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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 617
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Chapter 617 Blood Runs Cold

Ziyue was about to hang up the phone with Ke. She changed her mind and hastily uttered, "Xiyi wants to join MSF."

The phone would disconnect in the next instant. The final note of Ziyue's voice was interrupted by a 'beep' sound.

Ziyue glanced helplessly at the disconnected phone. She carelessly set it on the neighboring countertop.

Ke should have heard it, right? She will call back soon.

The phone rang again as predicted, and the melodic ringtone seemed urgent to her.

Ziyue turned the speaker up and hit the response button.

Ke's anxious voice immediately said, "What did you just say? Repeat it!"

Her tone was anxious, and she didn't even bother with formalities.

Ziyue didn't mind and could even understand her feelings.

"Xiyi is leaving. He wants to join the Doctors Without Borders organization. It's already been decided. He has

already talked to Muchen and me about it. It's just that we don't know when he'll leave."

Ziyue said slowly and waited for Ke's response. She glanced up and realized that the phone had been hung up at

some point.


Xiyi was organizing years' worth of study materials and data in the studio while appearing unconcerned with his

impending departure.

He had an early morning trip that required him to travel for more than thirty hours, with a stopover in between.

Muchen bought this building for him, and someone else did the renovations.

He had been a resident of this place for more than ten years when he finally understood how little he could carry

with him.

Everything else was either not allowed to be taken or was judged excessive, except for a few changes of clothes

and a medical kit.


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Unexpectedly, the phone that was set aside buzzed twice.

Xiyi paused for a moment.

Who would be calling me at this time?

He had previously discussed it with Ziyue and Muchen, and Nanchuan had no spare time to worry about his

concerns recently due to his current hectic schedule.

So, that leaves only one person left. Her.

The stack of paperwork was grasped by hands that were sinewed and clean. His corporate but important vocation

was evident just by observing his hands alone.

Xiyi's grip tightened, and he continued to stoop long after the phone stopped ringing. He remained still and kept his

stone-walled expression.

The phone abruptly rang once more. Unless Xiyi picked it up, it would have continued to ring.

Xiyi had always regarded him as being very patient. His longest record involved spending at least hundreds of hours

in the lab.

He knew this was a harmful practice, but he tried to refrain from it.

Xiyi eventually discovered that Ke had even more determination than he did.

No matter how many words she flung at him, he couldn't outlast her and had to do what she asked.

The girl's demands consisted of mundane stuff, which was tolerable.

Initially, he was impatient and just went through the motions, but he eventually became accustomed to it.

He lost himself in his thoughts, recalling events from the distant past.

The phone continued to buzz as he regained his senses.

When the phone rang, the battery level was low.

He sprung to his feet as if suddenly woken, picked up the phone to charge it, and moved over.

Due to a low battery, the phone had automatically turned off.

He switched on the phone and plugged in the charging wire.

More than three hundred calls went unanswered.

He had to acknowledge that the girl was rather persistent.

Even though he had something important to tell Muchen, he couldn't be bothered to call him again after several

unsuccessful attempts.

The phone vibrated once again.

Xiyi hesitated. He slid his thumb along the edge of his phone.

Without meaning to, he accidentally pressed the answer button.

"Xiyi! Are you there?" Xiyi could comprehend Ke since he spoke in the J language, where he was local.

Among minority languages, the J language was frequently regarded as having the most pleasant sounding.

He hadn't always believed that, but after hearing Ke mention his name, he changed his heart over the language.

The J language was quite pleasant to listen to.

He stood up and slipped his hand into his pocket. Xiyi walked over to the window and pulled back the curtains. "I'm

here," he said.

His voice was drawled clear yet somber.

Typically, Ke thought his voice to be endearing whenever she heard it.

But this time, she was just filled with rage.

"Why didn't you respond when I called? Do you want to depart and join this team of unethical doctors without

notifying me? Why? By now, we should be honest with each other, right?"

Ke's words almost came out as a choked cry when she talked.

Xiyi held the phone firmer, but he remained silent.

In truth, he was at a loss for words.

Everyone around Muchen seemed to possess a particular trait - persistence.

He had visited Muchen at midday and requested that he send Ke away before leaving.

Simply put, he hadn't anticipated her learning about it.

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"Say something! Are you too afraid to speak?" Ke's voice had regained some of its composure, but it still sounded a

bit hoarse.

She calmed down a little and assessed the situation. She suddenly understood why Muchen had arranged for her to

travel for business at the last minute and why the matters she had to address were just a rouse to keep her


It was all intentional.

About ten years have passed since they first interacted. She has some familiarity with their routines and

approaches to problem-solving.

Muchen is challenging to grasp and has a strong temper, yet he is never lost in formal affairs. She serves as his

assistant and is seldom dispatched on official work.

She believed she was sent on a work trip, although the situation was dubious.

There was another reason, which was unexpected.

Xiyi's silence entirely fueled Ke's rage.

"You let my employer take me on a trip for work to another city! Why didn't you let me know that you were about to

leave? Why didn't you request that they keep it a secret from me because you previously discussed it with the

boss's wife? You're the hypocrite. You pretended to be a gentleman to cover your tracks!"


The phone hung up.

Xiyi only managed a few words throughout the conversation.

He listened to Ke the entire time. He listened to her sobs, attempts to regain composure, and finally, uncontrollable



Xiyi took back his phone and looked through the window. He saw a lightning bolt piercing the night sky, followed by

a muffled thunder.

He silently calculated the time.

This might be the final thunderstorm of the summer, signaling the beginning of fall for the entire city.