about Lucas’

safety, so he had forbidden anyone from mentioning Lucas’ skills.

Sebastian glanced at Nathaniel, seeking his input.

“Bring the computer over tomorrow,” said Nathaniel casually.

“Yes, Mr. Hadley.”

Madison’s heart dropped to her stomach. Although she was unaware of Lucas’ abilities, she knew that she would be

at risk of being exposed if the matter were to be investigated.

She had to figure out a way to stop any investigation.

A silence descended over the study once again, and Madison left after handing over her work.

She bumped into Christina in the corridor

In fact, Christina had been waiting for her.

Christina wore a long chiffon dress which she had cinched at the waist with a belt to show off her figure.

Standing there quietly, she looked beautiful in an ethereal and otherworldly way.

Madison had never really bothered with thoughts of Christina, “Mrs. Hadley, are you waiting for me?”

“Hand in your resignation, Madison, and I’ll consider not exposing what you’ve done to Nathaniel. I’ll allow you to

leave with your dignity intact,” said Christina in a calm and measured voice.

In just a few seconds, Madison had been judged and punished for her evil deeds.

Madison felt as if Christina had stripped her bare. “There’s nothing for you to expose! Do not simply

accuse me!”

“Nathanic] has never even touched you. That child is not his! How long are you going to keep this up?”

Christina did not allow Madison the chance to defend herself. Her voice turned icy as she added, “If you still refuse

to admit it, we can go confront Nathaniel now. How about that?”

There was only one wall separating the corridor where they were standing and the study where Nathaniel was

working. Although the women were not speaking loudly, every word still felt like bullets shooting through Madison’s


If Nathaniel knew what she was doing behind his back, he would be angry, and he would definitely cut her


“What do you want from me?” Madison clenched her fists, glaring at Christina angrily,

Madison was becoming agitated while Christina had become more relaxed and confident.

She crossed her arms and drawled, “What I want is simple. I want you to slap yourself twice. Then, I won’t say a

word to Nathaniel.”

What? Slap myself twice?

Rage darkened Madison’s eyes. “Christina, you’re asking for too much. Who do you think you are?”

“Well, I’m nobody. There’s nothing special about me, but…” Christina narrowed her eyes at Madison and continued,

“Nathaniel listens to me now. Even if I told him to fire you without any reason, he would do exactly as I say without

any hesitation.”

Christina had spoken the truth. She truly had Nathaniel wrapped around her finger.

There was no need for her to struggle for anything. Whatever Nathaniel had was as good as hers.

She was not angry with Madison’s deceit, but she did want to be bullied so easily. She could not just let it happen

without fighting back.

Madison’s eyes were wide with disbelief and fear. She knew she had no choice.

If all her lies were to be exposed, she would face dire consequences.

Madison felt her throat tighten She choked, “Okay, you’d better keep your word.”

Christina smirked and leaned back to watch Madison carry out her part of the bargain.

Before Madison had even started, she added, “If you slap yourself too lightly, I will help you out.”

Madison gasped. She was boiling with rage.

She had never before been humiliated in such a way.

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She bit her lips and raised her hand to slap herself hard on the cheek.


A sharp snap sounded.

The imprint of Madison’s own palm could be seen clearly on her check. Her body was shaking, and her face was

burning with pain.

She stared directly at Christina with bloodshot eyes. All her anger and resentment were burning within


Christina admired Madison’s ruthlessness. She felt no remorse at watching the woman in pain. After all, this was no

more than what Madison deserved.

“Doesn’t this hurt your conscience, Christina?” Madison felt like a silly clown performing for Christina. Her

confidence crashed to the ground.

Christina sneered, “Why should it hurt? I feel righteous. It is completely justified for me to watch you atone for your


Madison drew in a deep breath and slapped herself one more time.

The slap was hard enough to knock the breath out of her. The iron taste of blood flooded her mouth, and every cell

in her body exploded with rage.

Madison gritted her teeth and said. “There! I’ve done as you asked. You’d better hold on to your promise.”

Christina shrugged. “Of course. I’m satisfied with those two slaps. Thank you for punishing yourself! You may go


Nevertheless, Madison would be fired from Hadley Corporation for sure.

She had done a terrible thing and betrayed the company. Nathaniel would never let her get away with it.

What Christina wanted was to recover all the profits before Madison left the company.

Madison’s right cheek had swollen to twice its size. Her face was now completely out of shape.

It even hurt for her to draw in a breath.

She shielded her face with her hands and ran downstairs.

Christina watched her leave with a gleam in her eyes.

The lies had been repeating in her mind like a bad, broken record, causing her many nightmares. After