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Love’s Cunning Ruse

Chapter 229
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Chapter 229

The van came at high speed, straight in Julie’s direction. Julie reacted quickly and immediately took

Ivan in her arms. When the van was only about fifty meters away, it turned on its high beams.

Julie couldn’t evade in time and could only instinctively protect the kid in her arms.

At the eleventh hour, a black Bentley Mulsanne zoomed in from the parking lot. It was aimed straight

for the van. The sound of the Bentley Mulsanne accelerating echoed in Julie’s mind. The van, which

was only ten meters away from Julie and Ivan, was suddenly knocked into a nearby telephone pole by

the Bentley


The friction between the tires and the ground caused dazzling sparks. The shrill sound traveled through

the air to Julie’s ears. The van was knocked to the side by the Bentley Mulsanne with a loud bang.

Then, both cars came to a halt.

The severe impact triggered the Bentley Mulsanne’s airbags, protecting Kieran’s head.

Still in shock, Julie quickly picked up Ivan from the ground and shouted towards the Bentley Mulsanne,


Holding the child, she didn’t even get close to the car when the van suddenly revved up, dragging its

battered body towards the river.

“Kerry!!” Ivan pointed at the Bentley Mulsanne.

Kieran unbuckled his seatbelt, pushed away the airbag, and got out of the car.

The front of the car was deformed. He got out and saw à stupefied Julie and Ivan, letting out a deep

sigh of relief. He quickly ran to them, checking them with concern, “Are you guys okay?”

Julie quickly shook her head. It was then that she noticed Kieran’s arm moving stiffly, so she put down

Ivan and hurried to grab Kieran’s hand.

“Ouch…” he sucked in a breath.

“Did you hurt your arm?” she frowned.

Kieran, however, suddenly extended his other arm and tightly embraced her.

Ivan, scared, also clung to his leg. Kieran dropped a passionate kiss on Julie’s forehead, then quickly

took out his phone to call the police.

The police arrived quickly at the scene and immediately dispatched people to salvage the van that had

just fallen into the river. The police searched extensively, but

in the end only the van was retrieved, and the van driver who had fallen into the river was not caught.

Karl was notified and came to handle the aftermath. Noah also rushed over and took van home. Then,

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despite Kieran’s protests, Julie took him to a nearby hospital.

Luckily, his arm was not seriously injured, just a strained muscle.

He couldn’t even think about what would have happened if he hadn’t shown up just in time when the

van hit Julie and Ivan. Now that he thought about it, he was still a bit scared.

Julie wanted to scold him, but she couldn’t find the words. She understood why Kieran had to do it, and

she understood his actions.

If she had been the one driving that day, she would have done the same. Still, such actions, willing to

risk their lives…

In the end, she didn’t say anything reproachful, but suddenly hugged him tightly, burying herself deeply

in his arms.

Kieran gently stroked her back, comforting her, “I’m okay.”

Dylan arrived just in time to witness this tender moment. He stood at the door, unsure whether to enter

or leave. However, he understood the urgency of the situation and decided to interrupt the couple’s


“The driver of that van is a great swimmer, he escaped. The car was unlicensed. The police

investigation might take some time.” Dylan frowned at Kieran, “You’re really ballsy. How could you just

ram your car like that? If something happened to you…”

Upon meeting Kieran’s gaze, Dylan suddenly realized that Kieran’s actions at the time were the only

viable options. The target of that car was Julie and Ivan. One was his wife, the other his son. Any

accident to either of them would be unbearable for Kieran.

So in the end, Dylan could only sigh helplessly, then looked at Kieran and asked, “Do you think this

was an accident, or…?”

Dylan didn’t complete his suspicion. If this was indeed premeditated, the first suspect he thought of was


According to reliable sources, Lucian returned to Whispering Pines a few days earlier, but he had been

quiet. The van was obviously headed for Julie, so it was hard

not to think of Lucian.

However, although the car was indeed heading straight for Julie, the moment Kieran hit the van, he

clearly felt the van driver hit the brakes. Even before he hit the van, the driver had slightly turned the

steering wheel.

Rather than saying Kieran knocked the van into the telephone pole, it would be more accurate to say

the van chose to hit the telephone pole.

Then, while Kieran was getting out of the car, the driver simply drove the van into the river.

Dylan had obviously seen the surveillance video from the scene. He frowned, looking at Kieran in

confusion, “I found a big question mark.”

Julie responded, “When Kieran got out of the car, the van went straight into the river. If the van was

really after me, since it could still start, why didn’t it come at me again?”

What Julie said was exactly what Dylan wanted to ask. If the van could still move, why did the driver

choose to go into the river instead of hitting Julie again? Kieran obviously wouldn’t miss this detail.

Dylan suddenly proposed a bold guess, “Unless, this incident was just a warning to Julie. The van

driver is obviously a top-notch swimmer, otherwise, he couldn’t have disappeared Immediately after

falling into the river.”

Just as Dylan’s words fell, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in,” Kieran uttered coldly.

Julien was standing at the door, her face expressionless.

*Julien, you’ve learned to knock?” Dylan looked at Julien and joked. Julien had always been quite the

lone wolf. As far as Dylan could remember, she’d never

politely knocked before.

Of course, Julien wouldn’t tell Dylan that the last time she didn’t knock, she almost caught Kieran and

Julie in an intimate moment.

Ignoring Dylan, she shifted her gaze to Julie, “Are you okay?”

Julie shook her head, her eyes on Kieran’s arm.

After a brief glance, Julien turned to Kieran, “Lucian is in room 1423 at Opulent Skyline Suites. The

room is registered under the name Bruce.”

She glanced at her watch, “If all goes according to plan, the National Security Agency will be there in

twenty minutes.”

Kieran was caught off guard by the sudden news. He left Julie in Julien’s care, “Please look after her.”

“I’m coming with you, Julie grabbed Kieran’s sleeve, her eyes determined.

Kieran hesitated for two seconds, then took Julie into the elevator.

Julien followed them into the elevator.

That’s when Dylan turned to Julien, “Aren’t you working for the National Security Agency? Whose side

are you on?”

“Do I owe you an explanation for my actions?” Julien retorted coldly, her glare silencing Dylan.

After a moment of silence, Dylan said, “How the hell does Hayden put up with you?”

Julie turned to Julien, “Dylan has a point. Julien, if you leaked this information to us…

“I’ve already left the National Security Agency,” Julien interrupted.

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Kieran added, “Did Hayden snatch you from Klein?”

“As a pawn, I have to play my part. Hayden needs me, so he doesn’t want me to be distracted. He

saved my sister’s life, so I owe him. Between the National Security Agency and him, is there really a


It was rare for Julien to say so many things at once.

“As a pawn…” Kieran repeated, seemingly thoughtful.

Dylan laughed, “If all pawns were as tough as you, the chess player would have a real headache.”

Julien shot Dylan a warning look.

“What, I can’t even speak in the same elevator as you?” Dylan walked up to Julien, “I suggest you treat

Hayden well. With him, you could live a princess’ life without a worry. Without him, you’d just have to

fend for yourself. Who doesn’t want to be pampered like a princess, right, Julie?”

Dylan looked at Julie, hoping for her agreement.

Ignoring Dylan, Julien turned to him, “Why don’t you be the princess then?”

“Fine… Screw you! If you don’t want to hear the truth, I won’t repeat it.”

The elevator doors opened, and Julien kicked Dylan out without hesitation.

Dylan was mortified. Just as he was about to retort, he heard Julien tell Julie and Kieran, “I’m not going,

I don’t want to run into anyone from the National Security Agency

Kieran and Julie got in the car. Dylan didn’t have time to snap back at Julien and quickly took the

driver’s seat. They headed for Opulent Skyline Suites.

They drove very fast. Ten minutes later, Dylan parked the car at the entrance of Opulent Skyline Suites.

The valet took the keys and parked the car for them.

Perhaps it was their commanding presence, coupled with Kieran’s familiar face, they were allowed into

the hotel without any hassle. They went straight to room

Standing at the door, Kieran positioned Julie behind him and turned to Dylan, “Call the manager to

open the door.”

Dylan immediately phoned the manager, asking him to come open the door under the guise of the

president of Simpo Co. He then told the manager, “Could you open the door for us? Bruce is a friend of

Mr. Hernandez. We’ve knocked several times, but no one’s answered. I hope nothing’s happened.”

With Kieran around, the manager didn’t dare slack off. He’d personally received Mr. Bruce that

morning, so he didn’t doubt Dylan’s story. He quickly retrieved the room card and was about to open

the door.

However, just as he was about to swipe the card, the door was pushed open from the inside..