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Love’s Cunning Ruse

Chapter 161
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Chapter 161

Everyone thought Kieran and Elliot were out for Julie, but only these two guys knew that Elliot wanted

to talk to Kieran about Adeline. Elliot was a straightforward man. He asked Kieran, “Were you the one

who picked up Adeline in Oakhurst last time?”

Kieran didn’t give a direct answer, but his expression clearly indicated a yes. Besides, Elliot had seen

with his own eyes Kieran getting out of the car, and then Adeline getting into Kieran’s car and leaving.

Kieran had even told him, “I have zero chance of telling you where Adeline is. I suggest you chase that

car. If you can catch up, Adeline is yours.”

In the heat of the moment, Elliot didn’t have time for more chitchat with Kieran. He immediately went

after Adeline’s car.

What Elliot said to Kieran next was, “I owe you a thanks.”

“I’ll take that,” Kieran replied.

When Julie and Adeline’s group arrived at the lounge, they saw Elliot and Kieran shaking hands and

exchanging thanks.

At that time, Daphne, Julie, and Lionel all looked puzzled. Only Adeline, like a bull seeing red, stormed

towards Kieran. Pointing at Kieran, she roared, “I knew it was you who set me up!”

In fact, Daphne had heard about Elliot’s sister, but no media had reported on Adeline. In contrast, Elliot

was more well-known. Daphne naturally had no idea that the Sanches family was so careful in

protecting Adeline because Adeline had no blood relation with them. Daphne had thought that the

Sanches family protected Adeline so much because they adored her and didn’t want her to be

disturbed by the media.

However, though Adeline was never reported in the media, rumors about her were plentiful.

Most of the rumors said she was ugly or handicapped, so the Sanches family didn’t want her to appear

in public. Others said she was a loner, that her appearance would negatively affect the Ray Group, so

even when Elliot took over as CEO of the Ray Group, and when the Ray Group held family banquets,

she never appeared.

Now, she was seeing Adeline in person….

Not only was she stunning and charismatic, but she also had such a unique personality!

Daphne thought the person standing next to her was Julie, so she tugged at her sleeve, “Now I get why

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Ms. Sanches is wearing red. -She’s truly fiery. Don’t you think, sweetheart?”

Having said that, Daphne turned around with a smile, seeking agreement, but…

“You’re right, darling,” Lionel bent his head and gave a slight smile to Daphne.

“Darn…” Daphne was taken aback by this intimate address and tone, and she stepped back two steps,

almost stepping on Julie’s foot.

Adeline charged forward, like she was about to duel with Kieran, but… before she could hit her target,

she was blocked by Elliot’s arm.

“Really? You want to hit someone?” Elliot looked down at Adeline.

“Let go! I’m dueling with your rival for you, you should be cheering me on!” Adeline’s eyes widened, her

face flushed red with anger.

Julie stood silently watching this farce.

Kieran glanced towards Julie’s direction, frowning.

Julie walked over and patted Adeline’s back, “Calm down. Anger’s bad for your health.”

Lionel had already instructed his agent not to let anyone else come to the balcony where they were

resting, and the second floor was off-limits for media, so this place was relatively safe.

Daphne looked at Julie’s actions and gave her a mental thumbs up. She had heard that Ms. Sanches

had pursued Mr. Hernandez, Mr. Hernandez and Julie got married, but Ms. Sanches’s twin brother was

in love with Julie.

Daphne shook her head, thinking to herself how mixed up their relationships were…

Adeline pointed at Kieran and said to Julie, “If it wasn’t for your husband, I might be dead now, did you

know that?”

Julie nodded, then said to Adeline, “Then you should thank my… Mr. Hernandez.”

The word ‘husband’ that was about to leave her lips was swallowed back by Julie.

Hearing this, Adeline got even angrier, “Why did your husband have to stop a young girl from

committing suicide?”

“I’m proud of… Mr. Hernandez’s actions.”

“Me choosing death is my freedom. What do you know!” Adeline only said this. Julie didn’t know what it


But Adeline had once told her about what that sneaky woman Victoria had done. Julie thought this

must have something to do with


But when Adeline mentioned death, Julie’s gaze unconsciously deepened.

She let go of Adeline’s hand, suddenly looking at Adeline seriously, “Adeline, death is not freedom. I

don’t know if there are ghosts in this world, but I do know, those who truly love you, those who are

alive, they’ll suffer more than if they themselves died.”

Perhaps because Julie’s gaze and tone were so serious, Adeline, who was just causing a scene,

instantly quieted down.

Adeline didn’t know what Julie had been through, but she could see the weight of the world in her

determined eyes Julie was like an ancient scroll, the writing on it somewhat faded but clearly hinting at

profound secrets….

On that day in Oakhurst, Adeline really did reach out to Kieran first before agreeing to meet with Julie.

She agreed to spill the beans on Julie’s location, in return for Kieran’s protection from Elliot’s prying

eyes. And Kieran promised to keep her hideout hush-hush from Elliot.

Adeline had been butting heads with Victoria for years. She knew very well how sneaky and cunning

Victoria could be.

Ray Group’s overseas branch was a brainchild of Kathy Adeline knew that getting that branch back

was one of Elliot’s pipe dreams.

Victoria was a pro at playing dirty tricks. Over the years, Adeline had had a taste of just how ruthless

she could be. She could have spilled the beans to Walker and Elliot, but Victoria played the part of the

dutiful wife and mother too convincingly, and Walker wasn’t exactly her biggest fan. If she declared war

against Victoria, the Sanches family might rally around Victoria and show her the door.

At that point, not only would she be ousted from the Sanches family, but she would also lose Elliot for


Victoria promised that once she was out of the Sanches family, Elliot could get the overseas branch

back without a hitch.

Adeline didn’t hesitate a second before taking up Victoria’s offer and hitting the road.

Nobody knew better than Adeline that she was the thorn in Victoria’s side, because she was the only

one who knew Victoria’s true colors. The only one Victoria really wanted to get rid of was Adeline.

There was no bad blood between Victoria and Elliot, and Elliot was, after all, Walker’s own flesh and

blood. As long as Adeline was out of the picture, Elliot would be safe and sound.

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The reason Adeline said she wanted to die was mainly because she knew all too well that being

someone who knew Victoria’s true colors, she was very likely to end up six feet under at the hands of

Victoria’s henchmen. The fact was, even before her coffee date with Julie in Oakhurst, Adeline had

already noticed she was being tailed.

Adeline stared at Julie, saying, “You have no idea! If I had held on for just two more days, Elliot could

have successfully reclaimed the Overseas branch my mother founded! You have no idea!”

“Do you really think Elliot would have peace of mind to go abroad without finding you first? Julie’s calm

tone was like a sharp needle, each word pricking Adeline’s heart.

Julie didn’t want to get tangled up with Adeline any longer, because the charity auction was about to

start. Julie looked up, shot Elliot a penetrating glance, and then walked off towards the auction hall


Kieran quietly followed behind Julie.

Daphne found the current atmosphere really odd. Although she was a gossipmonger, she couldn’t

stand the heavy air, so she pointed at the door somewhat nervously and said to Lionel, “Lord Lion, I

think I should go too…”

“Cherish life. No matter what you’re up against, always try to address it with a calm demeanor.” Lionel

said this, took Daphne’s hand, and they both headed into the auction hall.

Elliot finally let go of Adeline’s hand he had been gripping tightly.

Her wrist hurt from Elliot’s fight grip. Adeline massaged her wrist and said, “Please, be gentle with your


She shot Elliot a glare, then looked in the direction Julie had gone, seemingly provoking Elliot on

purpose, “You’re not gentle at all, no wonder Julie doesn’t like you”

“That day in Oakhurst, Kieran’s exact words were: The chances I’ll tell you where to find Adeline are

zilch. I suggest you tail that car. If you catch up. Adeline’s all yours.” Elliot suddenly told Adeline.

Kieran was such a sly. He didn’t directly tell Elliot where she was, but what difference did his hint


Elliot had thanked Kieran probably because even though Kieran didn’t spill the beans, the car she was

in that day must have been going much faster than his cab. The fact that his cab managed to catch up

to her car must have been due to Kieran telling the driver to slow down.

So… Kieran was really sneaky!

Seeing Adeline in a sour mood, Elliot took her hand somewhat helplessly and said, “Come on. I heard

the auction items tonight are something special. The auction’s about to start, so let’s go take a look. We

can deal with everything else when we get home.”