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Love’s Cunning Ruse

Chapter 88
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Chapter 88

Julie was totally into Julien’s strong, boyfriend like vibe.

Perhaps because the landlady just witnessed Julien’s strength, she didn’t refute this time.

Then Julie stepped up to Adolf, saying, “I hope we can sort this out privately. But if you’re not down with

that, we can go through the legal process.” After saying this, she took Julien’s hand and headed for the


When they got to the doorway, Julien deliberately looked back at the landlord and his wife.

Seeing the scared look on the couple’s face, Julie felt a bit smug. Adolf was injured by Kieran, so Julie

wasn’t planning to dodge responsibility, but she was disgusted by the landlord’s behavior.

Reaching the doorway, Julie’s mood instantly lightened, and she looked at Julien with a smile, asking,

“What do you feel like eating?”

Julien went to the passenger side and opened the car door for Julie.

After Julie got in, Julien turned around and asked her, “Who exactly hurt Adolf?”

On the way here, Julie only mentioned that the landlord was hurt by a racket, but didn’t elaborate.

Julien was smart, so if she asked, it meant she started to have doubts. After a two-second silence,

Julie honestly replied, “It was my ex-husband.”

Julien didn’t know Julie’s ex-husband was Kieran. Maybe it was because Julien was always indifferent

to things around her, so Julie never mentioned her ex-husband in front of her. Plus, her marriage to

Kieran was a secret, so she didn’t publicize it.

So all Julien knew was that Julie had once loved a man she grew up with and divorced him for some


When she heard Julie mention ex-husband, Julien frowned, “Did you two get back together?”

“No!” Julie answered quickly and firmly, which made Julien give her a few more glances.

She wanted to say something, but seeing Julie’s lowered head, her tone softened, “Don’t make yourself


“Okay.” Julie nodded. Julien didn’t talk much, but her words always brought comfort.

At Noblewood Retreat, Kieran called Karl

“Did she go to the hospital?’ Kieran asked,

Then Karl replied affirmatively. “She just left the hospital, with a woman in black who looked very tough”

When Julie left Noblewood Retreat, Kieran knew she would definitely go to the hospital. But Adolf

wasn’t easy to deal with, Kieran worried that Julie might have some accidents, so he had Karl go to the

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hospital to protect her right after she left Noblewood Retreat

When Karl arrived at the hospital, he happened to see the landlady grabbing Julie’s hair. He was about

to rescue her, but Julien suddenly stepped in to help Julie. Judging from Julie’s actions, she seemed

quite familiar with that woman.


Karl told Kieran everything that had just happened in detail, and sent the picture he secretly took of

Julien to Kieran.

After looking at the picture, Kieran told Karl on the other end of the phone, “Handle everything that

needs to be done, also tell Julie to go to work at the company tomorrow”

After finishing speaking, Kieran hung up the phone and stared at the picture of Julien that Karl had

secretly taken.

When Hayden walked into Kieran’s study, he saw him staring at his phone in a daze.

“What are you looking at?” Hayden sat down next to Kieran, ready to see what he was looking at.

However, Kieran suddenly put away his phone, then turned his head and said to Hayden, “Do me a


“Shoot.” Hayden said

“Check who this woman is.” Kieran handed his phone to Hayden.

Hayden took a look, his pupils contracted. He looked up at Kieran and asked him, “What are you

checking this woman for?”

“She’s seducing my wife.

Je Kieran said high-handedly, with a dangerous tone.

Kieran, raising an eyebrow, “You mean, my woman is seducing your wife?”

Hayden took a look at the picture without any expression, then looked up “Whose woman?” Kieran

suddenly stood up, walked over to the sofa next to Hayden. He looked him up and down, a wicked

smile playing at the corner of his mouth, “You actually like women?”

I like you. Hayden removed Kieran’s hand from his shoulder, then finally turned to him with a somewhat

serious tone, “Her name is Julien, she just returned from visiting her twin sister Flavia at home, I didn’t

have time to introduce you to her.”


Indeed, Hayden did mention during his recent home visit that he wanted to introduce Kieran to Julien,

who was quite a big shot, having been a National Security Agency mole planted near Miles. The action

eventually led to Hayden and the National Security Agency joining forces to bring down Miles.

Most importantly, Hayden and Julien grew up together. It was Miles’ words that kept Julien, otherwise,

she would have been killed by Miles at the age of


Hayden considered Kieran a close friend, so he thought of introducing Jullen to him…

Looking at the picture on the phone, Jullen seemed to be pleading for Julie.

“How did Julie and Julien meet?” Hayden couldn’t help frowning.

Kieran also looked at the picture with a meaningful expression, how could these two very different

people know each other?

“One living a life on the edge, the other used to be the missy of the Abraham family. In theory, their

worlds should never have collided.” Kieran cast his gaze on Hayden

Hayden, of course, knew exactly what Kieran’s look meant, so he responded, Tll ask around.”

“Where’s the thing you brought for me?” Kieran asked casually, leaning on the couch.

Hayden handed Kieran a file. The documents outlined the daily life of Bertha’s sister, Camilla Stewart,

in Switzerland recently

Kieran reached for the file, but Hayden stopped him, “Does Julie even know that Bertha has a sister?”

“She’ll find out sooner or later. Why the rush?” Keiran said. Today, when he was on the phone with

Camilla, she kept calling him ‘brother-in-law’ on the other end. Julie wasn’t a fool, she should catch on.

Upon hearing Kieran’s words, Hayden caught the drift. Kieran intended to let Julie figure it out and ask

him herself.

After a quick glance at the document, Kieran pulled his phone out of Hayden’s hand, then opened


Hayden was eyeing Kieran, who was lazily lounging on the couch. Kieran glanced up, I’m about to chat

up online with my pals. You still hanging around here?”

Hayden silently rose and headed for the door.

Julies message came while he was drunk. She wrote. [Mr. Kennedy, thank you for your hospitality

these past days. Ivan is such a sweet kid. I recently hurt my foot, so it’s been Helga picking up Ivan

from school. I haven’t kept my promise, so I won’t take the salary! Ivan said you’re back in the country

today, which means my job here is done. Thank you.]

Very polite tone, very Julie-style.

After a moment of silence, Kieran sent a message back: [Come back to Gilded Gate Residences

tonight. I have some other work, and I’ll need you to look after Ivan a bit longer.]

Julie just got back to Gilded Gate Residences, planning to pack up and leave. But then Mr. Kennedy

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suddenly replied

Since she was struggling to find a place to stay due to her injured foot, she quickly responded: [Okay,


[How about I pay you at the market rate?] Kieran asked.

[No need, I didn’t pick up Ivan from school as I promised. Your accommodation and meals are more

than enough Julie immediately responded.

[Then start picking up Ivan from school tomorrow Kieran replied.

Having no choice, Julie agreed [Okay]

Kierans slender fingers lightly tapped on the dark grey linen sofa, revealing a mischievous smile. Then

his fingers began typing rapidly on the keyboard.

Just as Julie greeted Helga and returned to her room, her phone buzzed

It was a message from Mr. Kennedy: [I’m planning to remodel Gilded Gate Residences You and Ivan

will move to Noblewood Retreat for a while] [Oh, okay] Julie replied. Noblewood Retreat was closer to

Simpo Co., which made commuting easier. Julie was somewhat relieved, not thinking too

much about it.

The next morning, Julie got up early, made breakfast for Ivan and herself. Then she and Helga took

Ivan to school.

Julie reached the company right on time. In the morning, she had a meeting with the head of Creative

Nexus Media, who clearly wanted to settle things. But Julie knew that since Kieran had hired her as a

lawyer, he wouldn’t let Creative Nexus Media off easily

Her work went smoothly all morning.

At noon, when everyone went to the cafeteria, Julie finally came out of her office with her lunch to the

break room, popping it in the microwave. After a few minutes, as she took out her meal and was about

to return to her office, Karl hurriedly shoved a bag into her hand, “Ms. Abraham, could you help me

deliver this lunch to Mr. Hernandez? | think I ate something bad.”

As he spoke, Karl bolted towards the restroom, leaving a befuddled Julie holding the bag.

Julie looked helplessly at the lunchbox in her hand. She didn’t plan to deliver it to Kieran immediately.

Letting him starve a little longer wouldn’t hurt, so she decided to wait for his secretary, Tina, to return.

After all, she

d beent

Oxying to avoid Kieran and wouldn’t actively seek him out.

Just as Julie was thinking this and about to take the bag back to her

the door to Kieran’s office was suddenly pushed open from the inside.