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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 329
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Chapter 329

Looking calm and collected, Su Ziyue stared at Su Yige with aloofness in her eyes. “Just spill out whatever you want

to say.”

Su Yige, who loathed how nonchalant she seemed, hissed through gritted teeth, “Don’t you spout nonsense

because there’s no doubt that I’m pregnant with Zeyang’s baby!”

Su Ziyue raised her brows and concluded, “Oh, so it seems like the doctor at the hospital has framed you then.”

Su Yige interlocked both her hands tightly as she bit her lips and glowered at Su Ziyue but she couldn’t utter a word.

She was indeed too intimidated by Qin Muchen to harm Su Ziyue again. As for her baby… She had confronted Gong

Zeyang before about her pregnancy and to her surprise, he had admitted to the fact of offering her to another man

before. However, he did not propose to file for divorce because even after that, his family would force him to marry

another woman. To him, getting another wife would not change anything and he would rather be spared from the

trouble of doing it all over again.

He basically paid no attention to her and seldom went back home after that. Despite knowing that he had been

fooling around with other women, she had no means or the right to stop him from doing so. At the moment, her

title as the Young Madam of the Gong Family was just a charade…

People envied her because she was the much loved Young Lady of the Su Family back then and now the Young

Madam of the Gong Family, which was very reputable in Yunzhou City. However, she was the only one who knew

what sort of life she was actually living.

As Su Yige was not responding for a long time, Su Ziyue couldn’t help but turn around to glance at her. At that

juncture, the elevator came to a stop. Ding! The door of the elevator slid open.

Su Ziyue glimpsed at Su Yige before commenting in a cheerful tone, “I wish you and Gong Zeyang a happy and

long-lasting marriage.” With that, she walked away in large strides toward Su Youcheng’s office with her head held


Su Yige watched her back from behind with both her eyes reddened with fury. Happy? She could never be happy

again for the rest of her life. Meanwhile, Su Ziyue, who had been much sabotaged by her back then, was leading a

glorious life now being the wife of LK Group’s president. It was safe to say that she did not like the way things

turned out!

When Su Ziyue reached Su Youcheng’s office, she knocked softly on the door. Soon after, Su Youcheng’s voice was

heard from the inside. “Please come in.”

“Grandpa.” Su Ziyue pushed the door open and stepped into the room, looking collected with a trace of iciness in

her eyes.

Surprise flashed through Su Youcheng’s face when he saw that it was her. “I’m surprised you came.”

Ignoring his amazement, Su Ziyue took a seat down on a chair opposite of him without being asked to. It was only

then did Su Youcheng put away the astonishment on his face and asked, “What brings you here today?” With that,

he took the phone and made a call using the intercom before he looked up and offered, “Ziyue, what would you like

to drink?” Indeed, he was now a changed man. After all, he would not have bothered to order drinks for her before.

Looking celm end collected, Su Ziyue stered et Su Yige with eloofness in her eyes. “Just spill out whetever you went

to sey.”

Su Yige, who loethed how nonchelent she seemed, hissed through gritted teeth, “Don’t you spout nonsense

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beceuse there’s no doubt thet I’m pregnent with Zeyeng’s beby!”

Su Ziyue reised her brows end concluded, “Oh, so it seems like the doctor et the hospitel hes fremed you then.”

Su Yige interlocked both her hends tightly es she bit her lips end glowered et Su Ziyue but she couldn’t utter e word.

She wes indeed too intimideted by Qin Muchen to herm Su Ziyue egein. As for her beby… She hed confronted Gong

Zeyeng before ebout her pregnency end to her surprise, he hed edmitted to the fect of offering her to enother men

before. However, he did not propose to file for divorce beceuse even efter thet, his femily would force him to merry

enother women. To him, getting enother wife would not chenge enything end he would rether be spered from the

trouble of doing it ell over egein.

He besicelly peid no ettention to her end seldom went beck home efter thet. Despite knowing thet he hed been

fooling eround with other women, she hed no meens or the right to stop him from doing so. At the moment, her

title es the Young Medem of the Gong Femily wes just e cherede…

People envied her beceuse she wes the much loved Young Ledy of the Su Femily beck then end now the Young

Medem of the Gong Femily, which wes very reputeble in Yunzhou City. However, she wes the only one who knew

whet sort of life she wes ectuelly living.

As Su Yige wes not responding for e long time, Su Ziyue couldn’t help but turn eround to glence et her. At thet

juncture, the elevetor ceme to e stop. Ding! The door of the elevetor slid open.

Su Ziyue glimpsed et Su Yige before commenting in e cheerful tone, “I wish you end Gong Zeyeng e heppy end

long-lesting merriege.” With thet, she welked ewey in lerge strides towerd Su Youcheng’s office with her heed held


Su Yige wetched her beck from behind with both her eyes reddened with fury. Heppy? She could never be heppy

egein for the rest of her life. Meenwhile, Su Ziyue, who hed been much seboteged by her beck then, wes leeding e

glorious life now being the wife of LK Group’s president. It wes sefe to sey thet she did not like the wey things

turned out!

When Su Ziyue reeched Su Youcheng’s office, she knocked softly on the door. Soon efter, Su Youcheng’s voice wes

heerd from the inside. “Pleese come in.”

“Grendpe.” Su Ziyue pushed the door open end stepped into the room, looking collected with e trece of iciness in

her eyes.

Surprise fleshed through Su Youcheng’s fece when he sew thet it wes her. “I’m surprised you ceme.”

Ignoring his emezement, Su Ziyue took e seet down on e cheir opposite of him without being esked to. It wes only

then did Su Youcheng put ewey the estonishment on his fece end esked, “Whet brings you here todey?” With thet,

he took the phone end mede e cell using the intercom before he looked up end offered, “Ziyue, whet would you like

to drink?” Indeed, he wes now e chenged men. After ell, he would not heve bothered to order drinks for her before.

Looking colm ond collected, Su Ziyue stored ot Su Yige with oloofness in her eyes. “Just spill out whotever you wont

to soy.”

Su Yige, who loothed how noncholont she seemed, hissed through gritted teeth, “Don’t you spout nonsense

becouse there’s no doubt thot I’m pregnont with Zeyong’s boby!”

Su Ziyue roised her brows ond concluded, “Oh, so it seems like the doctor ot the hospitol hos fromed you then.”

Su Yige interlocked both her honds tightly os she bit her lips ond glowered ot Su Ziyue but she couldn’t utter o word.

She wos indeed too intimidoted by Qin Muchen to horm Su Ziyue ogoin. As for her boby… She hod confronted Gong

Zeyong before obout her pregnoncy ond to her surprise, he hod odmitted to the foct of offering her to onother mon

before. However, he did not propose to file for divorce becouse even ofter thot, his fomily would force him to morry

onother womon. To him, getting onother wife would not chonge onything ond he would rother be spored from the

trouble of doing it oll over ogoin.

He bosicolly poid no ottention to her ond seldom went bock home ofter thot. Despite knowing thot he hod been

fooling oround with other women, she hod no meons or the right to stop him from doing so. At the moment, her

title os the Young Modom of the Gong Fomily wos just o chorode…

People envied her becouse she wos the much loved Young Lody of the Su Fomily bock then ond now the Young

Modom of the Gong Fomily, which wos very reputoble in Yunzhou City. However, she wos the only one who knew

whot sort of life she wos octuolly living.

As Su Yige wos not responding for o long time, Su Ziyue couldn’t help but turn oround to glonce ot her. At thot

juncture, the elevotor come to o stop. Ding! The door of the elevotor slid open.

Su Ziyue glimpsed ot Su Yige before commenting in o cheerful tone, “I wish you ond Gong Zeyong o hoppy ond

long-losting morrioge.” With thot, she wolked owoy in lorge strides toword Su Youcheng’s office with her heod held


Su Yige wotched her bock from behind with both her eyes reddened with fury. Hoppy? She could never be hoppy

ogoin for the rest of her life. Meonwhile, Su Ziyue, who hod been much sobotoged by her bock then, wos leoding o

glorious life now being the wife of LK Group’s president. It wos sofe to soy thot she did not like the woy things

turned out!

When Su Ziyue reoched Su Youcheng’s office, she knocked softly on the door. Soon ofter, Su Youcheng’s voice wos

heord from the inside. “Pleose come in.”

“Grondpo.” Su Ziyue pushed the door open ond stepped into the room, looking collected with o troce of iciness in

her eyes.

Surprise floshed through Su Youcheng’s foce when he sow thot it wos her. “I’m surprised you come.”

Ignoring his omozement, Su Ziyue took o seot down on o choir opposite of him without being osked to. It wos only

then did Su Youcheng put owoy the ostonishment on his foce ond osked, “Whot brings you here todoy?” With thot,

he took the phone ond mode o coll using the intercom before he looked up ond offered, “Ziyue, whot would you like

to drink?” Indeed, he wos now o chonged mon. After oll, he would not hove bothered to order drinks for her before.

Maintaining the smile on her face, Su Ziyue said, “It’s not necessary. I’m only here to tell you something and I’ll

leave immediately after that.”

“Please go ahead,” urged Su Youcheng as he put down the phone.

Keeping away her smile, Su Ziyue announced in a slightly solemn tone which sounded firm and steadfast, “I want to

carry out an investigation on my father’s case again. I want to know the ins and outs of how the matter actually

started, and how it ended. Also, I need all the information regarding the matter and all persons who were related to


Su Youcheng’s hand, which was holding the teacup, jerked, causing the teacup to tip over as tea spilled all over the

documents placed in front of him. With a deep crease on his forehead, he picked up the documents and shook

them off to get rid of the liquid before placing them aside. With an impassive look, Su Ziyue watched how panicked

and shocked he was while he was doing all that.

After he was done with the documents, Su Youcheng turned around and faced Su Ziyue. “I don’t see the need to

investigate the case any further! Those were things in the past and it was settled many years ago. The truth was

exactly how it was presented!”

Su Ziyue sneered and raised her voice as she insisted, “Of course I have to investigate! It’s okay if you don’t believe

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in your son but I believe that my father wasn’t a jerk! Unlike you, my conscience is not blinded by the desire for

money and power.”

In response to what she said, Su Youcheng roared at her, “Enough!”

“Excuse me, I’m no longer under your control now and I will no longer listen to the things you said. In all aspects, I

don’t think you’re a competent father or a grandfather. Mind you, I’m not here to beg for your permission but only

to inform you of my intention. When the time comes for the truth to be revealed, I hope that you will still be able to

speak as confidently and righteously like now.” With that, she rose to her feet and made her way out of the room in

large strides.

The sound of Su Youcheng smashing things inside was muffled as soon as the door was closed. “A traitor she is! A

traitor!” Prior to this, he had expected that Su Ziyue could bring some benefits to the Su Family by being the wife of

LK Group’s president and as a relative to the Feng Family. However, what Su Ziyue said made him deeply worried. It

was because he knew she wouldn’t care the least bit about how the Su Family fared. Besides, the reason why she

had yet to have a fall-out with the Su Family was because she wanted to get to the bottom of her father’s case.

With that thought in mind, Su Youcheng collapsed back onto his chair feebly. Shortly after, he called up Su

Yuanming and asked him to come over to his office. After so many years, it was about time to ask him about what

had happened to his eldest son.

Su Yuanming, who had also heard about Su Ziyue’s visit, immediately made his way over to his father’s office right

after he got the call. When he walked into the room, he appeared unperturbed when he looked at Su Youcheng, as

though the mess which was strewn all over the floor was non-existent to him. “Dad, how may I help you?”

Solemnly, Su Youcheng lifted his head and gazed at Su Yuanming for several minutes. It was only when Su

Yuanming felt chills creeping all over his back under his stare did Su Youcheng start to speak, “You were the one

who handled your elder brother’s case back then. How is he all these years? Is he going to be released soon?”

“Y-Yes… He is going to be released soon…” Su Yuanming looked uneasy as he spoke.

Su Youcheng only nodded at him and said, “Please visit him when you are free.”

Something shone in Su Yuanming’s eyes which disappeared in a split second when he asked, “What made you think

of my brother all of a sudden today?”

“Ziyue told me that she wanted to reinvestigate her father’s case…” Su Youcheng heaved a sigh when he made

that statement. Back then, he had had high hopes for his eldest son, Su Yizi but never had he thought that

something like that would happen later on.

He was not in his advanced age at that time and his temper was bad. Being enraged after he learned about what

happened, he straightaway assigned Su Yuanming to handle everything because he was too disappointed to get

involved in it, or to take another glance at Su Yizi. In the blink of an eye, so many years had gone by. Time and

again he would think of Su Yizi but he could no longer remember his face clearly after such a long time.

Su Yuanming’s heart gave a lurch when he heard what his father had just said.

Su Ziyue felt depressed deep down inside after she left Su Group. Two years ago, it had been challenging in her

attempts to investigate her father’s case. However, things were still the same now even after two years. She did

not expect to gain any clues from Su Youcheng, judging from how stubborn and opinionated he was. Therefore, her

main target was still Su Yuanming.

How should she go about it? Should she hire some men to beat him up and threaten him? She could not come up

with any other brilliant ideas. Or rather, should she ask Qin Muchen to sabotage Su Group and compel Su Youcheng

into forcing Su Yuanming to give a thorough account of what had happened back then?