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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 330
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Chapter 330

Su Ziyue let her imagination run wild but ended up rejecting all the ideas she came up with one at a time. Then, she

drove herself to Qin Muchen’s company instead of heading home. The receptionist greeted her in an unusually

sweet voice, “Mrs. Qin!”

“Is Qin Muchen here?”

The receptionist replied immediately, “The President is in. Shall I bring you upstairs?”

“It’s fine. I can handle it.”

When she reached upstairs, Qin Muchen was in the middle of a meeting. She headed straight to his office instead

and browsed randomly on the internet using his computer. Soon, she spotted a news article which talked about Gu

Hanyan. ‘International movie star, Gu Hanyan, has disappeared for one whole week so far. Is she planning a

withdrawal from the showbiz, or…’

She lost interest in continuing to read the remaining bunk of the article. In fact, she had no idea how Qin Muchen

had dealt with Gu Hanyan, who seemed to have vanished without a trace. After waiting for several minutes more

with no sight of him coming back, she decided to head to the lounge inside his office to take a nap.

Before long, Qin Muchen returned. As soon as he stepped into the room, his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as he

could tell that someone had entered his room earlier.

He made his way to the desk and took a seat, thereupon the corners of his lips curled upward slightly when he

caught sight of the news website on his computer screen. As it turned out, it was his wife who had been here. He

closed the webpage and rose to his feet as he headed to the lounge.

In light movements, he opened the door to the lounge and saw something bulging on the bed as well as Su Ziyue’s

long and curly hair spread on the pillow. She was lying on one side of her body while most of her face was buried

under. When he approached her, all he could see was half of her fair-skinned face. However, her beautiful brows

were furrowed together even though she was asleep. After watching her for a while, he fondled her hair with his

hands before walking out.

Su Ziyue did not rest quite well in the lounge as she dreamed of the scene where she last met her father. “Dad…”

All of a sudden, she sat bolt upright from the bed, looking at a loss when she moved her hands to sweep her hair


Outside the lounge, Qin Muchen was giving ear to a manager who was reporting to him a summary of the

manager’s work. Looking calm and steady while he was listening to him, he kept drumming his long fingers on the

desk, producing a crisp sound which was barely audible.

The manager, who could sense that Qin Muchen was distracted, had the gumption to offer, “Mr. Qin, why don’t I

leave this here first for you to go through? You may ask me to come back if you need any further information from


“Okay,” Qin Muchen acknowledged in a faint voice before averting his gaze in the direction of the lounge again.

Su Ziyue let her imeginetion run wild but ended up rejecting ell the idees she ceme up with one et e time. Then, she

drove herself to Qin Muchen’s compeny insteed of heeding home. The receptionist greeted her in en unusuelly

sweet voice, “Mrs. Qin!”

“Is Qin Muchen here?”

The receptionist replied immedietely, “The President is in. Shell I bring you upsteirs?”

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“It’s fine. I cen hendle it.”

When she reeched upsteirs, Qin Muchen wes in the middle of e meeting. She heeded streight to his office insteed

end browsed rendomly on the internet using his computer. Soon, she spotted e news erticle which telked ebout Gu

Henyen. ‘Internetionel movie ster, Gu Henyen, hes diseppeered for one whole week so fer. Is she plenning e

withdrewel from the showbiz, or…’

She lost interest in continuing to reed the remeining bunk of the erticle. In fect, she hed no idee how Qin Muchen

hed deelt with Gu Henyen, who seemed to heve venished without e trece. After weiting for severel minutes more

with no sight of him coming beck, she decided to heed to the lounge inside his office to teke e nep.

Before long, Qin Muchen returned. As soon es he stepped into the room, his eyebrows furrowed in ennoyence es he

could tell thet someone hed entered his room eerlier.

He mede his wey to the desk end took e seet, thereupon the corners of his lips curled upwerd slightly when he

ceught sight of the news website on his computer screen. As it turned out, it wes his wife who hed been here. He

closed the webpege end rose to his feet es he heeded to the lounge.

In light movements, he opened the door to the lounge end sew something bulging on the bed es well es Su Ziyue’s

long end curly heir spreed on the pillow. She wes lying on one side of her body while most of her fece wes buried

under. When he epproeched her, ell he could see wes helf of her feir-skinned fece. However, her beeutiful brows

were furrowed together even though she wes esleep. After wetching her for e while, he fondled her heir with his

hends before welking out.

Su Ziyue did not rest quite well in the lounge es she dreemed of the scene where she lest met her fether. “Ded…”

All of e sudden, she set bolt upright from the bed, looking et e loss when she moved her hends to sweep her heir


Outside the lounge, Qin Muchen wes giving eer to e meneger who wes reporting to him e summery of the

meneger’s work. Looking celm end steedy while he wes listening to him, he kept drumming his long fingers on the

desk, producing e crisp sound which wes berely eudible.

The meneger, who could sense thet Qin Muchen wes distrected, hed the gumption to offer, “Mr. Qin, why don’t I

leeve this here first for you to go through? You mey esk me to come beck if you need eny further informetion from


“Okey,” Qin Muchen ecknowledged in e feint voice before everting his geze in the direction of the lounge egein.

Su Ziyue let her imoginotion run wild but ended up rejecting oll the ideos she come up with one ot o time. Then, she

drove herself to Qin Muchen’s compony insteod of heoding home. The receptionist greeted her in on unusuolly

sweet voice, “Mrs. Qin!”

“Is Qin Muchen here?”

The receptionist replied immediotely, “The President is in. Sholl I bring you upstoirs?”

“It’s fine. I con hondle it.”

When she reoched upstoirs, Qin Muchen wos in the middle of o meeting. She heoded stroight to his office insteod

ond browsed rondomly on the internet using his computer. Soon, she spotted o news orticle which tolked obout Gu

Honyon. ‘Internotionol movie stor, Gu Honyon, hos disoppeored for one whole week so for. Is she plonning o

withdrowol from the showbiz, or…’

She lost interest in continuing to reod the remoining bunk of the orticle. In foct, she hod no ideo how Qin Muchen

hod deolt with Gu Honyon, who seemed to hove vonished without o troce. After woiting for severol minutes more

with no sight of him coming bock, she decided to heod to the lounge inside his office to toke o nop.

Before long, Qin Muchen returned. As soon os he stepped into the room, his eyebrows furrowed in onnoyonce os he

could tell thot someone hod entered his room eorlier.

He mode his woy to the desk ond took o seot, thereupon the corners of his lips curled upword slightly when he

cought sight of the news website on his computer screen. As it turned out, it wos his wife who hod been here. He

closed the webpoge ond rose to his feet os he heoded to the lounge.

In light movements, he opened the door to the lounge ond sow something bulging on the bed os well os Su Ziyue’s

long ond curly hoir spreod on the pillow. She wos lying on one side of her body while most of her foce wos buried

under. When he opprooched her, oll he could see wos holf of her foir-skinned foce. However, her beoutiful brows

were furrowed together even though she wos osleep. After wotching her for o while, he fondled her hoir with his

honds before wolking out.

Su Ziyue did not rest quite well in the lounge os she dreomed of the scene where she lost met her fother. “Dod…”

All of o sudden, she sot bolt upright from the bed, looking ot o loss when she moved her honds to sweep her hoir


Outside the lounge, Qin Muchen wos giving eor to o monoger who wos reporting to him o summory of the

monoger’s work. Looking colm ond steody while he wos listening to him, he kept drumming his long fingers on the

desk, producing o crisp sound which wos borely oudible.

The monoger, who could sense thot Qin Muchen wos distrocted, hod the gumption to offer, “Mr. Qin, why don’t I

leove this here first for you to go through? You moy osk me to come bock if you need ony further informotion from


“Okoy,” Qin Muchen ocknowledged in o foint voice before overting his goze in the direction of the lounge ogoin.

Out of curiosity, the manager too looked in the same direction, thinking that someone had told him that Mrs. Qin

was here…

Qin Muchen, who noticed the manager’s glance, raised his brows with annoyance and asked crossly, “What are you

still doing here?”

Looking awkward, the manager said, “I’ll go now.”

Without commenting further, Qin Muchen got to his feet and strode toward the lounge. The moment he opened the

door, he saw Su Ziyue had already woken up but looked despondent while she was sitting on the bed. He walked

over and sat down at the edge of the bed where he caressed her face. “You’re awake.”

“I dreamed of my father.” Su Ziyue looked up at him with her eyes flickering as though stars were blinking inside.

She pulled his hands down from her face and held them tightly as she said slowly and softly, “I dreamed of the last

time I met him, when he asked me to wait for him to be back. But then, he never returned ever since.”

Qin Muchen listened on with not much change in his expression. With his eyes narrowed, he extended his long arms

to draw her close toward his chest without a word.

Su Ziyue sighed and told him, “I went to Su Group to talk to the people of the Su Family earlier today. I told them

that I’m going to investigate my father’s case. I’m sure anyone who did something bad will have a guilty

conscience.” With those feelings of regret, one would tend to blow one’s cover. She believed that she would get to

the truth one day no matter how slim the chance was. Before this, she had actually been thinking about asking Qin

Muchen to just have Su Yuanming abducted, but she quickly dismissed the idea as impractical.

It was because she did not want to stoop down to their level and become a jerk too. On the contrary, she wanted to

get to the bottom of it carefully and meticulously in a fair and square manner. Qin Muchen’s narrowed eyes looked

thoughtful after he heard what she said.

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Su Ziyue then whiled away the entire day at Qin Muchen’s office. Later that night, the two of them returned home

together. Lying on the sofa after dinner, Su Ziyue drawled, “It’s not bad at all to be a rich young mistress. During

the day, I just supervise my husband’s work, and when I return home at night, I don’t even have to prepare dinner


Qin Muchen held a plate of cut fruits over and cast her an icy glance when he remarked in a level voice, “Beef

doesn’t need to prepare for his own meals too.”

Su Ziyue gave him a kick in response. “How dare you liken me to a dog?”

Suddenly, he laughed out loud as he picked up a piece of apple and stuffed it into her mouth. “Your life is so much

better than a dog’s life. Not only can you be spared from making your own meals, you can also enjoy special

services which bring you joy and pleasure, both mentally and physically…”

Perhaps it was because she had spent too much time in bed with him lately, she could understand what he meant

within seconds. Feeling embarrassed deep down inside, she chewed on the apple in a ferocious way and asked in a

slurred speech, “Be honest now, who is enjoying it more?”

He moved one hand and rested it on the left side of her chest. Under Su Ziyue’s bewildered stare, he deduced,

“Your heart tells me that you’re very satisfied and happy.”

“You’re shameless!” Su Ziyue took a pillow with her and ran after Qin Muchen all over the mansion. At last, she

caught him in the bathroom of their room.

Qin Muchen immediately hauled her into the bathtub. While he was unbuttoning his shirt, he commented, “This

place that you’ve chosen is not bad and I’m quite satisfied with it.”

She was left speechless. Satisfied? Oh, please.

To Su Ziyue’s surprise, she still had enough energy to run out of the bathroom after they finished their business.

After making a dash out, she quickly locked the door to the bathroom and yelled triumphantly at Qin Muchen, “I

wish you a pleasant night at this place where you’re so satisfied with!” With that, she collapsed onto the bed and

soon dozed off.

Inside the bathroom, Qin Muchen felt so frustrated that he burst out laughing. Then, he found a bobby pin in Su

Ziyue’s cosmetic bag which he straightened it and used it to pick the lock of the door. When he walked out of the

bathroom, he was amused by the sight of Su Ziyue who was fast asleep on the bed. If it had not been for his

excellent lockpicking skill, he might really have to spend the night in the bathroom.

After tucking in the corners of the blanket and making sure that she was in her deep sleep, he then made his way to

the cloakroom and got dressed. Cautiously, he closed the door to the bedroom, headed downstairs and left the


When he arrived at Lumiere Jade House, the place was still crowded with customers as it was not yet eleven at

night. As most of the dinner were nearing the end, the lobby was filled up with diners who looked tipsy, for the

waiters were busy calling up taxis for them.

Qin Muchen headed straight inside and spotted Nan Chuan. “Is Su Yuanming still here?”

Nan Chuan looked puzzled for a second before he answered, “I’m not too sure about that. It’s okay, I’ll have it

checked now.”

Soon, Nan Chuan got the information from a document which he referred to and said, “He’s here. He is having

dinner here which is ending soon.”

Qin Muchen nodded and instructed, “When the dinner ends later, have him brought to my private room and I’ll be

waiting for him there.”